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Created September 13, 2021 00:11
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#pragma warning(disable : 28251)
#pragma warning(disable : 28159)
#define DPI_AWARE 0
#define WINDOW_TITLE L"Win32 Window"
#define WINDOW_CLASS L"FontDemo"
#pragma comment(lib, "Shcore.lib")
#pragma comment( linker, "/subsystem:console" )
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ShellScalingAPI.h>
#include "RasterPolygon.h"
#include "PolyRasterV0.h"
#include "PolyRasterV1.h"
#include "PolyRasterV2.h"
#if _DEBUG
#include <crtdbg.h>
BITMAPINFO gFrameBufferInfo;
u8* gFrameBufferRGBA = 0;
u32 gFrameBufferWidth = 0;
u32 gFrameBufferHeight = 0;
u32 gDPIValue;
f32 gDPIScale;
#define MAKE_PATH(shape) \
shape.StartPath(); \
shape.AddPoint(400, 0); \
shape.AddPoint(800, 600); \
shape.AddPoint(0, 200); \
shape.AddPoint(800, 200); \
shape.AddPoint(0, 600);
void DrawFrame() {
static Rasterizer::PolygonV0 poly0;
static Rasterizer::PolygonV1 poly1;
static Rasterizer::PolygonV2 poly2;
Rasterizer::PolygonV0::Image img0;
Rasterizer::PolygonV1::Image img1;
Rasterizer::PolygonV2::Image img2;
img0.bits = img1.bits = img2.bits = gFrameBufferRGBA;
img0.width = img1.width = img2.width = gFrameBufferWidth;
img0.height = img1.height = img2.height = gFrameBufferHeight;
img0.components = img1.components = img2.components = 4;
LARGE_INTEGER timerStart = { 0 };
LARGE_INTEGER timerStop = { 0 };
LARGE_INTEGER timerFrequency;
if (!QueryPerformanceFrequency(&timerFrequency)) {
std::cout << "WinMain: QueryPerformanceFrequency failed\n";
else {
#if 0
poly0.FillPath(img0, Rasterizer::PolygonV0::Color{ 255, 100, 100 });
poly0.FillPath(img0, Rasterizer::PolygonV0::Color{ 100, 255, 100 });
poly0.FillPath(img0, Rasterizer::PolygonV0::Color{ 100, 100, 255 });
LONGLONG timerDiff = timerStop.QuadPart - timerStart.QuadPart;
double ms = (double)timerDiff * 1000.0 / (double)timerFrequency.QuadPart;
std::cout << "Poly V0: " << ms << " ms\n";
#if 0
poly1.FillPath(img1, Rasterizer::PolygonV1::Color{ 255, 100, 100 });
poly1.FillPath(img1, Rasterizer::PolygonV1::Color{ 100, 255, 100 });
poly1.FillPath(img1, Rasterizer::PolygonV1::Color{ 100, 100, 255 });
LONGLONG timerDiff1 = timerStop.QuadPart - timerStart.QuadPart;
double ms1 = (double)timerDiff1 * 1000.0 / (double)timerFrequency.QuadPart;
std::cout << "Poly V1: " << ms1 << " ms\n";
#if 1
poly2.FillPath(img2, Rasterizer::PolygonV2::Color{ 255, 100, 100 });
poly2.FillPath(img2, Rasterizer::PolygonV2::Color{ 100, 255, 100 });
poly2.FillPath(img2, Rasterizer::PolygonV2::Color{ 100, 100, 255 });
LONGLONG timerDiff2 = timerStop.QuadPart - timerStart.QuadPart;
double ms2 = (double)timerDiff2 * 1000.0 / (double)timerFrequency.QuadPart;
std::cout << "Poly V2: " << ms2 << " ms\n";
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow);
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
#if _DEBUG
WinMain(GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, GetCommandLineA(), SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
return 0;
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow) {
WNDCLASSEX wndclass;
wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
wndclass.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0;
wndclass.cbWndExtra = 0;
wndclass.hInstance = hInstance;
wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
wndclass.hIconSm = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1);
wndclass.lpszMenuName = 0;
wndclass.lpszClassName = WINDOW_CLASS;
int screenWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
int screenHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
int clientWidth = 800;
int clientHeight = 600;
gDPIValue = GetDpiForSystem();
gDPIScale = (float)gDPIValue / 96.0f;
std::cout << "DPI: " << gDPIValue << ", scale: " << gDPIScale << "\n";
clientWidth = (int)((float)clientWidth * gDPIScale);
clientHeight = (int)((float)clientHeight * gDPIScale);
RECT windowRect;
SetRect(&windowRect, (screenWidth / 2) - (clientWidth / 2), (screenHeight / 2) - (clientHeight / 2), (screenWidth / 2) + (clientWidth / 2), (screenHeight / 2) + (clientHeight / 2));
AdjustWindowRectEx(&windowRect, style, FALSE, 0);
