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Last active September 3, 2023 09:20
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Building Models for Energies
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix tag: <> .
@prefix unit: <> .
@prefix bot: <> .
@prefix sosa: <> .
@prefix ssn: <> .
@prefix ex: <urn:bot#> .
# using best practices from
ex:Site a bot:Site ;
bot:hasBuilding ex:Building ;
ex:Building a bot:Building ;
bot:hasSorey ex:Floor ;
ex:Floor a bot:Storey ;
bot:containsZone ex:HVAC_Zone_1, ex:HVAC_Zone_2, ex:Lighting_Zone_OO1, ex:Lighting_Zone_OO2,
ex:Lighting_Zone_Bathroom, ex:Lighting_Zone_PO, ex:Lighting_Zone_Kitchenette,
ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Open_Office, ex:Bathroom, ex:Private_Office, ex:Kitchenette, ex:Corridor ;
ex:HVAC_Zone_1 a bot:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Open_Office, ex:Bathroom, ex:Corridor, ex:Private_Office ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:HVAC_Zone_2 ;
ex:HVAC_Zone_2 a bot:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Kitchenette, ex:Corridor ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:HVAC_Zone_1 ;
# graph-specific, so not generally usable
ex:Illuminance a sosa:ObservableProperty ;
ssn:isPropertyOf ex:Open_Office, ex:Bathroom, ex:Private_Office, ex:Kitchenette, ex:Corridor ;
ex:VAVDamperPostition a sosa:ActuatableProperty .
ex:SupplyFanFrequency a sosa:ActuatableProperty .
ex:ReturnFanFrequency a sosa:ActuatableProperty .
ex:ExhaustFanFrequency a sosa:ActuatableProperty .
ex:HeatingCoilValvePosition a sosa:ActuatableProperty .
ex:CoolingCoilValvePosition a sosa:ActuatableProperty .
ex:ExhaustDamperPostition a sosa:ActuatableProperty .
ex:MixedAirDamperPostition a sosa:ActuatableProperty .
ex:OutsideDamperPostition a sosa:ActuatableProperty .
ex:SupplyAirFlow a sosa:ObservableProperty .
ex:ReturnAirFlow a sosa:ObservableProperty .
ex:SupplyAirTemperature a sosa:ObservableProperty .
ex:OutsideAirTemperature a sosa:ObservableProperty .
ex:MixedAirTemperature a sosa:ObservableProperty .
ex:ReturnAirTemperature a sosa:ObservableProperty .
ex:SupplyAirFlowSensor a sosa:Sensor ;
sosa:observes ex:SupplyAirFlow ;
ex:ReturnAirFlowSensor a sosa:Sensor ;
sosa:observes ex:ReturnAirFlow ;
ex:SupplyAirTemperatureSensor a sosa:Sensor ;
sosa:observes ex:SupplyAirTemperature ;
ex:OutsideAirTemperatureSensor a sosa:Sensor ;
sosa:observes ex:OutsideAirTemperature ;
ex:MixedAirTemperatureSensor a sosa:Sensor ;
sosa:observes ex:MixedAirTemperature ;
ex:ReturnAirTemperatureSensor a sosa:Sensor ;
sosa:observes ex:ReturnAirTemperature ;
ex:SupplyAirTemperatureSetpoint a sosa:ActuatableProperty .
ex:SupplyAirFlowSetpoint a sosa:ActuatableProperty .
# While this follows the practice laid out in the paper, it does not
# allow for describing *which* illuminance is being observed. One alternative
# would be to have different ObservableProperty for each room, e.g.
# ex:OpenOfficeIlluminance a sosa:ObservableProperty
ex:OO_Lighting_1_Sensor a sosa:Sensor ;
sosa:observes ex:Illuminance ;
ex:OO_Lighting_2_Sensor a sosa:Sensor ;
sosa:observes ex:Illuminance ;
ex:Bathroom_Lighting_Sensor a sosa:Sensor ;
sosa:observes ex:Illuminance ;
ex:Private_Office_Lighting_Sensor a sosa:Sensor ;
sosa:observes ex:Illuminance ;
ex:Kitchenette_Lighting_Sensor a sosa:Sensor ;
sosa:observes ex:Illuminance ;
ex:Corridor_Lighting_Sensor a sosa:Sensor ;
sosa:observes ex:Illuminance ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_OO1 a bot:Space ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:Lighting_Zone_OO2 ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_OO2 a bot:Space ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:Lighting_Zone_OO1 ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_Bathroom a bot:Space ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_PO a bot:Space ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_Kitchenette a bot:Space ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor a bot:Space .
