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Created March 30, 2015 18:57
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Scapy performances examples
# Guillaume Valadon <>
# Scapy performance examples
import argparse, time, os
from scapy.all import *
conf.verbose = 0 # ask Scapy to be quiet
functions_table = {}
# Simple packet building
def building_1(dummy):
return str(IP(dst="", src="")/UDP()/DNS(rd=1, qd=DNSQR(qname="", qtype="A")))
functions_table["building_1"] = building_1 # register the function
# Cache built packets
cached = None
def building_2(dummy):
global cached
if not cached:
cached = str(IP(dst="", src="")/UDP()/DNS(rd=1, qd=DNSQR(qname="", qtype="A")))
return cached
functions_table["building_2"] = building_2 # register the function
# Use Scapy internals to modify a cached packet
packet = IP(dst="", src="", chksum=0)/UDP(chksum=0)/DNS(rd=1, qd=DNSQR(qname="", qtype="A"))
# Note that the checksums fields must be manually set to zero as later on as the checksums computations that will be
# performed later requires that these fields are zeroed.
cached_packet= str(packet)
def patch_qid(dns_packet_str, value, offset=0):
# Encode value as an unsigned short in network ordering and append the rest of the DNS packet,
# and make sure that it wont't be bigger than 65535
# The offset parameter is used to ease patching long string
return dns_packet_str[:offset] + struct.pack("!H", value % 65535) + dns_packet_str[offset+2:]
def building_3(qid):
# Modify the DNS query ID
patched_dns_packet = patch_qid(cached_packet[28:], qid)
# Modify the UDP checksum
del(packet[UDP].chksum) # Force Scapy to recompute the checksum
patched_udp_packet = packet[UDP].post_build(cached_packet[20:28], patched_dns_packet) # UDP header
# Modify the IP checksum
del(packet[IP].chksum) # Force Scapy to recompute the checksum
patched_ip_packet = packet[IP].post_build(cached_packet[:20], patched_udp_packet) # Up to the UDP header
return patched_ip_packet
functions_table["building_3"] = building_3 # register the function
# Modify the packet manually
def pseudo_header(ip_dst, ip_src, ip_proto, length):
# Prepare the binary representation of the pseudo header
return struct.pack("!4s4sHH", inet_aton(ip_dst), inet_aton(ip_src), ip_proto, length)
def patch_udp_checksum(udp_packet, pseudo_header):
# Compute the checksum and replace its value
return udp_packet[:6] + struct.pack("!H", checksum(pseudo_header+udp_packet)) + udp_packet[8:]
def patch_ip_checksum(ip_packet):
# Compute the checksum and replace its value
return ip_packet[:10] + struct.pack("!H", checksum(ip_packet)) + ip_packet[12:]
# Split the packet into "static" part
cached_udp_packet = cached_packet[20:]
cached_ip_packet = cached_packet[:20]
phdr = pseudo_header("", "", socket.IPPROTO_UDP, len(cached_udp_packet))
def building_4(qid):
# Modify the DNS query ID
patched_dns_packet = patch_qid(cached_udp_packet[8:], qid)
patched_udp_packet = cached_udp_packet[:8] + patched_dns_packet
# Modify the UDP checksum
patched_udp_packet = patch_udp_checksum(patched_udp_packet, phdr)
# Modify the IP checksum
patched_ip_packet = patch_ip_checksum(cached_ip_packet) + patched_udp_packet
return patched_ip_packet
functions_table["building_4"] = building_4 # register the function
# Simple packet injection
cached_ether = str(Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", type=0x800))
def injection_1(qid):
global cached_ether
sendp(cached_ether + building_3(qid), verbose=conf.verbose)
functions_table["injection_1"] = injection_1 # register the function
# Keep the socket opened
l2socket = None
def injection_2(qid):
global l2socket, cached_ether
l2socket.send(cached_ether + building_3(qid))
functions_table["injection_2"] = injection_2 # register the function
# Access the sendto() method direclty
l2socket = None
def injection_3(qid):
global l2socket, cached_ether
l2socket.outs.sendto(cached_ether + building_3(qid))
functions_table["injection_3"] = injection_2 # register the function
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Parse command line options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Scapy performance examples")
# Building examples
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help="sub-commands help", dest="command")
parser_building = subparsers.add_parser("building", help="Packets building examples")
parser_building.add_argument("id", type=int, choices=range(1,5), help="Example ID (between 1 and 4)")
parser_injection = subparsers.add_parser("injection", help="Packets injection examples")
parser_injection.add_argument("interface", help="Network interface")
parser_injection.add_argument("id", type=int, choices=range(1,4), help="Example ID (between 1 and 3)")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Ease the display
verbs = { "building": "built", "injection": "injected" }
# Set the interface if injecting and check if examples are launched as root
if args.command == "injection":
if not os.geteuid() == 0:
print >> sys.stderr, "Launch these examples as root !"
if not args.interface in get_if_list():
print >> sys.stderr, "The interface '%s'does not exist !"
conf.iface = args.interface
l2socket = L2Socket(conf.iface)
# Call & bench the function
function_name = "%s_%d" % (args.command,
start_time = time.time()
for i in xrange(1000):
functions_table.get(function_name, lambda x: None)(i)
# Display the results
print "1000 packets %s in %.5fs" % (verbs.get(args.command, "NOT_DEFINED"), time.time() - start_time )
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