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Last active November 1, 2018 10:58
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PHP script that extract data from the `resultAgrovoc_filled_20181029.xlsx` file
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[citationRequirements] => Kidane, Y.G.; Mancini, C. ; Mengistu, D.K; Frascaroli, E.; Fadda, C.; Pè, M.E.; Dell’Acqua, M. ; Hailemariam, B.N., 2018, "Genome wide association study to identify the genetic base of smallholder farmer preferences of durum wheat traits", doi:10.7910/DVN/UHULV3
[disclaimer] => Bioversity International adheres to the principle of unrestricted public access to its own final research outputs and will make such outputs freely available. These datasets are provided "as is" and in no event shall Bioversity International be liable for any damages resulting from use of the data. While great effort was taken to obtain high quality data, the accuracy or reliability of the data is not guaranteed or warranted in any way. Bioversity International encourages the use of these datasets, but emphasizes that many of them contain "raw data" files. When applicable, all information which would allow individuals to be identified has been deleted from the files. For some of the datasets, the user will need to take care in handling missing observations, outlier values and violations of logical consistency.
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[value] => The study was conducted during the 2012 wheat growing season in two locations in the Ethiopian highlands. The first location was in the Geregera area, in the village of Workaye, Meket district (Amhara region, 11◦40′N/38◦52′E, WGS84). The second location was in the Hagreselam district, in the village of Melfa (Tigray region, 13◦39′N/39◦10′E, WGS84). In each location, 30 smallholder farmers growing wheat were selected on a voluntary basis, but keeping a 50:50 gender representation Farmers were asked to list the traits they used to evaluate wheat varieties, hereafter termed farmer traits (FT), and these were ranked by importance. Technicians collected 10 metrics traits on these sites and farmers provided a score for their overall plot evaluation. The genetic material here analyzed is a diversity panel comprising 400 Ethiopian wheat accessions conserved ex situ at the Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute. DNA extraction for genotyping was conducted in Ethiopia, at the Mekelle University Molecular and Biotechnology Laboratory (Mekelle,Tigray).
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[name] => CWR checklist and inventory data template v.1
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[uri] =>
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[name] => CWR checklist and priority taxa of South Africa
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[score] => 0.75
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 81] => Array
[] => 403
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
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[path] => /10.7910/DVN/QH9XWB
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[id] =>
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[path] => /10.7910/DVN/VYZZFF
[name] => Technical Background Document to the National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Cop Wild Relatives in Zambia
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[value] => conservation planning
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.66666666666667
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 85] => Array
[] => 397
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
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[name] => Template for the Preparation of a Technical Background Document for a National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives
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[host] =>
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[name] => CWR checklist and inventory data template v.1
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[value] => conservation planning
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.66666666666667
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 89] => Array
[] => 421
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/SYUSY8
[name] => Interactive toolkit for crop wild relative conservation planning - version 1
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[value] => conservation planning
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[id] =>
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[path] => /10.7910/DVN/HSXUVE
[name] => Priority CWR species of the SADC region
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[row 97] => Array
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[path] => /10.7910/DVN/YLBPZE
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[Vocabulary] =>
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[name] => Occurrence data for priority CWR of the SADC region
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[score] => 0.52380952380952
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[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
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[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/UFFGSV
[name] => Occurrence data for priority CWR in South Africa
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[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
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[id] =>
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[name] => Technical Background Document to the National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Cop Wild Relatives in Zambia
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[name] => Priority CWR species of the SADC region
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[value] => crop wild relative
[agrovoc label] =>
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[score] => 0.52380952380952
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[row 103] => Array
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[id] =>
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[scheme] => http
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[name] => Template for the Preparation of a Technical Background Document for a National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives
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[value] => crop wild relative
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[id] =>
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[name] => Template for the Preparation of a National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives
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[value] => crop wild relative
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[id] =>
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[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5B9IV5
[name] => Occurrence data collation template v.1
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[value] => crop wild relative
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[score] => 0.52380952380952
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[id] =>
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[scheme] => https
[host] =>
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[name] => CWR checklist and inventory data template v.1
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[value] => crop wild relative
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[score] => 0.52380952380952
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 107] => Array
[] => 420
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/SYUSY8
[name] => Interactive toolkit for crop wild relative conservation planning - version 1
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[value] => crop wild relative
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.52380952380952
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 108] => Array
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[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/Z5XN1F
[name] => Occurrence data for priority CWR of Zambia
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[value] => crop wild relatives
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.52631578947368
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[row 109] => Array
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[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
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[host] =>
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[name] => CWR checklist and priority CWR of Zambia
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[value] => crop wild relatives
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
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[row 110] => Array
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[id] =>
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[scheme] => http
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[path] => /10.7910/DVN/VYZZFF
[name] => Technical Background Document to the National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Cop Wild Relatives in Zambia
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[value] => crop wild relatives checklis
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[uri] =>
[score] => 0.42857142857143
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 114] => Array
[] => 3
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/21250
[name] => Bioversity Collecting Mission Database
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[value] => cwr
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[uri] =>
[score] => 0.5
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 115] => Array
[] => 375
[id] =>
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[scheme] => http
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[path] => /10.7910/DVN/LJWKBN
[name] => CWR checklist and priority taxa of South Africa
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[value] => cwr checklist
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[uri] =>
[score] => 0.46153846153846
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 116] => Array
[] => 35
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/27480
[name] => GPS inventory of timber trees from which local communities gather food resources in Cameroon, Gabon and the DRC.