ex:Open_Office a bot:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Lighting_Zone_OO2, ex:Lighting_Zone_OO2 ;
ex:Bathroom a bot:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Lighting_Zone_Bathroom ;
ex:Private_Office a bot:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Lighting_Zone_PO ;
ex:Kitchenette a bot:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Lighting_Zone_Kitchenette ;
ex:Corridor a brick:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor ;
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix tag: <> .
@prefix unit: <> .
@prefix bot: <> .
@prefix ex: <urn:bot#> .
ex:Site a bot:Site ;
bot:hasBuilding ex:Building ;
ex:Building a bot:Building ;
bot:hasSorey ex:Floor ;
ex:Floor a bot:Storey ;
bot:containsZone ex:HVAC_Zone_1, ex:HVAC_Zone_2, ex:Lighting_Zone_OO1, ex:Lighting_Zone_OO2,
ex:Lighting_Zone_Bathroom, ex:Lighting_Zone_PO, ex:Lighting_Zone_Kitchenette,
ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Open_Office, ex:Bathroom, ex:Private_Office, ex:Kitchenette, ex:Corridor ;
ex:HVAC_Zone_1 a bot:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Open_Office, ex:Bathroom, ex:Corridor, ex:Private_Office ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:HVAC_Zone_2 ;
ex:HVAC_Zone_2 a bot:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Kitchenette, ex:Corridor ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:HVAC_Zone_1 ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_OO1 a bot:Space ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:Lighting_Zone_OO2 ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_OO2 a bot:Space ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:Lighting_Zone_OO1 ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_Bathroom a bot:Space ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_PO a bot:Space ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_Kitchenette a bot:Space ;
bot:adjacentZone ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor a bot:Space .
ex:Open_Office a bot:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Lighting_Zone_OO2, ex:Lighting_Zone_OO2 ;
ex:Bathroom a bot:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Lighting_Zone_Bathroom ;
ex:Private_Office a bot:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Lighting_Zone_PO ;
ex:Kitchenette a bot:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Lighting_Zone_Kitchenette ;
ex:Corridor a brick:Space ;
bot:hasSpace ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor ;
@prefix brick: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix tag: <> .
@prefix unit: <> .
@prefix ex: <urn:brick#> .
# Spatial elements
ex:Site a brick:Site ;
brick:hasPart ex:Building ;
ex:Building a brick:Building ;
brick:hasPart ex:Floor ;
ex:Floor a brick:Floor ;
brick:hasPart ex:HVAC_Zone_1, ex:HVAC_Zone_2, ex:Open_Office,
ex:Bathroom, ex:Private_Office, ex:Kitchenette, ex:Corridor,
ex:Lighting_Zone_OO1, ex:Lighting_Zone_OO2, ex:Lighting_Zone_Bathroom,
ex:Lighting_Zone_PO, ex:Lighting_Zone_Kitchenette, ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor ;
ex:Open_Office a brick:Room .
ex:Bathroom a brick:Room .
ex:Private_Office a brick:Room .
ex:Kitchenette a brick:Room .
ex:Corridor a brick:Space .
ex:HVAC_Zone_1 a brick:HVAC_Zone ;
brick:hasPart ex:Open_Office, ex:Bathroom, ex:Corridor, ex:Private_Office ;
ex:HVAC_Zone_2 a brick:HVAC_Zone ;
brick:hasPart ex:Kitchenette, ex:Corridor ;
# Lighting elements
ex:OO_Lighting_1_Sensor a brick:Illuminance_Sensor .
ex:OO_Lighting_2_Sensor a brick:Illuminance_Sensor .
ex:Bathroom_Lighting_Sensor a brick:Illuminance_Sensor .
