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Created July 29, 2021 18:31
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  • Save gtfierro/e26afc54243db49c2ab7d01f8650ad6e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# baseURI:
# imports:
# imports:
# prefix: os223
@prefix s223: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sh: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
a owl:Ontology ;
owl:imports <> ;
owl:imports <> ;
owl:versionInfo "Created with TopBraid Composer" ;
sh:declare [
sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
sh:prefix "owl" ;
] ;
sh:declare [
sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
sh:prefix "rdfs" ;
] ;
sh:declare [
sh:namespace ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
sh:prefix "rdf" ;
] ;
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:rule [
a sh:SPARQLRule ;
sh:construct """
?o ?invP $this .
$this ?p ?o .
?p owl:inverseOf ?invP .
""" ;
sh:prefixes <> ;
] ;
sh:targetClass s223:Concept ;
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:rule [
a sh:SPARQLRule ;
sh:construct """
?o ?p $this .
$this ?p ?o .
?p a owl:SymmetricProperty .
""" ;
sh:prefixes <> ;
] ;
sh:targetClass s223:Concept ;
a sh:NodeShape ;
sh:rule [
a sh:SPARQLRule ;
sh:construct """
$this rdf:type ?class .
$this rdf:type ?subclass .
?subclass rdfs:subClassOf+ ?class .
""" ;
sh:prefixes <> ;
] ;
sh:targetClass s223:Concept ;
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.5, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /home/gabe/src/Brick/223p/223standard/tests/venv/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/gabe/src/Brick/223p/223standard/tests
plugins: parallel-0.1.0
collecting ... collected 34 items
pytest-parallel: 4 workers (processes), 1 test per worker (thread)[FC#2_SZVAV_AHU:fc2brick][Example_test:223impl][Example_test:223impl] PASSEDPASSED[Example_test:223impl] PASSED[FC#2_SZVAV_AHU:fc2brick] PASSED[../data/sample.ttl][../data/FourSystemExample.ttl] PASSED[Example_test:223impl] PASSED[../data/system1.ttl] PASSED PASSED[../data/belimo-example1.ttl] PASSED[../data/belimo-example1.ttl] PASSED[../data/system2.ttl] PASSED[../data/system1.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-1.ttl] PASSED[../data/FourSystemExample.ttl] PASSED[../data/system4.ttl] FAILED[../data/sample.ttl] FAILED[../data/mr33-sample.ttl] PASSED[../data/system2.ttl] PASSED[../data/FigureA-12-PS.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-1.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-9.ttl] PASSED[../data/system4.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-3.ttl] FAILED[../data/mr33-sample.ttl] FAILED[../data/junction-testcase-b.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-9.ttl] PASSED[../data/IBAL.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-3.ttl] PASSED[../data/branch-20-sample.ttl] FAILED[../data/FigureA-12-PS.ttl] FAILED[../data/g36-ahu-a9-brick.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-ahu-a9-brick.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-6.ttl] FAILED[../data/junction-testcase-b.ttl] FAILED[../data/junction-testcase.ttl] FAILED[../data/IBAL.ttl] FAILED[../data/junction-testcase-c.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-6.ttl] PASSED[../data/PS-Figure A-9.ttl] FAILED[../data/branch-20-sample.ttl] FAILED[../data/g36-figure-a-8.ttl] FAILED[../data/junction-testcase.ttl] FAILED[../data/system3.ttl] FAILED[../data/junction-testcase-c.ttl] FAILED[../data/g36-figure-a-2.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-8.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-11.ttl] FAILED[../data/PS-Figure A-9.ttl] FAILED[../data/g36-figure-a-10.ttl] PASSED[../data/system3.ttl] PASSED[../data/mr43-sample.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-2.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-7.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-11.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-4.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-10.ttl] PASSED[../data/awkward-problem1.ttl] PASSED[../data/mr43-sample.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-5.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-7.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-12.ttl] PASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-4.ttl] PASSEDPASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-5.ttl] PASSEDFAILED[../data/awkward-problem1.ttl] FAILEDPASSED[../data/g36-figure-a-12.ttl] PASSED
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
___________________ test_data_validation[../data/sample.ttl] ___________________
data_file = '../data/sample.ttl'
def test_data_validation(data_file):
Validates the graphs in the data/ folder against the data and model shapes
WARNS but does not fail the test on a validation error for a shape with sh:Info severity
env = ontoenv.OntoEnv()
data_graph = rdflib.Graph()
# validate each data file independently
data_graph.parse(data_file, format="turtle")
# load in all dependent data validation and model definition shapes
env.import_dependencies(data_graph)"Validating data definition of %s ( %d triples)", data_file, len(data_graph))
#data_graph.expand('owlrl', backend='allegro')
#valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
# data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, inference="owlrl", allow_warnings=True
valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, allow_warnings=True
if not valid:
data_graph.serialize(f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(data_file)}", format="ttl")
> assert valid, f"{data_file}:\n{res_text}"
E AssertionError: ../data/sample.ttl:
E Validation Report
E Conforms: False
E Results (5):
E Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:hasPropertyShape
E Focus Node: sample:Fan2AirOutletConnectionPoint
E Value Node: sample:Fan2OutletPressure
E Result Path: s223:hasProperty
E Message: Value does not have class s223:Property
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: sample:Fan2AirOutletConnectionPoint
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: sample:Fan2AirOutletConnectionPoint
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:hasPropertyShape
E Focus Node: sample:Fan1
E Value Node: sample:Fan1OutletPressure
E Result Path: s223:hasProperty
E Message: Value does not have class s223:Property
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("Inlet or Outlet point property") ; sh:path s223:hasConnectionPoint ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: sample:Pump_1
E Result Path: s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Message: Less than 2 values on sample:Pump_1->s223:hasConnectionPoint
E assert False AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
INFO Validating data definition of ../data/sample.ttl ( 77475 triples)
________________ test_data_validation[../data/mr33-sample.ttl] _________________
data_file = '../data/mr33-sample.ttl'
def test_data_validation(data_file):
Validates the graphs in the data/ folder against the data and model shapes
WARNS but does not fail the test on a validation error for a shape with sh:Info severity
env = ontoenv.OntoEnv()