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[value] => dacryodes buettnerii
[agrovoc label] => DACRYODES BUETTNERI
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.6
[Vocabulary] => NCBI
[row 117] => Array
[] => 425
[id] =>
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[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/AI4CRZ
[name] => Maps of Volta basin hydrometeorogical baselines
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[value] => dam
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[uri] =>
[score] => 0.75
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 118] => Array
[] => 103
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/CG1OUZ
[name] => Genotyping of Musa accessions from ITC by DArT markers
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[value] => dart
[agrovoc label] => DART_MARKER
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.6
[Vocabulary] => SO
[row 121] => Array
[] => 411
[id] =>
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[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5B9IV5
[name] => Occurrence data collation template v.1
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[value] => data standards
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.71428571428571
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[row 149] => Array
[] => 147
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/XWSNX8
[name] => Ghana Diet Diversity and Food Security for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
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[value] => diets
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[score] => 0.8
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 150] => Array
[] => 155
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/KI92MG
[name] => Protocol for the Agricultural Biodiversity (ABD) Assessment in Ghana
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[value] => diets
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[uri] =>
[score] => 0.8
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 151] => Array
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[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/3QIG77
[name] => Protocol for the Agricultural Biodiversity (ABD) Assessment in Mali / Protocole pour l’évaluation de la Biodiversité Agricole (ABD) á Mali
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => diets
[agrovoc label] => DIET
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[score] => 0.8
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 152] => Array
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[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/QUOPCB
[name] => Occurrence data for priority CWR of the SADC region
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[value] => distribution
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[uri] =>
[score] => 0.70588235294118
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 153] => Array
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[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/Z5XN1F
[name] => Occurrence data for priority CWR of Zambia
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[uri] =>
[score] => 0.70588235294118
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[row 174] => Array
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[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/XGR0GJ
[name] => Phantom III drone imagery
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[value] => drone imagery
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[score] => 0.53846153846154
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[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
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[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/27480
[name] => GPS inventory of timber trees from which local communities gather food resources in Cameroon, Gabon and the DRC.
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[value] => entandrophragma cylindricum
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.55555555555556
[Vocabulary] => NCBI
[row 181] => Array
[] => 34
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/27480
[name] => GPS inventory of timber trees from which local communities gather food resources in Cameroon, Gabon and the DRC.
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => erythrophleum suaveolens
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.54166666666667
[Vocabulary] => NCBI
[row 182] => Array
[] => 6
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/21250
[name] => Bioversity Collecting Mission Database
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => eurisco
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.71428571428571
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 184] => Array
[] => 363
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/QUOPCB
[name] => Occurrence data for priority CWR of the SADC region
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[value] => ex situ conservation
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.71428571428571
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 185] => Array
[] => 372
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/Z5XN1F
[name] => Occurrence data for priority CWR of Zambia
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[value] => ex situ conservation
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.71428571428571
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 186] => Array
[] => 384
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/VYZZFF
[name] => Technical Background Document to the National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Cop Wild Relatives in Zambia
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[value] => ex situ conservation
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.71428571428571
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 187] => Array
[] => 399
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/VQVDFA
[name] => Template for the Preparation of a Technical Background Document for a National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => ex situ conservation
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.71428571428571
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 188] => Array
[] => 405
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/QH9XWB
[name] => Template for the Preparation of a National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => ex situ conservation
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.71428571428571
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 189] => Array
[] => 414
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5B9IV5
[name] => Occurrence data collation template v.1
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[value] => ex situ conservation
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.71428571428571
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 200] => Array
[] => 265
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/XXNOAZ
[name] => GPS inventory of timber trees from which local communities gather food resources in Cameroon, Gabon and the DRC.
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[value] => food
[agrovoc label] => NONWOOD FOREST PRODUCTS
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.8
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 211] => Array
[] => 31
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/27480
[name] => GPS inventory of timber trees from which local communities gather food resources in Cameroon, Gabon and the DRC.