ex:Private_Office_Lighting_Sensor a brick:Illuminance_Sensor .
ex:Kitchenette_Lighting_Sensor a brick:Illuminance_Sensor .
ex:Corridor_Lighting_Sensor a brick:Illuminance_Sensor .
ex:OO_Lighting_1 a brick:Luminaire ;
brick:hasPoint ex:OO_Lighting_1_Sensor ;
ex:OO_Lighting_2 a brick:Luminaire ;
brick:hasPoint ex:OO_Lighting_2_Sensor ;
ex:Bathroom_Lighting a brick:Luminaire ;
brick:hasPoint ex:Bathroom_Lighting_Sensor ;
ex:Private_Office_Lighting a brick:Luminaire ;
brick:hasPoint ex:Private_Office_Lighting_Sensor ;
ex:Kitchenette_Lighting a brick:Luminaire ;
brick:hasPoint ex:Kitchenette_Lighting_Sensor ;
ex:Corridor_Lighting a brick:Luminaire ;
brick:hasPoint ex:Corridor_Lighting_Sensor ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_OO1 a brick:Lighting_Zone ;
brick:isFedBy ex:OO_Lighting_1 ;
brick:isPartOf ex:Open_Office ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_OO2 a brick:Lighting_Zone ;
brick:isFedBy ex:OO_Lighting_2 ;
brick:isPartOf ex:Open_Office ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_Bathroom a brick:Lighting_Zone ;
brick:isFedBy ex:Bathroom_Lighting ;
brick:isPartOf ex:Bathroom ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_Private_Office a brick:Lighting_Zone ;
brick:isFedBy ex:Private_Office_Lighting ;
brick:isPartOf ex:Private_Office ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_Kitchenette a brick:Lighting_Zone ;
brick:isFedBy ex:Kitchenette_Lighting ;
brick:isPartOf ex:Kitchenette ;
ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor a brick:Lighting_Zone ;
brick:isFedBy ex:Corridor_Lighting ;
brick:isPartOf ex:Corridor ;
# VAVs
ex:VAV_Box_1 a brick:VAV ;
brick:hasPoint ex:SATS_1, ex:SATSP_1 ;
brick:hasPart ex:Damper_1, ex:Heating_Coil_1 ;
brick:feeds ex:HVAC_Zone_1 ;
ex:SATS_1 a brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
ex:SATSP_1 a brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Setpoint .
ex:Damper_1 a brick:Damper ;
brick:hasPoint ex:Damper_1_Position ;
ex:Damper_1_Position a brick:Damper_Position_Command .
ex:Heating_Coil_1 a brick:Heating_Coil ;
brick:hasPart ex:Heating_Valve_1 ;
ex:Heating_Valve_1 a brick:Heating_Valve ;
brick:hasPoint ex:Valve_Command_1 ;
ex:Valve_Command_1 a brick:Valve_Command .
ex:VAV_Box_2 a brick:VAV ;
brick:hasPoint ex:SATS_2, ex:SATSP_2 ;
brick:hasPart ex:Damper_2, ex:Heating_Coil_2 ;
brick:feeds ex:HVAC_Zone_2 ;
ex:SATS_2 a brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
ex:SATSP_2 a brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Setpoint .
ex:Damper_2 a brick:Damper ;
brick:hasPoint ex:Damper_2_Position ;
ex:Damper_2_Position a brick:Damper_Position_Command .
ex:Heating_Coil_2 a brick:Heating_Coil ;
brick:hasPart ex:Heating_Valve_2 ;
ex:Heating_Valve_2 a brick:Heating_Valve ;
brick:hasPoint ex:Valve_Command_2 ;
ex:Valve_Command_2 a brick:Valve_Command .
