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DaniruKun / .iex.exs
Created January 31, 2023 16:44
My custom global IEx script file that is preloaded before each IEx session. Adds some convenience functions.
IO.puts("Using .iex.exs file loaded from #{__DIR__}/.iex.exs")
defmodule Util do
def atom_status do
limit = :erlang.system_info(:atom_limit)
count = :erlang.system_info(:atom_count)
IO.puts("Currently using #{count} / #{limit} atoms")
zabirauf / expng.ex
Created July 23, 2015 08:32
PNG format Parser in Elixir
defmodule Expng do
defstruct [:width, :height, :bit_depth, :color_type, :compression, :filter, :interlace, :chunks]
def png_parse(<<
0x89, 0x50, 0x4E, 0x47, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x0A,
_length :: size(32),
width :: size(32),
height :: size(32),