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => food trees
[agrovoc label] => NONWOOD FOREST PRODUCTS
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.72727272727273
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 224] => Array
[] => 36
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/27480
[name] => GPS inventory of timber trees from which local communities gather food resources in Cameroon, Gabon and the DRC.
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => gambeya spp
[agrovoc label] => CHRYSOPHYLLUM
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.45454545454545
[Vocabulary] => NCBI
[row 226] => Array
[] => 408
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5B9IV5
[name] => Occurrence data collation template v.1
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[value] => genebank accession
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[uri] =>
[score] => 0.55555555555556
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[row 228] => Array
[] => 8
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/21250
[name] => Bioversity Collecting Mission Database
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[value] => genesys
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.71428571428571
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 229] => Array
[] => 42
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/26678
[name] => Assessing the effectivness of on-farm conservation projects in the High Andes
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => genetic diversity
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.72222222222222
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 232] => Array
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[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/25450
[name] => Fingerprinting data musa accessions with SSR
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[value] => genotyping
[agrovoc label] => GENOTYPING
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.7
[Vocabulary] => EDAM
[row 237] => Array
[] => 7
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/21250
[name] => Bioversity Collecting Mission Database
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[value] => grin usda
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.55555555555556
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 238] => Array
[] => 409
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5B9IV5
[name] => Occurrence data collation template v.1
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => herbarium voucher
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.47058823529412
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 239] => Array
[] => 437
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/XGR0GJ
[name] => Phantom III drone imagery
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => high resolution
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.625
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 267] => Array
[] => 9
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/21250
[name] => Bioversity Collecting Mission Database
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => ibpgr
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.4
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 268] => Array
[] => 362
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/QUOPCB
[name] => Occurrence data for priority CWR of the SADC region
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => in situ conservation
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.76
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 269] => Array
[] => 371
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/Z5XN1F
[name] => Occurrence data for priority CWR of Zambia
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => in situ conservation
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.76
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 270] => Array
[] => 383
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/VYZZFF
[name] => Technical Background Document to the National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Cop Wild Relatives in Zambia
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => in situ conservation
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.76
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 271] => Array
[] => 398
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/VQVDFA
[name] => Template for the Preparation of a Technical Background Document for a National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => in situ conservation
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.76
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 272] => Array
[] => 404
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/QH9XWB
[name] => Template for the Preparation of a National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => in situ conservation
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.76
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 273] => Array
[] => 413
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5B9IV5
[name] => Occurrence data collation template v.1
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => in situ conservation
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.76
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 274] => Array
[] => 18
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/20804
[name] => Farmers' perceptions of climate change and actions taken to cope with the changes, as well as associated socio-economic information and crop diversity for the household.
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => indigenous communities
[agrovoc label] => INDIGENOUS PEOPLES
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.68181818181818
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 277] => Array
[] => 389
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/HSXUVE
[name] => Priority CWR species of the SADC region
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => inventory
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.66666666666667
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 278] => Array
[] => 418
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/B8YOQL
[name] => CWR checklist and inventory data template v.1
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => inventory
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.66666666666667
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 279] => Array
[] => 10
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/21250
[name] => Bioversity Collecting Mission Database
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => ipgri
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.6
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 280] => Array
[] => 440
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/YLBPZE
[name] => Agricultural land use and cover data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => irrigation practices
[agrovoc label] => IRRIGATION METHODS
[score] => 0.8
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 324] => Array
[] => 382
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/VYZZFF
[name] => Technical Background Document to the National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Cop Wild Relatives in Zambia
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => national food security
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.65217391304348
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 325] => Array
[] => 385
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/VYZZFF
[name] => Technical Background Document to the National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Cop Wild Relatives in Zambia
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => national strategic action plan
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.53333333333333
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 326] => Array
[] => 395
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/VQVDFA
[name] => Template for the Preparation of a Technical Background Document for a National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => national strategic action plan
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.53333333333333
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 327] => Array
[] => 401
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/QH9XWB
[name] => Template for the Preparation of a National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => national strategic action plan
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.53333333333333
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 328] => Array
[] => 396
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/VQVDFA
[name] => Template for the Preparation of a Technical Background Document for a National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Crop Wild Relatives
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => national strategy
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.58823529411765
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 329] => Array
[] => 412
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5B9IV5
[name] => Occurrence data collation template v.1
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => national strategy
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.58823529411765
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 330] => Array
[] => 391
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/HSXUVE
[name] => Priority CWR species of the SADC region
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => native status
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.5625
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 332] => Array
[] => 16
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/20804
[name] => Farmers' perceptions of climate change and actions taken to cope with the changes, as well as associated socio-economic information and crop diversity for the household.