data_graph = rdflib.Graph()
# validate each data file independently
data_graph.parse(data_file, format="turtle")
# load in all dependent data validation and model definition shapes
env.import_dependencies(data_graph)"Validating data definition of %s ( %d triples)", data_file, len(data_graph))
#data_graph.expand('owlrl', backend='allegro')
#valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
# data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, inference="owlrl", allow_warnings=True
valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, allow_warnings=True
if not valid:
data_graph.serialize(f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(data_file)}", format="ttl")
> assert valid, f"{data_file}:\n{res_text}"
E AssertionError: ../data/mr33-sample.ttl:
E Validation Report
E Conforms: False
E Results (13):
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: mr33:C1
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: mr33:C2
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: mr33:C4
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: mr33:C3
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: mr33:C1
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: mr33:C2
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: mr33:C4
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: mr33:C3
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:hasPropertyShape
E Focus Node: mr33:Damper_1
E Value Node: mr33:Damper_1PositionCommand
E Result Path: s223:hasProperty
E Message: Value does not have class s223:Property
E Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:hasPropertyShape
E Focus Node: mr33:AirFlowStation
E Value Node: mr33:AirFlowStation-FlowRateProperty
E Result Path: s223:hasProperty
E Message: Value does not have class s223:Property
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("Inlet or Outlet point property") ; sh:path s223:hasConnectionPoint ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: mr33:AirFlowStation
E Result Path: s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Message: Less than 2 values on mr33:AirFlowStation->s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Constraint Violation in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("Air inlet point") ; sh:path s223:hasConnectionPoint ]
E Focus Node: mr33:Damper_1
E Result Path: s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Message: Less than 2 values on mr33:Damper_1->s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Constraint Violation in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Domain ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:hasDomain ]
E Focus Node: mr33:Zone_1
E Result Path: s223:hasDomain
E Message: Less than 1 values on mr33:Zone_1->s223:hasDomain
E assert False AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
INFO Validating data definition of ../data/mr33-sample.ttl ( 77449 triples)
_______________ test_data_validation[../data/FigureA-12-PS.ttl] ________________
data_file = '../data/FigureA-12-PS.ttl'
def test_data_validation(data_file):
Validates the graphs in the data/ folder against the data and model shapes
WARNS but does not fail the test on a validation error for a shape with sh:Info severity
env = ontoenv.OntoEnv()
data_graph = rdflib.Graph()
# validate each data file independently
data_graph.parse(data_file, format="turtle")
# load in all dependent data validation and model definition shapes
env.import_dependencies(data_graph)"Validating data definition of %s ( %d triples)", data_file, len(data_graph))
#data_graph.expand('owlrl', backend='allegro')
#valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
# data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, inference="owlrl", allow_warnings=True
valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, allow_warnings=True
if not valid:
data_graph.serialize(f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(data_file)}", format="ttl")
> assert valid, f"{data_file}:\n{res_text}"
E AssertionError: ../data/FigureA-12-PS.ttl:
E Validation Report
E Conforms: False
E Results (9):
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00050
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00011
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00037
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00066
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00074
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00053
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00034
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00059
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Constraint Violation in MaxCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ] [ sh:class s223:SystemConnectionPoint ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:mapsTo ]
E Focus Node: ex:00009
E Result Path: s223:mapsTo
E Message: More than 1 values on ex:00009->s223:mapsTo
E assert False AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
INFO Validating data definition of ../data/FigureA-12-PS.ttl ( 78028 triples)
____________ test_data_validation[../data/junction-testcase-b.ttl] _____________
data_file = '../data/junction-testcase-b.ttl'
def test_data_validation(data_file):
Validates the graphs in the data/ folder against the data and model shapes
WARNS but does not fail the test on a validation error for a shape with sh:Info severity
env = ontoenv.OntoEnv()
data_graph = rdflib.Graph()
# validate each data file independently
data_graph.parse(data_file, format="turtle")
# load in all dependent data validation and model definition shapes
env.import_dependencies(data_graph)"Validating data definition of %s ( %d triples)", data_file, len(data_graph))
#data_graph.expand('owlrl', backend='allegro')
#valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
# data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, inference="owlrl", allow_warnings=True
valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, allow_warnings=True
if not valid:
data_graph.serialize(f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(data_file)}", format="ttl")
> assert valid, f"{data_file}:\n{res_text}"
E AssertionError: ../data/junction-testcase-b.ttl:
E Validation Report
E Conforms: False
E Results (40):
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPin2
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:ChillerCPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP2CPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPin1
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMtoHeatDumpCPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HeatDumpCPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:ChillerCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMCPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP1CPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:CP3
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMtoHeatDumpCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP1CPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HeatDumpCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP2CPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:CP2
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jtb:Damper1InletConnectionPoint_1
