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Created June 26, 2020 15:15
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modx components/stercseo/lexicon/es/
* SEOTab English language file
* @author Sterc <> - Sterc Internet & Marketing
* @package stercseo
* @subpackage lexicon
$_lang['stercseo.seo'] = 'SEO Tab';
$_lang['stercseo.seotab'] = 'SEO Tab';
$_lang['stercseo.menu_desc'] = 'Administra todas tus redirecciones SEO Tab 301.';
//Tab Findability
$_lang['stercseo.findability'] = 'Buscabilidad';
$_lang['stercseo.index'] = '¿Incluir esta página en los motores de búsqueda? (index/noindex)';
$_lang['stercseo.index_yes'] = 'Sí (index)';
$_lang['stercseo.index_no'] = 'No (noindex)';
$_lang['stercseo.index_desc'] = 'Es posible que desees excluir páginas como el descargo de responsabilidad, los términos y condiciones y tu política de privacidad de ser indexados por los motores de búsqueda.';
$_lang['stercseo.follow'] = '¿Seguir enlaces en esta página? (follow/nofollow)';
$_lang['stercseo.follow_yes'] = 'Sí (follow)';
$_lang['stercseo.follow_no'] = 'No (nofollow)';
$_lang['stercseo.follow_desc'] = '¿Deben los motores de búsqueda seguir los enlaces en esta página?';
$_lang['stercseo.searchable'] = '¿Incluir esta página en resultados de búsqueda internos?';
$_lang['stercseo.searchable_yes'] = 'Sí';
$_lang['stercseo.searchable_no'] = 'No';
$_lang['stercseo.searchable_desc'] = 'Las páginas de agradecimiento o 404 (no encontrado) son buenos ejemplos de páginas que NO deberían incluirse.';
//Tab Sitemap
$_lang['stercseo.sitemap'] = 'Mapa del sitio Google';
$_lang['stercseo.sitemap_include'] = '¿Incluir esta página en el mapa del sitio de Google?';
$_lang['stercseo.sitemap_include_yes'] = 'Sí';
$_lang['stercseo.sitemap_include_no'] = 'No';
$_lang['stercseo.sitemap_include_desc'] = 'Establezca si esta página se puede incluir o no en el mapa del sitio de Google.';
$_lang['stercseo.priority'] = 'Prioridad';
$_lang['stercseo.priority_important'] = '1.0 - Alta';
$_lang['stercseo.priority_normal'] = '0.5 - Normal';
$_lang['stercseo.priority_nopriority'] = '0.25 - Baja';
$_lang['stercseo.priority_desc'] = 'Establece el nivel de prioridad para indicar a los motores de búsqueda lo importante que es esta página. Más alto es más importante. Tenga en cuenta: ¡los motores de búsqueda no aceptarán ciegamente su nivel de prioridad!';
$_lang['stercseo.changefreq'] = 'Frecuencia de actualización';
$_lang['stercseo.changefreq_always'] = 'Siempre';
$_lang['stercseo.changefreq_hourly'] = 'Cada hora';
$_lang['stercseo.changefreq_daily'] = 'Diariamente';
$_lang['stercseo.changefreq_weekly'] = 'Semanalmente';
$_lang['stercseo.changefreq_monthly'] = 'Mensualmente';
$_lang['stercseo.changefreq_yearly'] = 'Anualmente';
$_lang['stercseo.changefreq_never'] = 'Nunca';
$_lang['stercseo.changefreq_desc'] = 'Especifica con qué frecuencia esperas que cambie el contenido de esta página.';
//Tab Redirects
$_lang['stercseo.redirects'] = '301 Redirects';
$_lang['stercseo.uri_add'] = 'Create a 301 redirect';
$_lang['stercseo.uri_header'] = 'Old URLs redirecting to this page:';
$_lang['stercseo.grid_noresults'] = '<h4>No redirects</h4><p>There are no redirects set for this page.</p>';
$_lang['stercseo.redirects_desc'] = 'Changing the URL of a page without adding a 301 redirect, will result in losing ALL acquired search engine value of that page. With SEO Tab\'s 301 redirects that value will be retained! To help you, SEO Tab automatically adds 301 redirects when you change the URL of a page. To delete a 301 redirect, right-click on it.';
$_lang['stercseo.alreadyexists'] = '<b>[[+url]]</b> has already been added to resource: <b>[[+pagetitle]] (id: [[+id]]) - <a href="[[+link]]" target="_blank">Edit in new window</a></b>';
$_lang['stercseo.uri_label'] = 'Old URL';
$_lang['stercseo.uri_label_desc'] = 'Enter the full URL, including your domain. Example: "".';
$_lang['stercseo.url_missing_protocol'] = 'Incorrect URL. Please add: http:// or https://';
//Tab Freeze URL
$_lang['stercseo.freeze_uri'] = 'Freeze URL';
$_lang['stercseo.uri_override'] = 'Set a Freeze URL for this page.';
$_lang['stercseo.uri_after'] = 'URL after [[+site_url]]';
$_lang['stercseo.uri_after_desc'] = 'Freeze URLs can be used to create user-friendly URLs.