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => neglected and underutilized species
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.45714285714286
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 334] => Array
[] => 26
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/20796
[name] => Farmers' survey: niche market development for neglected and underutlized (NUS) products in Nepal.
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => niche markets
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.64285714285714
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 344] => Array
[] => 4
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/21250
[name] => Bioversity Collecting Mission Database
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => nus
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.75
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 345] => Array
[] => 17
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/20804
[name] => Farmers' perceptions of climate change and actions taken to cope with the changes, as well as associated socio-economic information and crop diversity for the household.
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => nus
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.75
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 346] => Array
[] => 25
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/20796
[name] => Farmers' survey: niche market development for neglected and underutlized (NUS) products in Nepal.
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => nus
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.75
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 347] => Array
[] => 407
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5B9IV5
[name] => Occurrence data collation template v.1
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => occurrence data
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.46666666666667
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 362] => Array
[] => 1
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/21250
[name] => Bioversity Collecting Mission Database
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => passport data
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.53846153846154
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 367] => Array
[] => 381
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/VYZZFF
[name] => Technical Background Document to the National Strategic Action Plan for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Cop Wild Relatives in Zambia
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => priority cwr taxa
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.47058823529412
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 368] => Array
[] => 388
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/HSXUVE
[name] => Priority CWR species of the SADC region
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => priority taxa
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.5
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 373] => Array
[] => 427
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/MEAPCE
[name] => LACOSREP Upper-East Ghana Reservoir Inventory
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => reservoir
[agrovoc label] => WATER RESERVOIRS
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.58333333333333
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 376] => Array
[] => 126
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5774FJ
[name] => Agricultural Biodiversity Assessments in dryland systems of Ghana, India, Malawi, Mali and Niger: an overview of the framework, methods and datasets
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => risk
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.8
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 384] => Array
[] => 364
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/QUOPCB
[name] => Occurrence data for priority CWR of the SADC region
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => sadc region
[agrovoc label] => SADC COUNTRIES
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.66666666666667
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 385] => Array
[] => 393
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/HSXUVE
[name] => Priority CWR species of the SADC region
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => sadc region
[agrovoc label] => SADC COUNTRIES
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.66666666666667
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 386] => Array
[] => 19
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/20804
[name] => Farmers' perceptions of climate change and actions taken to cope with the changes, as well as associated socio-economic information and crop diversity for the household.
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => seed systems
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.73333333333333
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 387] => Array
[] => 125
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5774FJ
[name] => Agricultural Biodiversity Assessments in dryland systems of Ghana, India, Malawi, Mali and Niger: an overview of the framework, methods and datasets
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => seed systems
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.73333333333333
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 388] => Array
[] => 145
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/IXSOMM
[name] => Ghana Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => seed systems
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.73333333333333
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 389] => Array
[] => 170
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/OZWE7N
[name] => Karnataka Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => seed systems
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.73333333333333
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 390] => Array
[] => 198
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/JDUSDR
[name] => Rajasthan Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => seed systems
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.73333333333333
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 391] => Array
[] => 219
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/NDALXF
[name] => Malawi Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => seed systems
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.73333333333333
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 392] => Array
[] => 227
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/NEF7ZD
[name] => Mali Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => seed systems
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.73333333333333
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 394] => Array
[] => 5
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/21250
[name] => Bioversity Collecting Mission Database
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => singer
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.83333333333333
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 395] => Array
[] => 428
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/MEAPCE
[name] => LACOSREP Upper-East Ghana Reservoir Inventory
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => small dam
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.72727272727273
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 396] => Array
[] => 89
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/2YAJPQ
[name] => SNP dataset in musa acuminata (banana) panel
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => snp
[agrovoc label] => SNP
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.5
[Vocabulary] => SO
[row 403] => Array
[] => 12
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/25450
[name] => Fingerprinting data musa accessions with SSR
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => ssr
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.75
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 420] => Array
[] => 2
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /1902.1/21250
[name] => Bioversity Collecting Mission Database
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => traits
[agrovoc label] => PLANT TRAIT
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.66666666666667
[Vocabulary] => TO
[row 423] => Array
[] => 435
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/XGR0GJ
[name] => Phantom III drone imagery
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => uav
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.5
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 424] => Array
[] => 429
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/MEAPCE
[name] => LACOSREP Upper-East Ghana Reservoir Inventory
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => upper east ghana
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.5625
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 425] => Array
[] => 392
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/HSXUVE
[name] => Priority CWR species of the SADC region
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => use in crop improvement
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.69565217391304
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 429] => Array
[] => 424
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/AI4CRZ
[name] => Maps of Volta basin hydrometeorogical baselines
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => volta basin
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.61538461538461
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 430] => Array
[] => 443
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/BV1TQ2
[name] => Baseline ecosystem service maps
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => volta basin
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.61538461538461
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 433] => Array
[] => 376
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/8YXCFR
[name] => CWR checklist and priority CWR of Zambia
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => zambia vascular plants
[agrovoc label] => TRACHEOPHYTA
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.63636363636364
[Vocabulary] => AGROVOC
[row 434] => Array
[] => 47
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/27236
[name] => Geographic coordinates, environmental and genetic data for 256 wild barley accessions.
