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Last active June 25, 2024 16:59
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----------------------------- MODULE EventLoop -----------------------------
EXTENDS FiniteSets, Naturals
VARIABLES task_counter, step_counter
Count == 0..N
Task == {"One", "Two"}
Step == {"A", "B"}
TypeOk == /\ task_counter \in [Task -> Count]
/\ step_counter \in [Step -> Count]
StepAtomicUpdateInvariant == \A a, b \in Step: step_counter[a] = step_counter[b]
Init == /\ task_counter = [t \in Task |-> 0]
/\ step_counter = [t \in Step |-> 0]
RunTask(t, s) == /\ task_counter[t] < N
/\ task_counter' = [task_counter EXCEPT ![t] = @+1]
/\ step_counter' = [step_counter EXCEPT ![s] = @+1]
Stop == /\ \A t \in Task: task_counter[t] = N
/\ UNCHANGED<<task_counter, step_counter>>
Next == \/ \E t \in Task, s \in Step: RunTask(t, s)
\/ Stop
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_<<task_counter, step_counter>>
THEOREM Spec => [](TypeOk /\ StepAtomicUpdateInvariant)
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