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPin2
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP2CPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:ChillerCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:CP3
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMtoHeatDumpCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP1CPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HeatDumpCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:CP2
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jtb:Damper1InletConnectionPoint_1
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:SubSystem1
E Value Node: jt:TSout
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:TSout does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:SubSystem1
E Value Node: jt:TSin
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:TSin does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:SubSystem1
E Value Node: jt:FM1
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:FM1 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:System1
E Value Node: jt:FMtoHeatDump
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:FMtoHeatDump does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:System1
E Value Node: jt:TSoutHeatDump
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:TSoutHeatDump does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:System1
E Value Node: jt:HHWP1
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:HHWP1 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:System1
E Value Node: jt:HHWP2
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:HHWP2 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Warning
E Source Shape: [ sh:maxCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("Segment is missing one or both endpoints (Junction or ConnectionPoint)") ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Junction ] [ sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ] ) ; sh:path s223:lnx ; sh:qualifiedMaxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ] ; sh:severity sh:Warning ]
E Focus Node: jt:Segment2
E Result Path: s223:lnx
E Message: Segment is missing one or both endpoints (Junction or ConnectionPoint)
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("Inlet or Outlet point property") ; sh:path s223:hasConnectionPoint ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP2
E Result Path: s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Message: Less than 2 values on jt:HHWP2->s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("Inlet or Outlet point property") ; sh:path s223:hasConnectionPoint ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP1
E Result Path: s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Message: Less than 2 values on jt:HHWP1->s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Constraint Violation in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("Air inlet point") ; sh:path s223:hasConnectionPoint ]
E Focus Node: jtb:Damper_1
E Result Path: s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Message: Less than 2 values on jtb:Damper_1->s223:hasConnectionPoint
E assert False AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
INFO Validating data definition of ../data/junction-testcase-b.ttl ( 77578 triples)
____________________ test_data_validation[../data/IBAL.ttl] ____________________
self = <pyshacl.validate.Validator object at 0x7fa735276af0>
def run(self):
if self.target_graph is not None:
the_target_graph = self.target_graph
has_cloned = False
if self.ont_graph is not None:
# creates a copy of self.data_graph, doesn't modify it
the_target_graph = self.mix_in_ontology()
has_cloned = True
the_target_graph = self.data_graph
inference_option = self.options.get('inference', 'none')
if inference_option and not self.pre_inferenced and str(inference_option) != "none":
if not has_cloned and not self.inplace:
the_target_graph = clone_graph(the_target_graph)
self._run_pre_inference(the_target_graph, inference_option, self.logger)
self.pre_inferenced = True
self._target_graph = the_target_graph
shapes = self.shacl_graph.shapes # This property getter triggers shapes harvest.
iterate_rules = self.options.get("iterate_rules", False)
if self.options['advanced']:
target_types = gather_target_types(self.shacl_graph)
advanced = {
'functions': gather_functions(self.shacl_graph),
'rules': gather_rules(self.shacl_graph, iterate_rules=iterate_rules),
for s in shapes:
advanced = {}
if isinstance(the_target_graph, (rdflib.Dataset, rdflib.ConjunctiveGraph)):
named_graphs = [
rdflib.Graph(, i, namespace_manager=the_target_graph.namespace_manager)
if not isinstance(i, rdflib.Graph)
else i
for i in
named_graphs = [the_target_graph]
reports = []
abort_on_first: bool = bool(self.options.get("abort_on_first", False))
allow_warnings: bool = bool(self.options.get("allow_warnings", False))
non_conformant = False
aborted = False
for g in named_graphs:
if advanced:
apply_functions(advanced['functions'], g)
apply_rules(advanced['rules'], g, iterate=iterate_rules)
for s in shapes:
> _is_conform, _reports = s.validate(g, abort_on_first=abort_on_first, allow_warnings=allow_warnings)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <pyshacl.shape.Shape object at 0x7fa731ca62c0>
target_graph = <Graph identifier=Nb7222cd0f5264a229eb8e5c2f6063f0d (<class 'rdflib.graph.Graph'>)>
focus = {rdflib.term.BNode('ub129bL1018C18'), rdflib.term.BNode('ub129bL1024C9'), rdflib.term.BNode('ub129bL1505C29'), rdflib.term.BNode('ub129bL1508C21'), rdflib.term.BNode('ub129bL1511C29'), rdflib.term.BNode('ub129bL1515C21'), ...}
abort_on_first = False, allow_warnings = True
_evaluation_path = [<pyshacl.shape.Shape object at 0x7fa731ca62c0>]
def validate(
target_graph: GraphLike,
focus: Optional[
Tuple[Union[URIRef, BNode]],
List[Union[URIRef, BNode]],
Set[Union[URIRef, BNode]],
Union[URIRef, BNode],
] = None,
abort_on_first: Optional[bool] = False,
allow_warnings: Optional[bool] = False,
_evaluation_path: Optional[List] = None,
if self.deactivated:
return True, []
if focus is not None:
if not isinstance(focus, (tuple, list, set)):
focus = [focus]
focus = self.focus_nodes(target_graph)
if len(focus) < 1:
# Its possible for shapes to have _no_ focus nodes
# (they are called in other ways)
return True, []
if _evaluation_path is None:
_evaluation_path = []
elif len(_evaluation_path) >= 30:
# 27 is the depth required to successfully do the meta-shacl test on shacl.ttl
path_str = "->".join((str(e) for e in _evaluation_path))
raise ReportableRuntimeError("Evaluation path too deep!\n{}".format(path_str))
# Lazy import here to avoid an import loop
search_parameters = CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS.copy()
constraint_map = PARAMETER_MAP.copy()
from pyshacl.extras.js.constraint import JSConstraint, SH_js
constraint_map[SH_js] = JSConstraint
search_parameters = CONSTRAINT_PARAMETERS
constraint_map = PARAMETER_MAP
parameters = (p for p, v in if p in search_parameters)
reports = []
focus_value_nodes = self.value_nodes(target_graph, focus)
filter_reports: bool = False
allow_conform: bool = False
if allow_warnings:
if self.severity in (SH_Warning, SH_Info):