[_keywords] => Array
[value] =>
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] =>
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 435] => Array
[] => 90
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/FCENUH
[name] => Banana (Musa spp.) genetic resources information and high-throughput genotyping data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] =>
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] =>
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 436] => Array
[] => 91
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/LZWPJP
[name] => Multi-fasta file of GRAS Transcription Factors in Angiosperms
[_keywords] => Array
[value] =>
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] =>
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 437] => Array
[] => 111
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/Q0ESWS
[name] => Banana triploid cultivars under osmotic stress conditions
[_keywords] => Array
[value] =>
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] =>
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 438] => Array
[] => 112
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/QBRNED
[name] => Gene ontology mapping to DH pahang reference genome v2
[_keywords] => Array
[value] =>
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] =>
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 439] => Array
[] => 113
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/D6S9LI
[name] => Surveys of farmer households and seed suppliers in the context of a seed value chain analysis for common bean and banana in Uganda
[_keywords] => Array
[value] =>
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] =>
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 440] => Array
[] => 114
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/4ICF6W
[name] => Replication data for: "Crop variety management for climate adaptation supported by citizen science"
[_keywords] => Array
[value] =>
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] =>
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 441] => Array
[] => 115
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/IFI1QU
[name] => Gene annotation, orthogroups and gene trees in Musa acuminata subspecies
[_keywords] => Array
[value] =>
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] =>
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 442] => Array
[] => 116
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/0O1GW1
[name] => Replication data for: "The future of coffee and cocoa agroforestry in a warmer Mesoamerica"
[_keywords] => Array
[value] =>
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] =>
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 443] => Array
[] => 117
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/KSOSDU
[name] => Glycosyltransferase family 61 (GT61) protein sequences
[_keywords] => Array
[value] =>
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] =>
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 444] => Array
[] => 247
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/MHG945
[name] => Mali- Protocole Rappel Alimentaire de 24 heures ouvert
[_keywords] => Array
[value] =>
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] =>
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 445] => Array
[] => 422
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/UHULV3
[name] => Genome wide association study to identify the genetic base of smallholder farmer preferences of durum wheat traits
[_keywords] => Array
[value] =>
[agrovoc label] =>
[uri] =>
[score] =>
[Vocabulary] =>
[not visible] => Array
[contents] => Array
[row 2] => Array
[] => 118
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5774FJ
[name] => Agricultural Biodiversity Assessments in dryland systems of Ghana, India, Malawi, Mali and Niger: an overview of the framework, methods and datasets
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 3] => Array
[] => 131
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/DKAS4Z
[name] => Ghana Focus Group Discussions Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 4] => Array
[] => 138
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/IXSOMM
[name] => Ghana Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 5] => Array
[] => 153
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/KI92MG
[name] => Protocol for the Agricultural Biodiversity (ABD) Assessment in Ghana
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 6] => Array
[] => 164
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/OZWE7N
[name] => Karnataka Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 7] => Array
[] => 171
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/JDC7QW
[name] => Karnataka Focus Group Discussions Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.91666666666667
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 8] => Array
[] => 184
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/G6VP2L
[name] => Rajasthan Focus Group Discussions Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 9] => Array
[] => 191
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/JDUSDR
[name] => Rajasthan Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 10] => Array
[] => 205
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/SOHK1P
[name] => Malawi Focus Group Discussions Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 11] => Array
[] => 212
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/NDALXF
[name] => Malawi Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 12] => Array
[] => 221
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/NEF7ZD
[name] => Mali Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 13] => Array
[] => 235
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5SZUZ4
[name] => Mali Focus Group Discussions Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 14] => Array
[] => 242
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/3QIG77
[name] => Protocol for the Agricultural Biodiversity (ABD) Assessment in Mali / Protocole pour l’évaluation de la Biodiversité Agricole (ABD) á Mali
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 15] => Array
[] => 248
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/GTNSIL
[name] => Niger Focus Group Discussion Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agriculture
[agrovoc label] => agriculture
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 16] => Array
[] => 321
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/J94MZQ
[name] => Biodiversity and complementary feeding practices of children in the north west region of Cameroon
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agrobiodiversity
[agrovoc label] => agrobiodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 17] => Array
[] => 327
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/ZO9YA2
[name] => Biodiversity and complementary feeding practices of children in the north west region of Viet Nam
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agrobiodiversity
[agrovoc label] => agrobiodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 18] => Array
[] => 333
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/GDGPTK
[name] => Traditional food consumption and its nutritional contribution in Guasaganda, Central Ecuador.
