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Import function to send as string with post method
import { existsSync } from 'node:fs';
export async function importDefaultFunctionOrFunctionAsEdgeFunction(filePathOrFn: string | Function) {
let fnString = filePathOrFn;
if (typeof filePathOrFn === "string" && existsSync(filePathOrFn)) {
const { default: fn } = await import(filePathOrFn);
fnString = fn.toString();
return `export default async function({ page, context }) {
const {
cookies = [],
userAgent = undefined,
userAgentMetadata = undefined,
sessionStorage: localValues = [],
localStorage: sessionValues = [],
} = context ?? {};
if(userAgent) {
page.setUserAgent(userAgent, userAgentMetadata);
await page.setCookie(...cookies);
if( localValues.lenght > 0 || sessionStorage.lenght > 0 ) {
await page.evaluate(({ localValues = [], sessionValues = [] } = {}) => {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(localValues)) {
localStorage.setItem(key, value);
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(sessionValues)) {
sessionStorage.setItem(key, value);
}, { localValues, sessionValues });
const promisedFnCall = (${fnString})({ page, context: params });
const result = await Promise.resolve(promisedFnCall);
const storageValues = await page.evaluate(() => {
const local = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(localStorage ?? []));
const session = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sessionStorage ?? []));
return { local, session}
return {
data: result,
url: page.url(),
cookies: await page.cookies(),
localStorage: storageValues.local,
sessionStorage: storageValues.session,
type: "application/json",
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