HWND hwnd = CreateWindowEx(0, wndclass.lpszClassName, WINDOW_TITLE, style, windowRect.left,, windowRect.right - windowRect.left, windowRect.bottom -, NULL, NULL, hInstance, szCmdLine);
gFrameBufferInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(gFrameBufferInfo.bmiHeader);
gFrameBufferInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = clientWidth;
gFrameBufferInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = -clientHeight;
gFrameBufferInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
gFrameBufferInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
gFrameBufferInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
gFrameBufferWidth = clientWidth;
gFrameBufferHeight = clientHeight;
int bitmapMemorySize = (gFrameBufferWidth * gFrameBufferHeight) * 4;
gFrameBufferRGBA = (unsigned char*)VirtualAlloc(0, bitmapMemorySize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
memset(gFrameBufferRGBA, (125) | (125 << 8) | (125 << 16) | (255 << 24), bitmapMemorySize);
ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOW);
MSG msg;
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) {
VirtualFree(gFrameBufferRGBA, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
return (int)msg.wParam;
switch (iMsg) {
case WM_CLOSE:
case WM_PAINT:
i32 bitmapMemorySize = (gFrameBufferWidth * gFrameBufferHeight) * 4;
memset(gFrameBufferRGBA, (125) | (125 << 8) | (125 << 16) | (255 << 24), bitmapMemorySize);
RECT clientRect;
HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
GetClientRect(hwnd, &clientRect);
i32 clientWidth = clientRect.right - clientRect.left;
i32 clientHeight = clientRect.bottom -;
0, 0, clientWidth, clientHeight,
0, 0, gFrameBufferWidth, gFrameBufferHeight,
gFrameBufferRGBA, &gFrameBufferInfo,
EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
return 0;
return 0;
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam);
void DrawPixel(i32 x, i32 y, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b) {
if (x < 0 || x >= gFrameBufferWidth || y < 0 || y >= gFrameBufferHeight) {
i32 pixel = (y * gFrameBufferWidth + x) * 4;
gFrameBufferRGBA[pixel + 0] = b;
gFrameBufferRGBA[pixel + 1] = g;
gFrameBufferRGBA[pixel + 2] = r;
gFrameBufferRGBA[pixel + 3] = 255;
void DrawPoint(i32 x, i32 y, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b) {
DrawPixel(x + 0, y, r, g, b);
DrawPixel(x - 1, y, r, g, b);
DrawPixel(x + 1, y, r, g, b);
DrawPixel(x + 2, y, r, g, b);
DrawPixel(x + 0, y - 1, r, g, b);
DrawPixel(x - 1, y - 1, r, g, b);
DrawPixel(x + 1, y - 1, r, g, b);
DrawPixel(x + 2, y - 1, r, g, b);
DrawPixel(x + 0, y + 1, r, g, b);
DrawPixel(x + 1, y + 1, r, g, b);
DrawPixel(x + 0, y - 2, r, g, b);
DrawPixel(x + 1, y - 2, r, g, b);
void DrawLine(i32 x0, i32 y0, i32 x1, i32 y1, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b) {
i32 dx = abs(x1 - x0);
i32 dy = abs(y1 - y0);
i32 xStep = x0 < x1 ? 1 : -1;
i32 yStep = y0 < y1 ? 1 : -1;
i32 error = 0;
if (dx > dy) {
i32 m = 2 * dy;
i32 scale = 2 * dx;
for (i32 x = x0, y = y0; x != x1 + xStep; x += xStep) {
DrawPixel(x, y, r, g, b);
error += m;
if (error >= dx) {
y += yStep;
error -= scale;
else {
i32 m = 2 * dx;
i32 scale = 2 * dy;
for (i32 y = y0, x = x0; y != y1 + yStep; y += yStep) {
DrawPixel(x, y, r, g, b);
error += m;
if (error >= dy) {
x += xStep;
error -= scale;
#include "PolyRasterV0.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
namespace Rasterizer {
void raster_polygon_assert(bool b) {
if (!b) {
*((u8*)0) = 42;
Rasterizer::PolygonV0::PolygonV0() {
// init edge chunks = 0;
// init next pointer for all edges in edge chunks
for (u32 i = 0; i < RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_EDGES_PER_CHUNK - 1; ++i) {
mEdges.edges[i].next = &mEdges.edges[i + 1];
mEdges.edges[RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_EDGES_PER_CHUNK - 1].next = 0;
mFreeListHead = &mEdges.edges[0];
mUseListHead = 0;
mMin = { 0 };
mMax = { 0 };
mLastPathStart = { 0 };
mPathClosedSinceStart = false;
mNumEdges = 0;
Rasterizer::PolygonV0::~PolygonV0() {
EdgeChunk* iterator =;
while (iterator != 0) {
EdgeChunk* toDelete = iterator;
iterator = iterator->next;
delete toDelete;