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agrobiodiversity
[agrovoc label] => agrobiodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 19] => Array
[] => 338
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/I5FVAI
[name] => Wild edible plant use in Tshopo district, DR Congo
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agrobiodiversity
[agrovoc label] => agrobiodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 20] => Array
[] => 344
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/O0CDZB
[name] => Biodiversity and dietary diversity in Vihiga Kenya
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agrobiodiversity
[agrovoc label] => agrobiodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 21] => Array
[] => 351
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/ENDSGS
[name] => Investigating the current and potential role of local biodiversity in meeting nutritional requirements of infants and young children in rural Southern Benin
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agrobiodiversity
[agrovoc label] => agrobiodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 22] => Array
[] => 357
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/QW0SEO
[name] => Food security and the contribution of wild foods to diets, nutrition at three villages of Sinharaja Forest in Sri Lanka
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => agrobiodiversity
[agrovoc label] => agrobiodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 23] => Array
[] => 81
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/IABY1D
[name] => CGIAR activities and partnerships
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => analysis
[agrovoc label] => analysis
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 25] => Array
[] => 13
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/25450
[name] => Fingerprinting data musa accessions with SSR
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => banana
[agrovoc label] => bananas
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.85714285714286
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 26] => Array
[] => 49
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/68PZZ3
[name] => Sequences of NAC genes of M. acuminata, O.sativa, V. vinifera and A. thaliana
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => bananas
[agrovoc label] => bananas
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 27] => Array
[] => 88
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/2YAJPQ
[name] => SNP dataset in musa acuminata (banana) panel
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => bananas
[agrovoc label] => bananas
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 28] => Array
[] => 352
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/ENDSGS
[name] => Investigating the current and potential role of local biodiversity in meeting nutritional requirements of infants and young children in rural Southern Benin
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => benin
[agrovoc label] => Benin
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 29] => Array
[] => 62
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/CX3DIR
[name] => Farm characterization in Cuba
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 30] => Array
[] => 75
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/U3MS5K
[name] => On-farm diversity and market participation are positively associated with dietary diversity of rural mothers in southern Benin, West Africa
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 31] => Array
[] => 84
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/POJCMA
[name] => Data from: Origins of food crops connect countries worldwide
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 32] => Array
[] => 110
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/CGNMCZ
[name] => Online checklist of banana cultivars
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 33] => Array
[] => 119
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5774FJ
[name] => Agricultural Biodiversity Assessments in dryland systems of Ghana, India, Malawi, Mali and Niger: an overview of the framework, methods and datasets
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 34] => Array
[] => 132
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/DKAS4Z
[name] => Ghana Focus Group Discussions Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 35] => Array
[] => 139
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/IXSOMM
[name] => Ghana Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 36] => Array
[] => 154
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/KI92MG
[name] => Protocol for the Agricultural Biodiversity (ABD) Assessment in Ghana
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 37] => Array
[] => 165
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/OZWE7N
[name] => Karnataka Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 38] => Array
[] => 172
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/JDC7QW
[name] => Karnataka Focus Group Discussions Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 39] => Array
[] => 185
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/G6VP2L
[name] => Rajasthan Focus Group Discussions Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 40] => Array
[] => 192
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/JDUSDR
[name] => Rajasthan Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 41] => Array
[] => 206
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/SOHK1P
[name] => Malawi Focus Group Discussions Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 42] => Array
[] => 213
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/NDALXF
[name] => Malawi Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 43] => Array
[] => 222
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/NEF7ZD
[name] => Mali Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 44] => Array
[] => 236
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5SZUZ4
[name] => Mali Focus Group Discussions Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 45] => Array
[] => 243
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/3QIG77
[name] => Protocol for the Agricultural Biodiversity (ABD) Assessment in Mali / Protocole pour l’évaluation de la Biodiversité Agricole (ABD) á Mali
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 46] => Array
[] => 249
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/GTNSIL
[name] => Niger Focus Group Discussion Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 47] => Array
[] => 286
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/BKJG4P
[name] => Samples collected for genetic activities on sapelli, moabi in Cameroon, DRC and Gabon and tali in the context of the Beyond Timber project
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 48] => Array
[] => 292
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/GSLLWP
[name] => Molecular data acquired by genetic activities on sapelli, moabi in Cameroon, DRC and Gabon and tali in the context of the Beyond Timber project
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biodiversity
[agrovoc label] => biodiversity
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 49] => Array
[] => 66
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/NYDIXU
[name] => Comparative phylogeography in rainforest trees from Lower Guinea, Africa
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biogeography
[agrovoc label] => biogeography
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 50] => Array
[] => 68
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/NYDIXU
