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Created December 10, 2018 12:57
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Makefile -> compilation_commands.json

Guillaume Papin(@Sarcasm) has a thorough article about compilation databases.

% mkdir build
% ln -s build/compile_commands.json

Caveat on Windows: CMake dumps Windows shell command line directly into command, depends on how ccls was built, it may confuse this field as command line from a POSIX shell, in which Windows path separator '\' is a escape character. You can use jq to convert such entries to use arguments which does not have this issue:

jq '[.[] | {directory: .directory, file: .file, arguments: .command | split(" ") | map(select(length > 0)) | map(sub("\\\\\""; "\""; "g"))}]' < compile_commands.json

Bear is a tool that generates a compilation database for clang tooling. It can be used for any project based on Makefile.

bear make
# generates compile_commands.json

scan-build is a python package that can generate a compilation database for clang tooling (uses Bear as a backend). This too can be used for any project based on a Makefile.

intercept-build make all # generates compile_commands.json from the `make all` ruleset
# Format: ninja -t compdb rule_names... > compile_commands.json
ninja -C out/Release -t compdb cxx cc > compile_commands.json

Load the clang_compilation_database tool in your wscript:

def configure(conf):
./waf configure build
ln -s build/compile_commands.json
buck build :helloworld#compilation-database
ln -s $(buck targets --show-output :helloworld#compilation-database | cut -d ' ' -f 2)

stdout of an external command

You may use the initialization option "compilationDatabaseCommand" to provide the JSON compilation database. ccls will read its stdout rather than read compile_commands.json. This may be useful when ccls cannot parse the compile_commands.json correctly (e.g. MSVC cl.exe, Intel C++ Compiler options)

# extra command line option
(setq ccls-extra-init-params '(:compilationDatabaseCommand "mycompdb"))

Suppose the project is at /tmp/c, mycompdb /tmp/c will be executed with stdin=initializationOptions and the stdout should be a JSON compilation database.

You may use this shell script as a starting point:

# mycompdb /tmp/c
cat >> /tmp/initialization-options
cat <<e
[ { "arguments": [ "c++", "a.o", "" ],
    "directory": "/tmp/c", "file": "" } ]

An example to scrub Intel C++ Compiler options (or, even easier, check out clang.excludeArgs in the Initialization options):

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import os
import sys
with open(os.path.join(sys.argv[1], 'compile_commands.json')) as f:
    db = json.load(f)
    for entry in db:
        args = entry['arguments']
            # Intel C++ Compiler option that is unknown to clang
        except ValueError:
    json.dump(db, sys.stdout)


Linux kernel

wget '' -O .config
yes '' | make config
bear make -j bzImage modules
ccls -index ~/Dev/Linux -init='{"clang":{"excludeArgs":[
], "extraArgs":["--gcc-toolchain=/usr"]}}'


mkdir Debug; cd Debug
../configure --enable-optimize=no --enable-debug --prefix=~/.local/stow/musl
bear make -j
cd ..; ln -s Debug/compile_commands.json


compile_commands.json should reside in the project root. Set the initialization option compilationDatabaseDirectory for an alternative directory containing compile_commands.json.

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jhgorse commented Jan 4, 2024

What about Makefiles for GCC toolset? compiledb option works fine.

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