void Rasterizer::PolygonV0::AllocateChunk() {
// Allocate memory
EdgeChunk* newChunk = new EdgeChunk();
newChunk->next = 0;
// Initialize next pointer for all edges
for (u32 i = 0; i < RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_EDGES_PER_CHUNK - 1; ++i) {
newChunk->edges[i].next = &newChunk->edges[i + 1];
newChunk->edges[RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_EDGES_PER_CHUNK - 1].next = 0;
// Find tail of chunks list
EdgeChunk* tail = &mEdges;
while (tail->next != 0) {
tail = tail->next;
tail->next = newChunk;
// Insert chunks into free list
newChunk->edges[0].next = mFreeListHead;
mFreeListHead = &newChunk->edges[0];
void Rasterizer::PolygonV0::StartPath() {
if (mUseListHead != 0) {
mUseListHead->next = mFreeListHead;
mFreeListHead = mUseListHead;
mUseListHead = 0;
mUseListHead = 0;
mPathClosedSinceStart = false;
mNumEdges = 0;
void Rasterizer::PolygonV0::AddPoint(f32 x, f32 y) {
// If there is a previous edge, set this as point two and add it
if (mUseListHead != 0) {
mUseListHead->p1.x = x;
mUseListHead->p1.y = y;
else {
// There is no hot edge, this is the first point being added to the path
mMin.x = mMax.x = x;
mMin.y = mMax.y = y;
mLastPathStart.x = x;
mLastPathStart.y = y;
// Take an edge out of free list
if (mFreeListHead == 0) {
Edge* edge = mFreeListHead;
mFreeListHead = mFreeListHead->next;
// Setup next edge edge
edge->p0.x = x;
edge->p0.y = y;
// Add to used edge list
edge->next = mUseListHead;
mUseListHead = edge;
mNumEdges += 1;
// Expand bounding box
if (x < mMin.x) { mMin.x = x; }
if (y < mMin.y) { mMin.y = y; }
if (x > mMax.x) { mMax.x = x; }
if (y > mMax.y) { mMax.y = y; }
void Rasterizer::PolygonV0::FillPath(Image& target, const Color& color) {
// Close path by adding the start point again
if (mUseListHead != 0 && !mPathClosedSinceStart) {
mUseListHead->p1.x = mLastPathStart.x;
mUseListHead->p1.y = mLastPathStart.y;
mPathClosedSinceStart = true;
// Round bounding box up to nearest integer coordinates
// so we don't miss any of the edge pixels
i32 minX = (mMin.x < 0.0f) ? mMin.x - 0.5f : mMin.x + 0.5f;
i32 minY = (mMin.y < 0.0f) ? mMin.y - 0.5f : mMin.y + 0.5f;
i32 maxX = (mMax.x < 0.0f) ? mMax.x - 0.5f : mMax.x + 0.5f;
i32 maxY = (mMax.y < 0.0f) ? mMax.y - 0.5f : mMax.y + 0.5f;
// For each scanline
for (i32 y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y) { // Scanline
for (i32 x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x) {
// For each pixel, loop trough every edge to compute winding number
i32 winding = 0;
Edge* iter = mUseListHead;
while (iter != 0) {
// Ignore edges that do not intersect the scanline
if (iter->p0.y < (float)y && iter->p1.y < (float)y) { // Above scanline
iter = iter->next;
else if (iter->p0.y > (float)y && iter->p1.y > (float)y) { // Below scanline
iter = iter->next;
else if (iter->p0.y == iter->p1.y) { // Skip horizontal
iter = iter->next;
// Just looking for the sign of the z axis of the cross produce here
Point pointToStart{ iter->p0.x - (float)x, iter->p0.y - (float)y };
Point pointToEnd{ iter->p1.x - (float)x, iter->p1.y - (float)y };
float crossZ = pointToStart.x * pointToEnd.y - pointToStart.y * pointToEnd.x;
// Adjust winding order for any edge that crosses the scan line
if (iter->p0.y < (float)y && iter->p1.y >= (float)y) { // Crossing from top to bottom
if (crossZ > 0) { // On Right
else if (iter->p0.y >= (float)y && iter->p1.y < (float)y) { // Crossing from bottom to top
if (crossZ < 0) { // On Left
iter = iter->next;
// If the current pixel is inside the polygon, shade it
if (winding != 0) {
u32 pixel = ((u32)y * (target.width) + (u32)x) * target.components;
if (pixel >= target.width * target.height * target.components) {
continue; // Clip pixel
if (target.components == 1) {
target.bits[pixel + 0] = color.r;
else if (target.components == 2) {
target.bits[pixel + 0] = color.r;
target.bits[pixel + 1] = color.g;
else if (target.components == 3) {
target.bits[pixel + 0] = color.b;
target.bits[pixel + 1] = color.g;
target.bits[pixel + 2] = color.r;
else {
target.bits[pixel + 0] = color.b;
target.bits[pixel + 1] = color.g;
target.bits[pixel + 2] = color.r;
target.bits[pixel + 3] = color.a;