allow_conform = True
filter_reports = True
non_conformant = False
done_constraints = set()
run_count = 0
constraint_components = [constraint_map[p] for p in iter(parameters)]
for constraint_component in constraint_components: # type: Type[ConstraintComponent]
if constraint_component in done_constraints:
c = constraint_component(self)
except ConstraintLoadWarning as w:
except ConstraintLoadError as e:
raise e
_e_p = _evaluation_path[:]
_is_conform, _r = c.evaluate(target_graph, focus_value_nodes, _e_p)
if _is_conform or allow_conform:
elif filter_reports:
all_warn = True
for _r_inner in _r:
v_str, v_node, v_parts = _r_inner
severity_bits = list(filter(lambda p: p[0] == v_node and p[1] == SH_resultSeverity, v_parts))
if severity_bits:
all_warn = all_warn and severity_bits[0][2] in (SH_Warning, SH_Info)
non_conformant = not all_warn
non_conformant = non_conformant or (not _is_conform)
run_count += 1
if non_conformant and abort_on_first:
applicable_custom_constraints = self.find_custom_constraints()
for a in applicable_custom_constraints:
if non_conformant and abort_on_first:
_e_p = _evaluation_path[:]
> validator = a.make_validator_for_shape(self)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <pyshacl.constraints.constraint_component.CustomConstraintComponent object at 0x7fa7392e57c0>
shape = <pyshacl.shape.Shape object at 0x7fa731ca62c0>
def make_validator_for_shape(self, shape: 'Shape'):
> raise NotImplementedError()
E NotImplementedError
venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyshacl/constraints/ NotImplementedError
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
data_file = '../data/IBAL.ttl'
def test_data_validation(data_file):
Validates the graphs in the data/ folder against the data and model shapes
WARNS but does not fail the test on a validation error for a shape with sh:Info severity
env = ontoenv.OntoEnv()
data_graph = rdflib.Graph()
# validate each data file independently
data_graph.parse(data_file, format="turtle")
# load in all dependent data validation and model definition shapes
env.import_dependencies(data_graph)"Validating data definition of %s ( %d triples)", data_file, len(data_graph))
#data_graph.expand('owlrl', backend='allegro')
#valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
# data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, inference="owlrl", allow_warnings=True
> valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, allow_warnings=True
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyshacl/ in validate
conforms, report_graph, report_text =
venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyshacl/ in run
unapply_functions(advanced['functions'], g)
venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyshacl/functions/ in unapply_functions
venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyshacl/functions/ in unapply
unregister_custom_function(self.node, self.execute_from_sparql)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
uri = rdflib.term.URIRef('')
func = <bound method SPARQLFunction.execute_from_sparql of <pyshacl.functions.shacl_function.SPARQLFunction object at 0x7fa731c11820>>
def unregister_custom_function(uri, func):
if _CUSTOM_FUNCTIONS.get(uri, (None, None))[0] != func:
> raise ValueError("This function is not registered as %s" % uri.n3())
E ValueError: This function is not registered as <>
venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdflib/plugins/sparql/ ValueError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
INFO Validating data definition of ../data/IBAL.ttl ( 81716 triples)
______________ test_data_validation[../data/branch-20-sample.ttl] ______________
data_file = '../data/branch-20-sample.ttl'
def test_data_validation(data_file):
Validates the graphs in the data/ folder against the data and model shapes
WARNS but does not fail the test on a validation error for a shape with sh:Info severity
env = ontoenv.OntoEnv()
data_graph = rdflib.Graph()
# validate each data file independently
data_graph.parse(data_file, format="turtle")
# load in all dependent data validation and model definition shapes
env.import_dependencies(data_graph)"Validating data definition of %s ( %d triples)", data_file, len(data_graph))
#data_graph.expand('owlrl', backend='allegro')
#valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
# data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, inference="owlrl", allow_warnings=True
valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, allow_warnings=True
if not valid:
data_graph.serialize(f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(data_file)}", format="ttl")
> assert valid, f"{data_file}:\n{res_text}"
E AssertionError: ../data/branch-20-sample.ttl:
E Validation Report
E Conforms: False
E Results (12):
E Constraint Violation in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: qudt:Concept-rdfs_label
E Focus Node: b20:Fan20InletPressureValue
E Result Path: rdfs:label
E Message: Less than 1 values on b20:Fan20InletPressureValue->rdfs:label
E Constraint Violation in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: qudt:Concept-rdfs_label
E Focus Node: b20:Fan20SpeedValue
E Result Path: rdfs:label
E Message: Less than 1 values on b20:Fan20SpeedValue->rdfs:label
E Constraint Violation in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: qudt:Concept-rdfs_label
E Focus Node: b20:Fan20OutletFlowRateValue
E Result Path: rdfs:label
E Message: Less than 1 values on b20:Fan20OutletFlowRateValue->rdfs:label
E Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:hasPropertyShape
E Focus Node: b20:Fan20OutletConnectionPoint
E Value Node: b20:Fan20OutletPressure
E Result Path: s223:hasProperty
E Message: Value does not have class s223:Property
E Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:hasPropertyShape
E Focus Node: b20:Fan20OutletConnectionPoint
E Value Node: b20:Fan20OutletFlowRate
E Result Path: s223:hasProperty
E Message: Value does not have class s223:Property
E Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:hasPropertyShape
E Focus Node: b20:Fan20InletConnectionPoint
E Value Node: b20:Fan20InletPressure
E Result Path: s223:hasProperty
E Message: Value does not have class s223:Property
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: b20:Fan20OutletConnectionPoint
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: b20:Fan20InletConnectionPoint
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: b20:Fan20OutletConnectionPoint
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: b20:Fan20InletConnectionPoint
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: qudt:Quantifiable-qudt_value
E Focus Node: b20:SIValue
E Value Node: Literal("19123" = None, datatype=qudt:valueUnion)
E Result Path: qudt:value
E Message: Node Literal("19123" = None, datatype=qudt:valueUnion) does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:datatype xsd:float ] , [ sh:datatype xsd:double ] , [ sh:datatype xsd:integer ] , [ sh:datatype xsd:decimal ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: qudt:Quantifiable-qudt_value
E Focus Node: b20:USValue
E Value Node: Literal("2.7" = None, datatype=qudt:valueUnion)
E Result Path: qudt:value