[name] => Comparative phylogeography in rainforest trees from Lower Guinea, Africa
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => biology
[agrovoc label] => biology
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 51] => Array
[] => 301
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/ABKJ9H
[name] => Characterisation of dwellers and their activity in Cameroon
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => budget
[agrovoc label] => budgets
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.85714285714286
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 52] => Array
[] => 102
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/3BTC8J
[name] => Individual and combined threat maps of 16 selected food tree species within the boundaries of Burkina Faso
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => burkina faso
[agrovoc label] => Burkina Faso
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 53] => Array
[] => 283
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/SUEWWX
[name] => Skills needed for using social science research tools in natural resource management: Personal experience from gender research in the “Beyond timber project” in Cameroon
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => cameroon
[agrovoc label] => Cameroon
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 54] => Array
[] => 289
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/BKJG4P
[name] => Samples collected for genetic activities on sapelli, moabi in Cameroon, DRC and Gabon and tali in the context of the Beyond Timber project
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => cameroon
[agrovoc label] => Cameroon
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 55] => Array
[] => 322
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/J94MZQ
[name] => Biodiversity and complementary feeding practices of children in the north west region of Cameroon
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => cameroon
[agrovoc label] => Cameroon
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 56] => Array
[] => 37
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/27275
[name] => Compositional characterization of native Peruvian chili peppers (Capsicum spp.)
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => capsicum
[agrovoc label] => Capsicum
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 59] => Array
[] => 130
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5774FJ
[name] => Agricultural Biodiversity Assessments in dryland systems of Ghana, India, Malawi, Mali and Niger: an overview of the framework, methods and datasets
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => children
[agrovoc label] => children
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 60] => Array
[] => 152
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/XWSNX8
[name] => Ghana Diet Diversity and Food Security for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => children
[agrovoc label] => children
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 61] => Array
[] => 163
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/RLMYMR
[name] => Karnataka Diet Diversity and Food Security for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => children
[agrovoc label] => children
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 62] => Array
[] => 183
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/VGU2DW
[name] => Rajasthan Diet Diversity and Food Security for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => children
[agrovoc label] => children
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 63] => Array
[] => 234
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/2DT22T
[name] => Mali Diet Diversity and Food Security for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => children
[agrovoc label] => children
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 64] => Array
[] => 320
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/J94MZQ
[name] => Biodiversity and complementary feeding practices of children in the north west region of Cameroon
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => children
[agrovoc label] => children
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 65] => Array
[] => 326
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/ZO9YA2
[name] => Biodiversity and complementary feeding practices of children in the north west region of Viet Nam
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => children
[agrovoc label] => children
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 66] => Array
[] => 332
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/GDGPTK
[name] => Traditional food consumption and its nutritional contribution in Guasaganda, Central Ecuador.
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => children
[agrovoc label] => children
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 67] => Array
[] => 343
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/O0CDZB
[name] => Biodiversity and dietary diversity in Vihiga Kenya
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => children
[agrovoc label] => children
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 68] => Array
[] => 349
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/ENDSGS
[name] => Investigating the current and potential role of local biodiversity in meeting nutritional requirements of infants and young children in rural Southern Benin
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => children
[agrovoc label] => children
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 69] => Array
[] => 356
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/QW0SEO
[name] => Food security and the contribution of wild foods to diets, nutrition at three villages of Sinharaja Forest in Sri Lanka
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => children
[agrovoc label] => children
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 70] => Array
[] => 38
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/27275
[name] => Compositional characterization of native Peruvian chili peppers (Capsicum spp.)
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => chillies
[agrovoc label] => chillies
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 71] => Array
[] => 107
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/CGNMCZ
[name] => Online checklist of banana cultivars
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => classification
[agrovoc label] => classification
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 72] => Array
[] => 97
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/3BTC8J
[name] => Individual and combined threat maps of 16 selected food tree species within the boundaries of Burkina Faso
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => climate change
[agrovoc label] => climate change
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 74] => Array
[] => 55
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/ZFQM2U
[name] => The Coffee Genome Hub: a resource for coffee genomes
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => coffea
[agrovoc label] => Coffea
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 75] => Array
[] => 56
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/ZFQM2U
[name] => The Coffee Genome Hub: a resource for coffee genomes
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => coffea canephora
[agrovoc label] => Coffea canephora
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 77] => Array
[] => 39
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/27275
[name] => Compositional characterization of native Peruvian chili peppers (Capsicum spp.)