#pragma once
#include "PolyCommon.h"
namespace Rasterizer {
class PolygonV0 {
struct Point { f32 x; f32 y; };
struct Color { u8 r; u8 g; u8 b; u8 a; };
struct Image { u8* bits; u32 width; u32 height; u32 components; };
struct Edge {
Point p0;
Point p1;
Edge* next;
struct EdgeChunk {
EdgeChunk* next;
EdgeChunk mEdges;
Edge* mFreeListHead;
Edge* mUseListHead;
Point mMin;
Point mMax;
Point mLastPathStart;
bool mPathClosedSinceStart;
u32 mNumEdges;
void AllocateChunk();
PolygonV0(const PolygonV0&) = delete;
PolygonV0* operator=(const PolygonV0&) = delete;
void StartPath();
void AddPoint(f32 x, f32 y);
void FillPath(Image& target, const Color& color);
#include "PolyRasterV1.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
Rasterizer::PolygonV1::PolygonV1() {
// init edge chunks = 0;
// init next pointer for all edges in edge chunks
for (u32 i = 0; i < RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_EDGES_PER_CHUNK - 1; ++i) {
mEdges.edges[i].next = &mEdges.edges[i + 1];
mEdges.edges[RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_EDGES_PER_CHUNK - 1].next = 0;
mFreeListHead = &mEdges.edges[0];
mUseListHead = 0;
mMin = { 0 };
mMax = { 0 };
mLastPathStart = { 0 };
mPathClosedSinceStart = false;
mNumEdges = 0;
Rasterizer::PolygonV1::~PolygonV1() {
EdgeChunk* iterator =;
while (iterator != 0) {
EdgeChunk* toDelete = iterator;
iterator = iterator->next;
delete toDelete;
void Rasterizer::PolygonV1::AllocateChunk() {
// Allocate memory
EdgeChunk* newChunk = new EdgeChunk();
newChunk->next = 0;
// Initialize next pointer for all edges
for (u32 i = 0; i < RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_EDGES_PER_CHUNK - 1; ++i) {
newChunk->edges[i].next = &newChunk->edges[i + 1];
newChunk->edges[RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_EDGES_PER_CHUNK - 1].next = 0;
// Find tail of chunks list
EdgeChunk* tail = &mEdges;
while (tail->next != 0) {
tail = tail->next;
tail->next = newChunk;
// Insert chunks into free list
newChunk->edges[0].next = mFreeListHead;
mFreeListHead = &newChunk->edges[0];
void Rasterizer::PolygonV1::StartPath() {
if (mUseListHead != 0) {
mUseListHead->next = mFreeListHead;
mFreeListHead = mUseListHead;
mUseListHead = 0;
mUseListHead = 0;
mPathClosedSinceStart = false;
mNumEdges = 0;
void Rasterizer::PolygonV1::AddPoint(f32 x, f32 y) {
// If there is a previous edge, set this as point two and add it
if (mUseListHead != 0) {
mUseListHead->p1.x = x;
mUseListHead->p1.y = y;
else {
// There is no hot edge, this is the first point being added to the path
mMin.x = mMax.x = x;
mMin.y = mMax.y = y;
mLastPathStart.x = x;
mLastPathStart.y = y;
// Take an edge out of free list
if (mFreeListHead == 0) {
Edge* edge = mFreeListHead;
mFreeListHead = mFreeListHead->next;
// Setup next edge edge
edge->p0.x = x;
edge->p0.y = y;
// Add to used edge list
edge->next = mUseListHead;
mUseListHead = edge;
mNumEdges += 1;
// Expand bounding box
if (x < mMin.x) { mMin.x = x; }
if (y < mMin.y) { mMin.y = y; }
if (x > mMax.x) { mMax.x = x; }
if (y > mMax.y) { mMax.y = y; }
void Rasterizer::PolygonV1::SortEdgesY() {
u32 leftSize = mNumEdges / 2;
u32 rightSize = mNumEdges - leftSize;
Edge* left = mUseListHead;
Edge* right = mUseListHead;
if (leftSize > 0) {
for (u32 i = 0; i < leftSize - 1; ++i) {
right = right->next;
} // Right actually holds the last left element, use this to null out next pointer
Edge* tmp = right->next;
right->next = 0;
right = tmp;
mUseListHead = MergeSortRecursiveY(left, leftSize, right, rightSize);
Rasterizer::PolygonV1::Edge* Rasterizer::PolygonV1::MergeSortRecursiveY(Edge* left, u32 leftSize, Edge* right, u32 rightSize) {
if (leftSize >= 2) {
Edge* splitLeft = left;
u32 splitLeftSize = leftSize / 2;
Edge* splitRight = left;
u32 splitRightSize = leftSize - splitLeftSize;
for (u32 i = 0; i < splitLeftSize - 1; ++i) {
splitRight = splitRight->next;
} // Right actually holds the last left element, use this to null out next pointer
Edge* tmp = splitRight->next;
splitRight->next = 0;
splitRight = tmp;
left = MergeSortRecursiveY(splitLeft, splitLeftSize, splitRight, splitRightSize);
if (rightSize >= 2) {
Edge* splitLeft = right;