E Message: Node Literal("2.7" = None, datatype=qudt:valueUnion) does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:datatype xsd:float ] , [ sh:datatype xsd:double ] , [ sh:datatype xsd:integer ] , [ sh:datatype xsd:decimal ]
E assert False AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
INFO Validating data definition of ../data/branch-20-sample.ttl ( 77464 triples)
_____________ test_data_validation[../data/junction-testcase.ttl] ______________
data_file = '../data/junction-testcase.ttl'
def test_data_validation(data_file):
Validates the graphs in the data/ folder against the data and model shapes
WARNS but does not fail the test on a validation error for a shape with sh:Info severity
env = ontoenv.OntoEnv()
data_graph = rdflib.Graph()
# validate each data file independently
data_graph.parse(data_file, format="turtle")
# load in all dependent data validation and model definition shapes
env.import_dependencies(data_graph)"Validating data definition of %s ( %d triples)", data_file, len(data_graph))
#data_graph.expand('owlrl', backend='allegro')
#valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
# data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, inference="owlrl", allow_warnings=True
valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, allow_warnings=True
if not valid:
data_graph.serialize(f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(data_file)}", format="ttl")
> assert valid, f"{data_file}:\n{res_text}"
E AssertionError: ../data/junction-testcase.ttl:
E Validation Report
E Conforms: False
E Results (37):
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPin2
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP2CPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:ChillerCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:CP3
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMtoHeatDumpCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP1CPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HeatDumpCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:CP2
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPin2
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:ChillerCPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP2CPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPin1
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMtoHeatDumpCPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HeatDumpCPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:ChillerCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMCPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP1CPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:CP3
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMtoHeatDumpCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP1CPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HeatDumpCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP2CPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:CP2
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:SubSystem1
E Value Node: jt:TSout
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:TSout does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:SubSystem1
E Value Node: jt:TSin
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:TSin does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:SubSystem1
E Value Node: jt:FM1
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:FM1 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:System1
E Value Node: jt:FMtoHeatDump
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:FMtoHeatDump does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:System1
E Value Node: jt:TSoutHeatDump
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:TSoutHeatDump does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:System1
E Value Node: jt:HHWP1
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:HHWP1 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:System1
E Value Node: jt:HHWP2
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:HHWP2 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Warning
E Source Shape: [ sh:maxCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("Segment is missing one or both endpoints (Junction or ConnectionPoint)") ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Junction ] [ sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ] ) ; sh:path s223:lnx ; sh:qualifiedMaxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ] ; sh:severity sh:Warning ]
E Focus Node: jt:Segment2
E Result Path: s223:lnx
E Message: Segment is missing one or both endpoints (Junction or ConnectionPoint)
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("Inlet or Outlet point property") ; sh:path s223:hasConnectionPoint ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP2
E Result Path: s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Message: Less than 2 values on jt:HHWP2->s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("Inlet or Outlet point property") ; sh:path s223:hasConnectionPoint ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP1
E Result Path: s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Message: Less than 2 values on jt:HHWP1->s223:hasConnectionPoint
E assert False AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
INFO Validating data definition of ../data/junction-testcase.ttl ( 77565 triples)
____________ test_data_validation[../data/junction-testcase-c.ttl] _____________
data_file = '../data/junction-testcase-c.ttl'
def test_data_validation(data_file):
Validates the graphs in the data/ folder against the data and model shapes
WARNS but does not fail the test on a validation error for a shape with sh:Info severity
env = ontoenv.OntoEnv()
data_graph = rdflib.Graph()
# validate each data file independently
data_graph.parse(data_file, format="turtle")
# load in all dependent data validation and model definition shapes
env.import_dependencies(data_graph)"Validating data definition of %s ( %d triples)", data_file, len(data_graph))
#data_graph.expand('owlrl', backend='allegro')
#valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
# data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, inference="owlrl", allow_warnings=True
valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, allow_warnings=True
if not valid:
data_graph.serialize(f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(data_file)}", format="ttl")
> assert valid, f"{data_file}:\n{res_text}"
E AssertionError: ../data/junction-testcase-c.ttl:
E Validation Report
E Conforms: False
E Results (43):
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPin2
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP2CPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jtc:Damper1InletConnectionPoint_1
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:ChillerCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:CP3
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMtoHeatDumpCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP1CPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HeatDumpCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:CP2
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jtb:Damper1InletConnectionPoint_1