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => colour
[agrovoc label] => colour
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 78] => Array
[] => 282
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/SUEWWX
[name] => Skills needed for using social science research tools in natural resource management: Personal experience from gender research in the “Beyond timber project” in Cameroon
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => community involvement
[agrovoc label] => community involvement
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.95454545454546
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 90] => Array
[] => 257
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/GCODBQ
[name] => Individuals and stumps of Moabi, Sapelli, Tali, Ozigo and Abam (timber species with food values) recorded around villages and within logged areas of timber concessions in Cameroon, Gabon and the DRC.
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => contracts
[agrovoc label] => contracts
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 91] => Array
[] => 297
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/ABKJ9H
[name] => Characterisation of dwellers and their activity in Cameroon
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => contracts
[agrovoc label] => contracts
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 92] => Array
[] => 305
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/J4TRIH
[name] => Characterisation of dwellers and their activity in Gabon
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => contracts
[agrovoc label] => contracts
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 93] => Array
[] => 312
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/SOM6RZ
[name] => Characterisation of dwellers and their activity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => contracts
[agrovoc label] => contracts
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.9
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 94] => Array
[] => 98
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/3BTC8J
[name] => Individual and combined threat maps of 16 selected food tree species within the boundaries of Burkina Faso
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => cotton
[agrovoc label] => cotton
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 96] => Array
[] => 87
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/POJCMA
[name] => Data from: Origins of food crops connect countries worldwide
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => crop improvement
[agrovoc label] => crop improvement
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 111] => Array
[] => 61
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/CX3DIR
[name] => Farm characterization in Cuba
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => cropping systems
[agrovoc label] => cropping systems
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 112] => Array
[] => 74
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/U3MS5K
[name] => On-farm diversity and market participation are positively associated with dietary diversity of rural mothers in southern Benin, West Africa
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => crops
[agrovoc label] => crops
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.83333333333333
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 113] => Array
[] => 83
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/POJCMA
[name] => Data from: Origins of food crops connect countries worldwide
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => crops
[agrovoc label] => crops
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 119] => Array
[] => 58
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/ZFQM2U
[name] => The Coffee Genome Hub: a resource for coffee genomes
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => data analysis
[agrovoc label] => data analysis
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 120] => Array
[] => 410
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5B9IV5
[name] => Occurrence data collation template v.1
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => data collation
[agrovoc label] => data collection
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.86666666666667
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 122] => Array
[] => 22
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/26086
[name] => The Banana Genome Hub
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => databases
[agrovoc label] => databases
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 123] => Array
[] => 339
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/I5FVAI
[name] => Wild edible plant use in Tshopo district, DR Congo
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => democratic republic of congo
[agrovoc label] => Democratic Republic of the Congo
[uri] =>
[score] => 0.875
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 124] => Array
[] => 290
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => https
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/BKJG4P
[name] => Samples collected for genetic activities on sapelli, moabi in Cameroon, DRC and Gabon and tali in the context of the Beyond Timber project
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => democratic republic of the congo
[agrovoc label] => Democratic Republic of the Congo
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 125] => Array
[] => 278
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/SUEWWX
[name] => Skills needed for using social science research tools in natural resource management: Personal experience from gender research in the “Beyond timber project” in Cameroon
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => design
[agrovoc label] => design
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 126] => Array
[] => 52
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/68PZZ3
[name] => Sequences of NAC genes of M. acuminata, O.sativa, V. vinifera and A. thaliana
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => dicotyledons
[agrovoc label] => dicotyledons
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 127] => Array
[] => 78
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/U3MS5K
[name] => On-farm diversity and market participation are positively associated with dietary diversity of rural mothers in southern Benin, West Africa
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => diet
[agrovoc label] => diet
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 128] => Array
[] => 120
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/5774FJ
[name] => Agricultural Biodiversity Assessments in dryland systems of Ghana, India, Malawi, Mali and Niger: an overview of the framework, methods and datasets
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => diet
[agrovoc label] => diet
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 129] => Array
[] => 133
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/DKAS4Z
[name] => Ghana Focus Group Discussions Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => diet
[agrovoc label] => diet
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 130] => Array
[] => 140
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/IXSOMM
[name] => Ghana Household Surveys for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => diet
[agrovoc label] => diet
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 131] => Array
[] => 158
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/RLMYMR
[name] => Karnataka Diet Diversity and Food Security for Agricultural Biodiversity Assessment
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => diet
[agrovoc label] => diet
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 132] => Array
[] => 173
[id] =>
[dataset] => Array
[scheme] => http
[host] =>
[path] => /10.7910/DVN/JDC7QW
[name] => Karnataka Focus Group Discussions Data
[_keywords] => Array
[value] => diet
[agrovoc label] => diet
[uri] =>
[score] => 1
[Vocabulary] =>
[row 133] => Array
[] => 178
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