For example, to set this page URL to [[+site_url]]user-friendly-url", enter "user-friendly-url" in the field above.';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.context-aware-alias'] = '301 Redirects are unique per context';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.context-aware-alias_desc'] = 'Make old URLs unique to context';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.index'] = 'Default resource setting: include in search engines';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.index_desc'] = 'Include new pages in search engines per default';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.follow'] = 'Default resource setting: following links';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.follow_desc'] = 'Follow links on new pages per default';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.sitemap'] = 'Default resource setting: include pages in Google Sitemap';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.sitemap_desc'] = 'Include new pages in Google Sitemap per default';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.priority'] = 'Default resource setting: priority';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.priority_desc'] = 'Priority of page in sitemap.xml (0.25 or 0.5 or 1)';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.changefreq'] = 'Default resource setting: update frequency';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.changefreq_desc'] = 'Default frequency (daily, weekly, monthly)';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.hide_from_usergroups'] = 'Hide SEO Tab from these usergroups';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.hide_from_usergroups_desc'] = 'Comma separated list of usergroups who are not allowed to access SEO Tab';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.xmlsitemap.babel.add_alternate_links'] = 'Add alternate links to XML Sitemap';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.xmlsitemap.babel.add_alternate_links_desc'] = 'Adds alternate links to XML Sitemap URLs based on Babel translations.';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.xmlsitemap.dependent_ultimateparent'] = 'Resources depend on properties of parent/ultimate parent';
$_lang['setting_stercseo.xmlsitemap.dependent_ultimateparent_desc'] = 'If turned on, resources will be hidden from the XML sitemap if their parent or ultimate parent resource is deleted or unpublished.';
// CMP
$_lang['stercseo.redirects.description'] = 'Manage your SEO Tab 301 redirects.
Redirects can also be added when editing a resource by clicking the tab called "SEO".';
$_lang['stercseo.redirects.window_title'] = 'Add redirect URL';
$_lang['stercseo.uri'] = 'Old URL (URL to redirect)';
$_lang[''] = 'New URL / Resource';
$_lang['stercseo.uri_update'] = 'Update redirect';
$_lang['stercseo.uri_remove'] = 'Remove redirect';
$_lang['stercseo.uri_remove_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this redirect?';
$_lang['stercseo.uri_remove_bulk'] = 'Remove selected redirects';
$_lang['stercseo.uri_remove_bulk_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove the selected redirects?';
$_lang['stercseo.uri_remove_bulk.redirect_err_ns'] = 'Redirect not specified';
$_lang['stercseo.migrate'] = 'Migrate redirects';
$_lang['stercseo.migrate_desc'] = 'Upgrading to 2.0.0 from 1.* is highly recommended, but it does introduce some risks. SEO Tab 1.* stored the 301 redirects into the properties-column of a resource. SEO Tab 2 stores it in a seperate database table. This means a migration is needed. The migration-process is memory-intensive and might take a very long time, so just let it roll until it mentions a finished migration.<br /><br />The migration is running while you read this. This page will automatically migrate all the redirects for you, so no action is required, but please keep this page open for SEO Tab to correctly handle the migration process.';
$_lang['stercseo.migrate_alert'] = 'SEO Tab was updated, but your 301 redirects need to be migrated. Click here to start the migration.';
$_lang['stercseo.migrate_status'] = 'Status';
$_lang['stercseo.migrate_running'] = 'Currently running migration process in the background. Please keep this page open in your browser. DO NOT CLOSE THIS PAGE!';
$_lang['stercseo.migrate_success'] = 'Migration completed';
$_lang['stercseo.migrate_success_msg'] = 'All your redirects have been successfully migrated.';
/* Resource. */
$_lang['stercseo.resource.freeze_uri.redirect_exists'] = 'Could not save the current resource because a SEO Tab redirect already exists for the provided freeze URI: [[+uri]].
Please provide a different freeze URI or remove the redirect in the SEO Tab component and save the resource again.';
$_lang['stercseo.resource.error.redirect_already_exists.title'] = 'Redirect already exists';
$_lang['stercseo.resource.error.redirect_already_exists.msg'] = 'The redirect you we\'re trying to add already exists for this resource and therefore the redirect was not saved.';
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