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMCPout
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPin2
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:ChillerCPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP2CPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:VCPin1
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMtoHeatDumpCPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HeatDumpCPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jtc:Damper1InletConnectionPoint_1
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:ChillerCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMCPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP1CPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:CP3
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMtoHeatDumpCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP1CPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HeatDumpCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP2CPin
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:CP2
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jtb:Damper1InletConnectionPoint_1
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:FMCPout
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:SubSystem1
E Value Node: jt:TSout
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:TSout does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:SubSystem1
E Value Node: jt:TSin
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:TSin does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:SubSystem1
E Value Node: jt:FM1
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:FM1 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:System1
E Value Node: jt:FMtoHeatDump
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:FMtoHeatDump does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:System1
E Value Node: jt:TSoutHeatDump
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:TSoutHeatDump does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:System1
E Value Node: jt:HHWP1
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:HHWP1 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: jt:System1
E Value Node: jt:HHWP2
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node jt:HHWP2 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Warning
E Source Shape: [ sh:maxCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("Segment is missing one or both endpoints (Junction or ConnectionPoint)") ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Junction ] [ sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ] ) ; sh:path s223:lnx ; sh:qualifiedMaxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:qualifiedValueShape [ sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ] ; sh:severity sh:Warning ]
E Focus Node: jt:Segment2
E Result Path: s223:lnx
E Message: Segment is missing one or both endpoints (Junction or ConnectionPoint)
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("Inlet or Outlet point property") ; sh:path s223:hasConnectionPoint ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP2
E Result Path: s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Message: Less than 2 values on jt:HHWP2->s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("Inlet or Outlet point property") ; sh:path s223:hasConnectionPoint ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: jt:HHWP1
E Result Path: s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Message: Less than 2 values on jt:HHWP1->s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Constraint Violation in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("Air inlet point") ; sh:path s223:hasConnectionPoint ]
E Focus Node: jtc:Damper_1
E Result Path: s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Message: Less than 2 values on jtc:Damper_1->s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Constraint Violation in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class s223:ConnectionPoint ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("Air inlet point") ; sh:path s223:hasConnectionPoint ]
E Focus Node: jtb:Damper_1
E Result Path: s223:hasConnectionPoint
E Message: Less than 2 values on jtb:Damper_1->s223:hasConnectionPoint
E assert False AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
INFO Validating data definition of ../data/junction-testcase-c.ttl ( 77592 triples)
_______________ test_data_validation[../data/PS-Figure A-9.ttl] ________________
data_file = '../data/PS-Figure A-9.ttl'
def test_data_validation(data_file):
Validates the graphs in the data/ folder against the data and model shapes
WARNS but does not fail the test on a validation error for a shape with sh:Info severity
env = ontoenv.OntoEnv()
data_graph = rdflib.Graph()
# validate each data file independently
data_graph.parse(data_file, format="turtle")
# load in all dependent data validation and model definition shapes
env.import_dependencies(data_graph)"Validating data definition of %s ( %d triples)", data_file, len(data_graph))
#data_graph.expand('owlrl', backend='allegro')
#valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
# data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, inference="owlrl", allow_warnings=True
valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, allow_warnings=True
if not valid:
data_graph.serialize(f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(data_file)}", format="ttl")
> assert valid, f"{data_file}:\n{res_text}"
E AssertionError: ../data/PS-Figure A-9.ttl:
E Validation Report
E Conforms: False
E Results (63):
E Constraint Violation in NotConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:Concept
E Focus Node: ex:00011
E Value Node: ex:00011
E Message: Node ex:00011 conforms to shape [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:hasValue Literal("true" = True, datatype=xsd:boolean) ; sh:message Literal("You cannot have an instance of an abstract class") ; sh:path ( rdf:type s223:abstract ) ]
E Constraint Violation in NotConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:Concept
E Focus Node: ex:00036
E Value Node: ex:00036
E Message: Node ex:00036 conforms to shape [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:hasValue Literal("true" = True, datatype=xsd:boolean) ; sh:message Literal("You cannot have an instance of an abstract class") ; sh:path ( rdf:type s223:abstract ) ]
E Constraint Violation in NotConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:Concept
E Focus Node: ex:00047
E Value Node: ex:00047
E Message: Node ex:00047 conforms to shape [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:hasValue Literal("true" = True, datatype=xsd:boolean) ; sh:message Literal("You cannot have an instance of an abstract class") ; sh:path ( rdf:type s223:abstract ) ]
E Constraint Violation in NotConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:Concept
E Focus Node: ex:00007
E Value Node: ex:00007
E Message: Node ex:00007 conforms to shape [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:hasValue Literal("true" = True, datatype=xsd:boolean) ; sh:message Literal("You cannot have an instance of an abstract class") ; sh:path ( rdf:type s223:abstract ) ]
