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Last active January 27, 2021 11:13
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Python script for sorting class definitions in file
Script for sorting classes by type in annotation. It may be usefull for code refactoring after code generation.
For example:
class C:
a: Optional[A] = None
b: Optional[B] = None
class A:
b: Optional[B] = None
class B:
c: int
will be fixed to:
class B:
c: int
class A:
b: Optional[B] = None
class C:
a: Optional[A] = None
b: Optional[B] = None
import sys
import ast
import functools
from collections import defaultdict
from graphlib import TopologicalSorter # py3.9
ast_filter = lambda it, ty: (x for x in getattr(it, 'body', it) if isinstance(x, ty))
def populate_class_graph(tree):
graph = defaultdict(list)
for cls in ast_filter(tree, ast.ClassDef):
graph[] = []
for prop in ast_filter(cls, ast.AnnAssign):
ann = prop.annotation
if isinstance(ann, ast.Name):
elif isinstance(ann, ast.Subscript):
if isinstance(ann.slice, ast.Name):
elif isinstance(ann.slice, (ast.Tuple, ast.Subscript)):
if isinstance(ann.slice, ast.Tuple):
traverse = prop.annotation.slice.elts
traverse = [ann.slice]
while traverse:
_traverse = []
for name in ast_filter(traverse, ast.Name):
for subs in ast_filter(traverse, ast.Subscript):
if isinstance(subs.slice, (ast.Name, ast.Subscript)):
elif isinstance(subs.slice, ast.Tuple):
traverse = _traverse
return graph
if __name__ == "__main__":
file_name = sys.argv(1)
with open(file_name) as f:
py_code =
ast_tree = ast.parse(py_code)
graph = populate_class_graph(ast_tree)
topo_sorter = TopologicalSorter(graph)
class_order = tuple(topo_sorter.static_order())
# A bit messy, but if the file consists only of imports and class definitions, then ok
lambda x: (
if (n := getattr(x, 'name', None)) in class_order else
with open("fixed_" + file_name) as f:
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