u32 splitLeftSize = rightSize / 2;
Edge* splitRight = right;
u32 splitRightSize = rightSize - splitLeftSize;
for (u32 i = 0; i < splitLeftSize - 1; ++i) {
splitRight = splitRight->next;
Edge* tmp = splitRight->next;
splitRight->next = 0;
splitRight = tmp;
right = MergeSortRecursiveY(splitLeft, splitLeftSize, splitRight, splitRightSize);
Edge* head = 0;
Edge* tail = 0;
while (left != 0 || right != 0) {
if (head == 0) { // List is empty
if (left != 0 && right != 0) {
if (fminf(left->p0.y, left->p1.y) < fminf(right->p0.y, right->p1.y)) {
head = tail = left;
left = left->next;
else {
head = tail = right;
right = right->next;
else if (left != 0) {
head = tail = left;
left = left->next;
else if (right != 0) {
head = tail = right;
right = right->next;
tail->next = 0;
else {
if (left != 0 && right != 0) {
if (fminf(left->p0.y, left->p1.y) < fminf(right->p0.y, right->p1.y)) {
tail->next = left;
tail = left;
left = left->next;
else {
tail->next = right;
tail = right;
right = right->next;
else if (left != 0) {
tail->next = left;
tail = left;
left = left->next;
else if (right != 0) {
tail->next = right;
tail = right;
right = right->next;
tail->next = 0;
return head;
void Rasterizer::PolygonV1::FillPath(Image& target, const Color& color) {
// Close path by adding the start point again
if (mUseListHead != 0 && !mPathClosedSinceStart) {
mUseListHead->p1.x = mLastPathStart.x;
mUseListHead->p1.y = mLastPathStart.y;
mPathClosedSinceStart = true;
// Round bounding box up to nearest integer coordinates
// so we don't miss any of the edge pixels
i32 minX = (mMin.x < 0.0f) ? mMin.x - 0.5f : mMin.x + 0.5f;
i32 minY = (mMin.y < 0.0f) ? mMin.y - 0.5f : mMin.y + 0.5f;
i32 maxX = (mMax.x < 0.0f) ? mMax.x - 0.5f : mMax.x + 0.5f;
i32 maxY = (mMax.y < 0.0f) ? mMax.y - 0.5f : mMax.y + 0.5f;
// Sort edges in y order
Edge* activeEdgeList = 0;
Edge* inactiveEdgeList = 0;
// For each scanline
for (i32 y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y) { // Scanline
// Add any edge that crosses the scanline to the active edges list
while (mUseListHead != 0 && (mUseListHead->p0.y <= (float)y || mUseListHead->p1.y <= (float)y)) {
if (activeEdgeList == 0) {
activeEdgeList = mUseListHead;
mUseListHead = mUseListHead->next;
activeEdgeList->next = 0;
else {
Edge* move = mUseListHead;
mUseListHead = mUseListHead->next;
move->next = activeEdgeList;
activeEdgeList = move;
// Remove any edge that is no longer valid
Edge* iter = activeEdgeList;
Edge* last = 0;
while (iter != 0) {
bool above = iter->p0.y < (float)y&& iter->p1.y < (float)y;
bool horizontal = (i32)iter->p0.y == (i32)iter->p1.y;
if (above || horizontal) {
if (last == 0) { // Removing head
Edge* tmp = activeEdgeList;
activeEdgeList = activeEdgeList->next;
tmp->next = inactiveEdgeList;
inactiveEdgeList = tmp;
// Don't advance last, we just removed the head, next one might be invalid too
iter = iter->next;
else { // Removing any other items
last->next = iter->next;
Edge* tmp = iter;
iter = iter->next;
tmp->next = inactiveEdgeList;
inactiveEdgeList = tmp;
last = iter;
iter = iter->next;
for (i32 x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x) {
// For each pixel, loop trough every edge to compute winding number
i32 winding = 0;
iter = activeEdgeList;
while (iter != 0) {
// At this point, the edge is sure to be crossing the scanline
// Just looking for the sign of the z axis of the cross produce here
Point pointToStart{ iter->p0.x - (float)x, iter->p0.y - (float)y };
Point pointToEnd{ iter->p1.x - (float)x, iter->p1.y - (float)y };
float crossZ = pointToStart.x * pointToEnd.y - pointToStart.y * pointToEnd.x;
// Adjust winding order for any edge that crosses the scan line
if (iter->p0.y < (float)y && iter->p1.y >= (float)y) { // Crossing from top to bottom
if (crossZ > 0) { // On Right
else if (iter->p0.y >= (float)y && iter->p1.y < (float)y) { // Crossing from bottom to top
if (crossZ < 0) { // On Left
last = iter;
iter = iter->next;
// If the current pixel is inside the polygon, shade it
if (winding != 0) {
u32 pixel = ((u32)y * (target.width) + (u32)x) * target.components;
if (pixel >= target.width * target.height * target.components) {
continue; // Clip pixel
