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Last active October 19, 2015 17:56
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Generic update without `.copy`
sealed trait Character
case class Player(hp: Int) extends Character
case class Civilian(name: String, hp: Int) extends Character
case class Monster(hp: Int, weakness: String) extends Character
object HittableDemo extends App {
import Hittable.ops._
val c1: Character = Player(1)
assert(c1.hit == Player(0))
val c2 = Civilian("John", 3)
assert(c2.hit == Civilian("John", 1))
assert((c2: Civilian).hit == Civilian("John", 1))
val c3: Character = Monster(2, "Fire")
assert(c3.hit == Monster(1, "Fire"))
assert(Civilian("John", 3) == "John")
assert(Monster(2, "Fire").hit.weakness == "Fire")
trait Hittable[T] {
def apply(t: T): T
object Hittable {
object ops {
implicit class HitOps[T: Hittable](t: T) {
def hit: T = implicitly[Hittable[T]] apply t
// 'Override' default behavior by providing more specific instance
implicit val civilianInstance: Hittable[Civilian] =
new Hittable[Civilian] {
def apply(c: Civilian): Civilian = c.copy(hp = c.hp - 2)
// Default instances derivation
def defaultHitFunc(hp: Int) = hp - 1
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.record._
private val wHp = Witness('hp)
implicit def genProdHittable[T, Repr <: HList]
prod: HasProductGeneric[T],
gen: LabelledGeneric.Aux[T, Repr],
modifier: Modifier.Aux[Repr, wHp.T, Int, Int, Repr]
): Hittable[T] =
new Hittable[T] {
def apply(t: T): T = gen.from(modifier(, defaultHitFunc))
implicit def cnilHittable: Hittable[CNil] =
new Hittable[CNil] {
def apply(t: CNil): CNil = t
implicit def cconsHittable[H, T <: Coproduct, F, A]
uh: Lazy[Hittable[H]],
ut: Lazy[Hittable[T]]
): Hittable[H :+: T] =
new Hittable[H :+: T] {
def apply(t: H :+: T): H :+: T = t match {
case Inl(h) => Inl(uh.value(h))
case Inr(t) => Inr(ut.value(t))
implicit def genCoprodHittable[T, Repr <: Coproduct]
coprod: HasCoproductGeneric[T],
gen: Generic.Aux[T, Repr],
hittable: Lazy[Hittable[Repr]]
): Hittable[T] =
new Hittable[T] {
def apply(t: T): T = gen.from(hittable.value(
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guersam commented Oct 19, 2015

Removed ModifyRepr and allow overriding default behavior, even if the base type is given in compile time

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