E Constraint Violation in NotConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:Concept
E Focus Node: ex:00021
E Value Node: ex:00021
E Message: Node ex:00021 conforms to shape [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:hasValue Literal("true" = True, datatype=xsd:boolean) ; sh:message Literal("You cannot have an instance of an abstract class") ; sh:path ( rdf:type s223:abstract ) ]
E Constraint Violation in NotConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:Concept
E Focus Node: ex:00061
E Value Node: ex:00061
E Message: Node ex:00061 conforms to shape [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:hasValue Literal("true" = True, datatype=xsd:boolean) ; sh:message Literal("You cannot have an instance of an abstract class") ; sh:path ( rdf:type s223:abstract ) ]
E Constraint Violation in NotConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:Concept
E Focus Node: ex:00025
E Value Node: ex:00025
E Message: Node ex:00025 conforms to shape [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:hasValue Literal("true" = True, datatype=xsd:boolean) ; sh:message Literal("You cannot have an instance of an abstract class") ; sh:path ( rdf:type s223:abstract ) ]
E Constraint Violation in NotConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:Concept
E Focus Node: ex:00001
E Value Node: ex:00001
E Message: Node ex:00001 conforms to shape [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:hasValue Literal("true" = True, datatype=xsd:boolean) ; sh:message Literal("You cannot have an instance of an abstract class") ; sh:path ( rdf:type s223:abstract ) ]
E Constraint Violation in NotConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:Concept
E Focus Node: ex:00041
E Value Node: ex:00041
E Message: Node ex:00041 conforms to shape [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:hasValue Literal("true" = True, datatype=xsd:boolean) ; sh:message Literal("You cannot have an instance of an abstract class") ; sh:path ( rdf:type s223:abstract ) ]
E Constraint Violation in NotConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:Concept
E Focus Node: ex:00030
E Value Node: ex:00030
E Message: Node ex:00030 conforms to shape [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:hasValue Literal("true" = True, datatype=xsd:boolean) ; sh:message Literal("You cannot have an instance of an abstract class") ; sh:path ( rdf:type s223:abstract ) ]
E Constraint Violation in NotConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:Concept
E Focus Node: ex:00056
E Value Node: ex:00056
E Message: Node ex:00056 conforms to shape [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:hasValue Literal("true" = True, datatype=xsd:boolean) ; sh:message Literal("You cannot have an instance of an abstract class") ; sh:path ( rdf:type s223:abstract ) ]
E Constraint Violation in NotConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:Concept
E Focus Node: ex:00016
E Value Node: ex:00016
E Message: Node ex:00016 conforms to shape [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:hasValue Literal("true" = True, datatype=xsd:boolean) ; sh:message Literal("You cannot have an instance of an abstract class") ; sh:path ( rdf:type s223:abstract ) ]
E Constraint Violation in NotConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:Concept
E Focus Node: ex:00051
E Value Node: ex:00051
E Message: Node ex:00051 conforms to shape [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:hasValue Literal("true" = True, datatype=xsd:boolean) ; sh:message Literal("You cannot have an instance of an abstract class") ; sh:path ( rdf:type s223:abstract ) ]
E Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:hasPropertyShape
E Focus Node: ex:00023
E Value Node: ex:mxtmp
E Result Path: s223:hasProperty
E Message: Value does not have class s223:Property
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00014
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00037
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00044
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00032
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00043
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00053
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00010
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00039
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00026
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00063
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00018
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00019
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00013
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00005
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00009
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00052
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00002
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00023
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00028
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00040
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00049
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00024
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00033
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00029
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00003
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00064
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00004
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00038
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00027
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00058
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00059
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00048
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00005
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00002
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00003
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ex:00004
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: ex:SupplySystem
E Value Node: ex:00050
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node ex:00050 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: ex:SupplySystem
E Value Node: ex:00020
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node ex:00020 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: ex:SupplySystem
E Value Node: ex:00006
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node ex:00006 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: ex:SupplySystem
E Value Node: ex:00035
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node ex:00035 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: ex:SupplySystem
E Value Node: ex:00015
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node ex:00015 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: ex:SupplySystem
E Value Node: ex:00046
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node ex:00046 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: ex:ReturnSystem
E Value Node: ex:00054
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node ex:00054 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: ex:ReturnSystem
E Value Node: ex:00055