if (target.components == 1) {
target.bits[pixel + 0] = color.r;
else if (target.components == 2) {
target.bits[pixel + 0] = color.r;
target.bits[pixel + 1] = color.g;
else if (target.components == 3) {
target.bits[pixel + 0] = color.b;
target.bits[pixel + 1] = color.g;
target.bits[pixel + 2] = color.r;
else {
target.bits[pixel + 0] = color.b;
target.bits[pixel + 1] = color.g;
target.bits[pixel + 2] = color.r;
target.bits[pixel + 3] = color.a;
// move active edges to be inactive
while (activeEdgeList != 0) {
Edge* active = activeEdgeList;
activeEdgeList = activeEdgeList->next;
active->next = inactiveEdgeList;
inactiveEdgeList = active;
while (mUseListHead != 0) {
Edge* active = mUseListHead;
mUseListHead = mUseListHead->next;
active->next = inactiveEdgeList;
inactiveEdgeList = active;
mUseListHead = inactiveEdgeList;
#pragma once
#include "PolyCommon.h"
namespace Rasterizer {
class PolygonV1 {
struct Point { f32 x; f32 y; };
struct Color { u8 r; u8 g; u8 b; u8 a; };
struct Image { u8* bits; u32 width; u32 height; u32 components; };
struct Edge {
Point p0;
Point p1;
Edge* next;
struct EdgeChunk {
EdgeChunk* next;
EdgeChunk mEdges;
Edge* mFreeListHead;
Edge* mUseListHead;
Point mMin;
Point mMax;
Point mLastPathStart;
bool mPathClosedSinceStart;
u32 mNumEdges;
void AllocateChunk();
void SortEdgesY(); //
Edge* MergeSortRecursiveY(Edge* left, u32 leftSize, Edge* right, u32 rightSize);
PolygonV1(const PolygonV1&) = delete;
PolygonV1* operator=(const PolygonV1&) = delete;
void StartPath();
void AddPoint(f32 x, f32 y); // Will allocate new edge chunk when needed
void FillPath(Image& target, const Color& color);
#include "PolyRasterV2.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
Rasterizer::PolygonV2::PolygonV2() {
// init edge chunks = 0;
// init next pointer for all edges in edge chunks
for (u32 i = 0; i < RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_EDGES_PER_CHUNK - 1; ++i) {
mEdges.edges[i].next = &mEdges.edges[i + 1];
mEdges.edges[RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_EDGES_PER_CHUNK - 1].next = 0;
mFreeEdgesHead = &mEdges.edges[0];
mInUseEdgesHead = 0;
mMin = { 0 };
mMax = { 0 };
mLastPathStart = { 0 };
mPathClosedSinceStart = false;
mNumEdges = 0; = 0;
for (u32 i = 0; i < RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_RASTER_PER_CHUNK - 1; ++i) {
mRasters.edges[i].next = &mRasters.edges[i + 1];
mRasters.edges[RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_RASTER_PER_CHUNK - 1].next = 0;
mFreeRasterHead = &mRasters.edges[0];
Rasterizer::PolygonV2::~PolygonV2() {
EdgeChunk* iterator =;
while (iterator != 0) {
EdgeChunk* toDelete = iterator;
iterator = iterator->next;
delete toDelete;
void Rasterizer::PolygonV2::AllocateChunk() {
// Allocate memory
EdgeChunk* newChunk = new EdgeChunk();
newChunk->next = 0;
// Initialize next pointer for all edges
for (u32 i = 0; i < RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_EDGES_PER_CHUNK - 1; ++i) {
newChunk->edges[i].next = &newChunk->edges[i + 1];
newChunk->edges[RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_EDGES_PER_CHUNK - 1].next = 0;
// Add allocated chunk
newChunk->next =; = newChunk;
// Insert chunks into free list
newChunk->edges[0].next = mFreeEdgesHead;
mFreeEdgesHead = &newChunk->edges[0];
void Rasterizer::PolygonV2::AllocateRasterChunk() {
RasterEdgeChunk* newChunk = new RasterEdgeChunk();
newChunk->next = 0;
for (u32 i = 0; i < RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_RASTER_PER_CHUNK - 1; ++i) {
newChunk->edges[i].next = &newChunk->edges[i + 1];
newChunk->edges[RASTER_POLYGON_NUM_RASTER_PER_CHUNK - 1].next = 0;
newChunk->next =; = newChunk;
newChunk->edges[0].next = mFreeRasterHead;
mFreeRasterHead = &newChunk->edges[0];
void Rasterizer::PolygonV2::StartPath() {
if (mInUseEdgesHead != 0) {
mInUseEdgesHead->next = mFreeEdgesHead;
mFreeEdgesHead = mInUseEdgesHead;
mInUseEdgesHead = 0;
mInUseEdgesHead = 0;
mPathClosedSinceStart = false;
mNumEdges = 0;
void Rasterizer::PolygonV2::AddPoint(f32 x, f32 y) {
// If there is a previous edge, set this as point two and add it
if (mInUseEdgesHead != 0) {
mInUseEdgesHead->p1.x = x;
mInUseEdgesHead->p1.y = y;
else {