ex:Exhaust_Fan_1 a brick:Exhaust_Fan ;
brick:isFedBy ex:Bathroom ;
ex:AHU a brick:AHU ;
brick:hasPart ex:Supply_Fan, ex:Return_Fan,
ex:Cooling_Coil, ex:Heating_Coil, ex:Filter,
ex:Outside_Damper, ex:Mixed_Damper, ex:Exhaust_Damper ;
brick:feeds ex:VAV_Box_1, ex:VAV_Box_2 ;
brick:isFedBy ex:HVAC_Zone_1 ;
brick:hasPoint ex:OATS, ex:RATS, ex:MATS, ex:SATS,
ex:pre_hc_temp, ex:pre_cc_temp,
ex:RAFS, ex:SAFS ;
ex:OATS a brick:Outside_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
ex:RATS a brick:Return_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
ex:MATS a brick:Mixed_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
ex:SATS a brick:Supply_Air_Temperature_Sensor .
ex:pre_hc_temp a brick:Temperature_Sensor .
ex:pre_cc_temp a brick:Temperature_Sensor .
ex:SAFS a brick:Supply_Air_Flow_Sensor .
ex:RAFS a brick:Return_Air_Flow_Sensor .
ex:Supply_Fan a brick:Supply_Fan ;
brick:hasPoint ex:SF_Speed ;
ex:SF_Speed a brick:Frequency_Command .
ex:Return_Fan a brick:Return_Fan ;
brick:hasPoint ex:SF_Speed ;
ex:RF_Speed a brick:Frequency_Command .
ex:Cooling_Coil a brick:Cooling_Coil ;
brick:hasPoint ex:CC_Valve ;
ex:CC_Valve a brick:Cooling_Valve ;
brick:hasPoint ex:CC_Valve_CMD ;
ex:CC_Valve_CMD a brick:Valve_Command ;
ex:Heating_Coil a brick:Heating_Coil ;
brick:hasPoint ex:HC_Valve ;
ex:HC_Valve a brick:Heating_Valve ;
brick:hasPoint ex:HC_Valve_CMD ;
ex:HC_Valve_CMD a brick:Valve_Command ;
ex:Filter a brick:Filter .
ex:Outside_Damper a brick:Damper ;
brick:hasPoint ex:Outside_Damper_Command ;
ex:Outside_Damper_Command a brick:Damper_Position_Command .
ex:Mixed_Damper a brick:Damper ;
brick:hasPoint ex:Mixed_Damper_Command ;
ex:Mixed_Damper_Command a brick:Damper_Position_Command .
ex:Exhaust_Damper a brick:Damper ;
brick:hasPoint ex:Exhaust_Damper_Command ;
ex:Exhaust_Damper_Command a brick:Damper_Position_Command .
# controller
ex:Controller a brick:Controller ;
brick:controls ex:RF_Speed ;
brick:hasInput ex:RAFS ;
# internal topology of AHU
ex:RATS brick:feeds ex:Return_Fan .
ex:Return_Fan brick:feeds ex:RAFS .
ex:RAFS brick:feeds ex:Exhaust_Damper, ex:Mixed_Damper .
ex:Mixed_Damper brick:feeds ex:MATS .
ex:Outside_Damper brick:feeds ex:MATS .
ex:MATS brick:feeds ex:Filter .
ex:Filter brick:feeds ex:pre_hc_temp .
ex:pre_hc_temp brick:feeds ex:Heating_Coil .
ex:Heating_Coil brick:feeds ex:pre_cc_temp .
ex:pre_cc_temp brick:feeds ex:Cooling_Coil .
ex:Cooling_Coil brick:feeds ex:SATS .
ex:SATS brick:feeds ex:Supply_Fan .
ex:Supply_Fan brick:feeds ex:SAFS .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix tag: <> .
@prefix unit: <> .
@prefix core: <> .
@prefix bldg: <> .
@prefix dev: <> .
@prefix ex: <urn:rec#> .
# spatial components
ex:Site a core:RealEstate ;
core:hasRealEstatecomponent ex:Building ;
ex:Building a core:Building ;
core:hasBuildingComponent ex:Open_Office, ex:Bathroom, ex:Private_Office, ex:Kitchenette, ex:Corridor ;
ex:Open_Office a core:Room ;
core:hasType bldg:Office ;
ex:Bathroom a core:Room ;
core:hasType bldg:Bathroom ;
ex:Private_Office a core:Room ;
core:hasType bldg:Office ;
ex:Kitchenette a core:Room ;
core:hasType bldg:DishingRoom, bldg:CookingRoom ;
ex:Corridor a core:Room ;
core:hasType bldg:Hallway ;
