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Created October 30, 2012 06:32
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What's the power cost of using the exact test instead of the Chi-square for 2-by-2 table?
# Author: Ken Kleinman
# In R, we'll simulate observations from a multinomial distribution
# with the desired cell probabilities, and assemble the result into
# a table to calculate the p-values. This will make it easier to simulate
# tables under the alternative, as we need to do to assess power.
# If there are empty rows or columns, the chisq.test() function produces
# a p-value of "NaN", which will create problems later. To avoid this,
# we'll put the table generation inside a while() function. This operates
# like the do while construction in SAS (and other programming languages).
# The condition we check for is whether there is a row or column with 0 observations;
# if so, try generating the data again. We begin by initializing the table with 0's.
makeitm = function(, probs) {
myt = matrix(rep(0,4), ncol=2)
while( (min(colSums(myt)) == 0) | (min(rowSums(myt)) == 0) ){
myt = matrix(rmultinom(n=1,, probs), ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
chisqp = chisq.test(myt, correct=FALSE)$p.value
fishp = fisher.test(myt)$p.value
return(c(chisqp, fishp))
# With this basic building block in place, we can write a function to call it
# repeatedly (using the replicate() function, then calculate the proportion of
# rejections and get the CI for the probability of rejections.
many.ns = function(tablen, nds, probs) {
res1 = t(replicate(nds, makeitm(tablen,probs)))
res2 = res1 < 0.05
pear = sum(res2[,1])/nds
fish = sum(res2[,2])/nds
pearci = binom.test(sum(res2[,1]),nds)$[1:2]
fishci = binom.test(sum(res2[,2]),nds)$[1:2]
return(c("N.ds" = nds, "N.table" = tablen, probs,
"Pearson.p" = pear, "PCIl"=pearci[1], "PCIu"=pearci[2],
"Fisher.p" = fish, "FCIl" = fishci[1], "FCIu" = fishci[2]))
# Finally, we're ready to actually do the experiment, using sapply() to call
# the function that calls replicate() to call the function that makes a table.
# The result is converted to a data frame to make the plotting simpler.
# The first call below replicates the SAS result shown above and has very similar
# estimates and CI, but is not displayed here. The second shows an odds ratio of 3,
# the third (plotted below) has an OR of 1.75, and the last an OR of 1.5.
#res3 = data.frame(t(sapply(c(20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000),many.ns, nds=10000,
probs = c(.56,.24,.14,.06))))
#res3 = data.frame(t(sapply(c(20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000),many.ns, nds=1000,
probs = c(.6,.2,.1,.1))))
res3 = data.frame(t(sapply(c(20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000), many.ns, nds=1000,
probs = c(.58,.22,.12,.08))))
#res3 = data.frame(t(sapply(c(20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000),many.ns, nds=1000,
probs = c(.57,.23,.13,.07))))
with(res3, plot(x = 1, y =1, type="n",
ylim = c(0, max(c(PCIu,FCIu))), xlim=c(0,1000),
xlab = "N in table", ylab="Rejections",
main="Fisher vs. Pearson"))
with(res3,points(y=Pearson.p, x=N.table,col="blue")) # blue is Pearson
# Draw line segments between pairs of points:
with(res3,segments(x0 = N.table, x1=N.table, y0 = PCIl, y1= PCIu, col = "blue"))
with(res3,points(y=Fisher.p, x=N.table + 2,col="red")) # red is Fisher
with(res3,segments(x0 = N.table+2, x1=N.table+2, y0 = FCIl, y1= FCIu, col = "red"))
# Overall, the results show (in the SAS plot, at the top) that the
# Pearson chi-square test does perfectly well at protecting the alpha level
# under the null with these margins, even when the expected number of cases
# in one cell is as small as 1. In contrast, compared to the exact test,
# the Chi-square test has a bit more power, for these cell probabilities.
# The power difference is greatest when the N is smaller. Given this example,
# I would say that the rule of thumb may be too conservative, pushing people
# away from a more powerful test unnecessarily. In the future, I plan to be
# more positive about using the Pearson chi-square.
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