// There is no hot edge, this is the first point being added to the path
mMin.x = mMax.x = x;
mMin.y = mMax.y = y;
mLastPathStart.x = x;
mLastPathStart.y = y;
// Take an edge out of free list
if (mFreeEdgesHead == 0) {
Edge* edge = mFreeEdgesHead;
mFreeEdgesHead = mFreeEdgesHead->next;
// Setup next edge edge
edge->p0.x = x;
edge->p0.y = y;
// Add to used edge list
edge->next = mInUseEdgesHead;
mInUseEdgesHead = edge;
mNumEdges += 1;
// Expand bounding box
if (x < mMin.x) { mMin.x = x; }
if (y < mMin.y) { mMin.y = y; }
if (x > mMax.x) { mMax.x = x; }
if (y > mMax.y) { mMax.y = y; }
Rasterizer::PolygonV2::RasterEdge* Rasterizer::PolygonV2::SortRasterEdgesX(RasterEdge* head, u32 size) {
u32 leftSize = size / 2;
u32 rightSize = size - leftSize;
RasterEdge* left = head;
RasterEdge* right = 0;
if (leftSize > 0) {
right = head;
for (u32 i = 0; i < leftSize - 1; ++i) {
right = right->next;
} // Right actually holds the last left element, use this to null out next pointer
RasterEdge* tmp = right->next;
right->next = 0;
right = tmp;
if (leftSize >= 2) {
left = SortRasterEdgesX(left, leftSize);
if (rightSize >= 2) {
right = SortRasterEdgesX(right, rightSize);
head = 0;
RasterEdge* tail = 0;
while (left != 0 || right != 0) {
if (left != 0 && right != 0) {
if (left->x < right->x) {
if (tail == 0) {
head = tail = left;
else {
tail->next = left;
tail = left;
left = left->next;
tail->next = 0;
else {
if (tail == 0) {
head = tail = right;
else {
tail->next = right;
tail = right;
right = right->next;
tail->next = 0;
else if (left != 0) {
if (tail == 0) {
head = tail = left;
else {
tail->next = left;
tail = left;
left = left->next;
tail->next = 0;
else if (right != 0) {
if (tail == 0) {
head = tail = right;
else {
tail->next = right;
tail = right;
right = right->next;
tail->next = 0;
return head;
Rasterizer::PolygonV2::Edge* Rasterizer::PolygonV2::SortEdgesY(Edge* head, u32 size) {
u32 leftSize = size / 2;
u32 rightSize = size - leftSize;
Edge* left = head;
Edge* right = 0;
if (leftSize > 0) {
right = head;
for (u32 i = 0; i < leftSize - 1; ++i) {
right = right->next;
} // Right actually holds the last left element, use this to null out next pointer
Edge* tmp = right->next;
right->next = 0;
right = tmp;
if (leftSize >= 2) {
left = SortEdgesY(left, leftSize);
if (rightSize >= 2) {
right = SortEdgesY(right, rightSize);
head = 0;
Edge* tail = 0;
while (left != 0 || right != 0) {
if (left != 0 && right != 0) {
if (fminf(left->p0.y, left->p1.y) < fminf(right->p0.y, right->p1.y)) {
if (tail == 0) {
head = tail = left;
else {
tail->next = left;
tail = left;
left = left->next;
tail->next = 0;
else {
if (tail == 0) {
head = tail = right;
else {
tail->next = right;
tail = right;
right = right->next;
tail->next = 0;
else if (left != 0) {
if (tail == 0) {
head = tail = left;
else {
tail->next = left;
tail = left;
left = left->next;
tail->next = 0;
else if (right != 0) {
if (tail == 0) {
head = tail = right;
else {
tail->next = right;
tail = right;
right = right->next;
tail->next = 0;
return head;
void Rasterizer::PolygonV2::FillPath(Image& target, const Color& color) {
// Close path by adding the start point again
if (mInUseEdgesHead != 0 && !mPathClosedSinceStart) {
mInUseEdgesHead->p1.x = mLastPathStart.x;
mInUseEdgesHead->p1.y = mLastPathStart.y;
mPathClosedSinceStart = true;
// Round bounding box up to nearest integer coordinates
// so we don't miss any of the edge pixels
i32 minX = (mMin.x < 0.0f) ? mMin.x - 0.5f : mMin.x + 0.5f;
i32 minY = (mMin.y < 0.0f) ? mMin.y - 0.5f : mMin.y + 0.5f;
i32 maxX = (mMax.x < 0.0f) ? mMax.x - 0.5f : mMax.x + 0.5f;
i32 maxY = (mMax.y < 0.0f) ? mMax.y - 0.5f : mMax.y + 0.5f;
// Sort edges in y order
mInUseEdgesHead = SortEdgesY(mInUseEdgesHead, mNumEdges);
//Edge* activeEdgeList = 0; TODO: I guess bring this back based on the comments below
Edge* inactiveEdgeList = 0;
RasterEdge* activeEdges = 0;
u32 numRasterEdges = 0;
// For each scanline (the +1 will give all edges a change to be cleaned up while not drawing anything)
for (i32 y = minY; y <= maxY + 1; ++y) { // Scanline
// Add any edge that crosses the scanline to the active edges list