# TODO: zones?
ex:HVAC_Zone_1 a bldg:VirtualBuildingComponent ;
core:hasBuildingComponent ex:Open_Office, ex:Bathroom, ex:Corridor, ex:Private_Office ;
ex:HVAC_Zone_2 a bldg:VirtualBuildingComponent ;
core:hasBuildingComponent ex:Kitchenette, ex:Corridor ;
# VAVs:
ex:VAV_Box_1 a core:Device ;
core:hasSubDevice ex:Damper_1, ex:Heating_Coil_1 ;
core:servesBuildingComponent ex:HVAC_Zone_1 ;
ex:Damper_1 a core:Device ;
dev:hasDeviceFunctionType dev:Damper ;
core:hasPlacementContext dev:SupplyAir ;
ex:Heating_Coil_1 a core:Device ;
core:hasType dev:Coil ;
dev:hasPlacementContext dev:HotWaterFlow, dev:SupplyAir ;
ex:VAV_Box_2 a core:Device ;
core:hasSubDevice ex:Damper_2, ex:Heating_Coil_2 ;
core:servesBuildingComponent ex:HVAC_Zone_2 ;
ex:Damper_2 a core:Device ;
core:hasType dev:Damper ;
core:hasPlacementContext dev:SupplyAir ;
ex:Heating_Coil_2 a core:Device ;
dev:hasDeviceFunctionType dev:Coil ;
dev:hasPlacementContext dev:HotWaterFlow, dev:SupplyAir ;
ex:AHU a core:Device ;
dev:hasDeviceFunctionType dev:AirHandlingUnit ;
core:servesDevice ex:VAV_Box_1, ex:VAV_Box_2 ;
core:hasSubDevice ex:Supply_Fan, ex:Return_Fan,
ex:Cooling_Coil, ex:Heating_Coil, ex:Filter,
ex:Outside_Damper, ex:Mixed_Damper, ex:Exhaust_Damper ;
ex:Supply_Fan a core:Device ;
dev:hasDeviceFunctionType dev:Fan ;
core:hasPlacementContext dev:SupplyAir ;
ex:Return_Fan a core:Device ;
dev:hasDeviceFunctionType dev:Fan ;
# no return air in REC
# core:hasPlacementContext dev:ReturnAir ;
ex:Cooling_Coil a core:Device ;
dev:hasDeviceFunctionType dev:Coil ;
dev:hasPlacementContext dev:PrimaryCoolingFlow, dev:SupplyAir ;
ex:Heating_Coil a core:Device ;
dev:hasDeviceFunctionType dev:Coil ;
dev:hasPlacementContext dev:PrimaryHeatingFlow, dev:SupplyAir ;
ex:Filter a core:Device ;
dev:hasDeviceFunctionType dev:Filter ;
# circulation isn't quite mixed
dev:hasPlacementContext dev:CirculationAir ;
ex:Outside_Damper a core:Device ;
core:hasType dev:Damper ;
core:hasPlacementContext dev:OutdoorAir ;
# circulation isn't quite mixed
ex:Mixed_Damper a core:Device ;
core:hasType dev:Damper ;
core:hasPlacementContext dev:CirculationAir ;
ex:Exhaust_Damper a core:Device ;
core:hasType dev:Damper ;
core:hasPlacementContext dev:ExhaustAir ;
# internal topology
ex:Return_Fan core:servesDevice ex:Exhaust_Damper, ex:Mixed_Damper .
ex:Mixed_Damper core:servesDevice ex:Filter .
ex:Outside_Damper core:servesDevice ex:Filter .
ex:Filter core:servesDevice ex:Heating_Coil .
ex:Heating_Coil core:servesDevice ex:Cooling_Coil .
ex:Cooling_Coil core:servesDevice ex:Supply_Fan .
ex:Supply_Fan core:servesDevice ex:VAV_Box_1, ex:VAV_Box_2 .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix tag: <> .
@prefix unit: <> .
@prefix sarefcore: <> .
@prefix s4syst: <> .
@prefix s4bldg: <> .