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node ex:00055 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in OrConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ rdf:type sh:PropertyShape ; sh:minCount Literal("0", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("system contains shape") ; sh:or ( [ sh:class s223:Device ] [ sh:class s223:System ] [ sh:class s223:Junction ] ) ; sh:path s223:contains ]
E Focus Node: ex:ReturnSystem
E Value Node: ex:00060
E Result Path: s223:contains
E Message: Node ex:00060 does not conform to one or more shapes in [ sh:class s223:Device ] , [ sh:class s223:System ] , [ sh:class s223:Junction ]
E Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:hasPropertyShape
E Focus Node: ex:00006
E Value Node: ex:oatmp
E Result Path: s223:hasProperty
E Message: Value does not have class s223:Property
E Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:hasPropertyShape
E Focus Node: ex:00054
E Value Node: ex:ratmp
E Result Path: s223:hasProperty
E Message: Value does not have class s223:Property
E Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:hasPropertyShape
E Focus Node: ex:00060
E Value Node: ex:exatmp
E Result Path: s223:hasProperty
E Message: Value does not have class s223:Property
E Constraint Violation in ClassConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: s223:hasPropertyShape
E Focus Node: ex:00070
E Value Node: ex:satmp
E Result Path: s223:hasProperty
E Message: Value does not have class s223:Property
E assert False AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
INFO Validating data definition of ../data/PS-Figure A-9.ttl ( 77845 triples)
______________ test_data_validation[../data/awkward-problem1.ttl] ______________
data_file = '../data/awkward-problem1.ttl'
def test_data_validation(data_file):
Validates the graphs in the data/ folder against the data and model shapes
WARNS but does not fail the test on a validation error for a shape with sh:Info severity
env = ontoenv.OntoEnv()
data_graph = rdflib.Graph()
# validate each data file independently
data_graph.parse(data_file, format="turtle")
# load in all dependent data validation and model definition shapes
env.import_dependencies(data_graph)"Validating data definition of %s ( %d triples)", data_file, len(data_graph))
#data_graph.expand('owlrl', backend='allegro')
#valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
# data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, inference="owlrl", allow_warnings=True
valid, x, res_text = pyshacl.validate(
data_graph=data_graph, advanced=True, js=True, allow_warnings=True
if not valid:
data_graph.serialize(f"/tmp/{os.path.basename(data_file)}", format="ttl")
> assert valid, f"{data_file}:\n{res_text}"
E AssertionError: ../data/awkward-problem1.ttl:
E Validation Report
E Conforms: False
E Results (6):
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ap1:ConnectionPoint_1
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:isConnectionPointOf ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ap1:ConnectionPoint_2
E Result Path: s223:isConnectionPointOf
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must (eventually) be associated with a Device or Enclosure using s223:hasConnectionPoint.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ap1:ConnectionPoint_1
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Connection ; sh:maxCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:message Literal("This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.") ; sh:minCount Literal("1", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:name Literal("ConnectionPointToConnectionShape") ; sh:path s223:connectsThrough ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ap1:ConnectionPoint_2
E Result Path: s223:connectsThrough
E Message: This ConnectionPoint must be associated with exactly 1 Connection.
E Validation Result in MinCountConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Info
E Source Shape: [ sh:class s223:Segment ; sh:message Literal("Junction is missing one or more Segments") ; sh:minCount Literal("2", datatype=xsd:integer) ; sh:path s223:lnx ; sh:severity sh:Info ]
E Focus Node: ap1:Junction_1
E Result Path: s223:lnx
E Message: Junction is missing one or more Segments
E Constraint Violation in SPARQLConstraintComponent (
E Severity: sh:Violation
E Source Shape: [ sh:name Literal("Test SCP1") ; sh:path s223:mapsTo ; sh:sparql [ rdf:type sh:SPARQLConstraint ; rdfs:comment Literal("Ensure that every SystemConnectionPoint maps to a target that is associated with the same System as that associated with the SystemConnectionPoint.
E The test depends on the class of the target - one of ConnectionPoint, Junction, or a SystemConnectionPoint of a contained subSystem.") ; sh:message Literal("{$this} is associated with {?system}, but it mapsTo a target associated with {?targetSystem}") ; sh:prefixes <> ; sh:select Literal("
E SELECT $this ?system ?targetSystem
E $this ^s223:hasSystemConnectionPoint ?system .
E $this s223:mapsTo ?target .
E {
E ?class rdfs:subClassOf* s223:ConnectionPoint .
E ?target a ?class .
E ?target s223:isConnectionPointOf/^s223:contains ?targetSystem .
E }
E {
E ?target a s223:Junction .
E ?target ^s223:contains ?targetSystem .
E }
E {
E ?target a s223:SystemConnectionPoint .
E ?target ^s223:hasSystemConnectionPoint/^s223:contains ?targetSystem .
E }
E FILTER (?system != ?targetSystem ) .
E }
E ") ] ]
E Focus Node: ap1:SystemConnectionPoint_3
E Result Path: s223:mapsTo
E Source Constraint: [ rdf:type sh:SPARQLConstraint ; rdfs:comment Literal("Ensure that every SystemConnectionPoint maps to a target that is associated with the same System as that associated with the SystemConnectionPoint.
E The test depends on the class of the target - one of ConnectionPoint, Junction, or a SystemConnectionPoint of a contained subSystem.") ; sh:message Literal("{$this} is associated with {?system}, but it mapsTo a target associated with {?targetSystem}") ; sh:prefixes <> ; sh:select Literal("
E SELECT $this ?system ?targetSystem
E $this ^s223:hasSystemConnectionPoint ?system .
E $this s223:mapsTo ?target .
E {
E ?class rdfs:subClassOf* s223:ConnectionPoint .
E ?target a ?class .
E ?target s223:isConnectionPointOf/^s223:contains ?targetSystem .
E }
E {
E ?target a s223:Junction .
E ?target ^s223:contains ?targetSystem .
E }
E {
E ?target a s223:SystemConnectionPoint .
E ?target ^s223:hasSystemConnectionPoint/^s223:contains ?targetSystem .
E }
E FILTER (?system != ?targetSystem ) .
E }
E ") ]
E Message: is associated with {?system}, but it mapsTo a target associated with {?targetSystem}
E assert False AssertionError
------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------
INFO Validating data definition of ../data/awkward-problem1.ttl ( 77450 triples)
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED[../data/sample.ttl] - Asserti...
FAILED[../data/mr33-sample.ttl] - As...
FAILED[../data/FigureA-12-PS.ttl] - ...
FAILED[../data/IBAL.ttl] - ValueErro...
FAILED[../data/PS-Figure A-9.ttl] - ...
================== 10 failed, 24 passed in 422.96s (0:07:02) ===================
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