while (mInUseEdgesHead != 0 && (mInUseEdgesHead->p0.y <= (float)y || mInUseEdgesHead->p1.y <= (float)y)) {
// TODO: Skip horizontal edges here
if (mFreeRasterHead == 0) {
RasterEdge* newEdge = mFreeRasterHead;
mFreeRasterHead = mFreeRasterHead->next;
newEdge->topToBottom = mInUseEdgesHead->p0.y < mInUseEdgesHead->p1.y;
newEdge->bottom = fmaxf(mInUseEdgesHead->p0.y, mInUseEdgesHead->p1.y);
if (mInUseEdgesHead->p0.y < mInUseEdgesHead->p1.y) {
newEdge->x = mInUseEdgesHead->p0.x;
newEdge->y = mInUseEdgesHead->p0.y;
float dy = mInUseEdgesHead->p1.y - mInUseEdgesHead->p0.y;
newEdge->dxdy = (dy == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : (mInUseEdgesHead->p1.x - mInUseEdgesHead->p0.x) / dy;
else {
newEdge->x = mInUseEdgesHead->p1.x;
newEdge->y = mInUseEdgesHead->p1.y;
float dy = mInUseEdgesHead->p0.y - mInUseEdgesHead->p1.y;
newEdge->dxdy = (dy == 0.0f) ? 0.0f : (mInUseEdgesHead->p0.x - mInUseEdgesHead->p1.x) / dy;
newEdge->next = activeEdges;
activeEdges = newEdge;
numRasterEdges += 1;
Edge* tmp = mInUseEdgesHead;
mInUseEdgesHead = mInUseEdgesHead->next;
tmp->next = inactiveEdgeList;
inactiveEdgeList = tmp;
// Remove any edge that is no longer valid
RasterEdge* iter = activeEdges;
RasterEdge* last = 0;
while (iter != 0) {
if (iter->y > iter->bottom) {
if (last == 0) { // Removing head
RASTER_POLYGON_ASSERT(iter == activeEdges);
iter = iter->next;
RasterEdge* tmp = activeEdges;
activeEdges = activeEdges->next;
tmp->next = mFreeRasterHead;
mFreeRasterHead = tmp;
else {
last->next = iter->next;
RasterEdge* tmp = iter;
iter = iter->next;
tmp->next = mFreeRasterHead;
mFreeRasterHead = tmp;
// Don't advance last, we just removed the head, next one might be invalid too
numRasterEdges -= 1;
last = iter;
iter = iter->next;
// Sort Raster edges based on x coord
activeEdges = SortRasterEdgesX(activeEdges, numRasterEdges);
// Draw
i32 winding = 0;
for (iter = activeEdges; iter != 0; iter = iter->next) {
// I only care about the edge direction, we should be able to replace this bit!
if (iter->topToBottom) { // Crossing from top to bottom
else { // Crossing from bottom to top
if (winding != 0 && iter->next != 0) {
for (u32 this_x = (u32)iter->x, next_x = (u32)iter->next->x; this_x < next_x; ++this_x) {
u32 pixel = ((u32)y * (target.width) + this_x) * target.components;
if (pixel >= target.width * target.height * target.components) {
continue; // Clip pixel
if (target.components == 1) {
target.bits[pixel + 0] = color.r;
else if (target.components == 2) {
target.bits[pixel + 0] = color.r;
target.bits[pixel + 1] = color.g;
else if (target.components == 3) {
target.bits[pixel + 0] = color.b;
target.bits[pixel + 1] = color.g;
target.bits[pixel + 2] = color.r;
else {
target.bits[pixel + 0] = color.b;
target.bits[pixel + 1] = color.g;
target.bits[pixel + 2] = color.r;
target.bits[pixel + 3] = color.a;
// Advance edges
for (iter = activeEdges; iter != 0; iter = iter->next) {
iter->y += 1.0f;
iter->x += iter->dxdy;
// Cleanup
RASTER_POLYGON_ASSERT(activeEdges == 0);
mInUseEdgesHead = inactiveEdgeList;
#pragma once
#include "PolyCommon.h"
namespace Rasterizer {
class PolygonV2 {
struct Point { f32 x; f32 y; };
struct Color { u8 r; u8 g; u8 b; u8 a; };
struct Image { u8* bits; u32 width; u32 height; u32 components; };
struct Edge {
Point p0;
Point p1;
Edge* next;
struct EdgeChunk {
EdgeChunk* next;
struct RasterEdge {
f32 x, y, dxdy, bottom;
bool topToBottom;
RasterEdge* next;
struct RasterEdgeChunk {
RasterEdgeChunk* next;
EdgeChunk mEdges;
RasterEdgeChunk mRasters; // TODO: Better Name
Edge* mFreeEdgesHead; // TODO: Better name
Edge* mInUseEdgesHead; // TODO: Better name
RasterEdge* mFreeRasterHead; // TODO: Better Name
Point mMin;
Point mMax;
Point mLastPathStart;
bool mPathClosedSinceStart;
u32 mNumEdges;
void AllocateChunk();
void AllocateRasterChunk();
Edge* SortEdgesY(Edge* head, u32 size);
RasterEdge* SortRasterEdgesX(RasterEdge* head, u32 size);
PolygonV2(const PolygonV2&) = delete;
PolygonV2* operator=(const PolygonV2&) = delete;
void StartPath();
void AddPoint(f32 x, f32 y); // Will allocate new edge chunk when needed
void FillPath(Image& target, const Color& color);
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