@prefix ex: <urn:saref#> .
ex:Building a s4bldg:Building ;
s4bldg:hasSpace ex:Floor ;
ex:Floor a s4bldg:BuildingSpace ;
s4bldg:hasSpace ex:HVAC_Zone_1, ex:HVAC_Zone_2, ex:Open_Office,
ex:Bathroom, ex:Private_Office, ex:Kitchenette, ex:Corridor,
ex:Lighting_Zone_OO1, ex:Lighting_Zone_OO2, ex:Lighting_Zone_Bathroom,
ex:Lighting_Zone_PO, ex:Lighting_Zone_Kitchenette, ex:Lighting_Zone_Corridor ;
ex:Open_Office a s4bldg:BuildingSpace .
ex:Bathroom a s4bldg:BuildingSpace .
ex:Private_Office a s4bldg:BuildingSpace .
ex:Kitchenette a s4bldg:BuildingSpace .
ex:Corridor a s4bldg:BuildingSpace .
ex:HVAC_Zone_1 a s4bldg:BuildingSpace ;
s4bldg:hasSpace ex:Open_Office, ex:Bathroom, ex:Corridor, ex:Private_Office ;
ex:Window_1 a s4bldg:ShadingDevice ;
s4bldg:shadingDeviceType "window" ;
s4bldg:isContainedIn ex:HVAC_Zone_1 ;
ex:Window_2 a s4bldg:ShadingDevice ;
s4bldg:shadingDeviceType "window" ;
s4bldg:isContainedIn ex:HVAC_Zone_1 ;
ex:HVAC_Zone_2 a s4bldg:BuildingSpace ;
s4bldg:hasSpace ex:Kitchenette, ex:Corridor ;
# lighting
ex:OO_Lighting_1 a s4bldg:Lamp .
ex:OO_Lighting_2 a s4bldg:Lamp .
ex:Bathroom_Lighting a s4bldg:Lamp .
ex:Private_Office_Lighting a s4bldg:Lamp .
ex:Kitchenette_Lighting a s4bldg:Lamp .
ex:Corridor_Lighting a s4bldg:Lamp .
# VAVs: there is no way in s4bldg to put one device "inside" another
ex:VAV_Box_1 a s4bldg:FlowTerminal .
ex:SATS_1 a sarefcore:TemperatureSensor .
ex:Damper_1 a s4bldg:Damper .
ex:Damper_1_Position a s4bldg:Actuator .
ex:Heating_Coil_1 a s4bldg:Coil .
ex:Valve_Command_1 a s4bldg:Actuator .
ex:VAV_Box_2 a s4bldg:FlowTerminal .
ex:SATS_2 a sarefcore:TemperatureSensor .
ex:Damper_2 a s4bldg:Damper .
ex:Damper_2_Position a s4bldg:Actuator .
ex:Heating_Coil_2 a s4bldg:Coil .
ex:Valve_Command_2 a s4bldg:Actuator .
ex:Exhaust_Fan_1 a s4bldg:Fan .
ex:AHU a s4bldg:DistributionFlowDevice .
ex:Return_Fan a s4bldg:Fan .
ex:Supply_Fan a s4bldg:Fan .
ex:Filter a s4bldg:Filter .
ex:Outside_Damper a s4bldg:Damper .
ex:Mixed_Damper a s4bldg:Damper .
ex:Exhaust_Damper a s4bldg:Damper .
ex:Heating_Coil a s4bldg:Coil .
ex:Cooling_Coil a s4bldg:Coil .
ex:OATS a sarefcore:TemperatureSensor .
ex:RATS a sarefcore:TemperatureSensor .
ex:MATS a sarefcore:TemperatureSensor .
ex:SATS a sarefcore:TemperatureSensor .
ex:SF_Speed a s4bldg:Actuator .
ex:RF_Speed a s4bldg:Actuator .
ex:CC_Valve_CMD a s4bldg:Actuator .
ex:HC_Valve_CMD a s4bldg:Actuator .
ex:Controller a s4bldg:DistributionControlDevice .
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pained commented Mar 30, 2021

Adding the building model Marco created that forms the basis of these TTL files.

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