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Helper script for cleaning up inactive task definition revisions across regions
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# On Feb 27, 2023, Amazon ECS supports deletion of inactive task definition revisions:
# Announcement:
# -
# Blog Post:
# -
# Developer Guide:
# -
# Here's the sample script could helps you cleanup all INACTIVE task definition revisions at once.
# Disclaimer:
# - You should always test the script under your test environment, DO NOT use it on production without tests. Use it with caution.
# Usage:
# #### run with DRY_RUN mode on
# $ ./
# #### explicitly run with DRY_RUN mode on
# $ DRY_RUN=true ./
# #### explicitly run with DRY_RUN mode off (will send out delete target resource)
# $ DRY_RUN=false ./
declare DRY_RUN=${DRY_RUN:-true}
echo "Searching for AWS Regions... "
regions=($(aws ec2 describe-regions --no-cli-pager --filters 'Name=opt-in-status,Values=opt-in-not-required' --query 'Regions[*][RegionName]' --output text))
echo "Found ${#regions[@]} AWS regions"
for region in "${regions[@]}"; do
echo "Processing region: ${region}"
printf "Searching for Inactive Task Definition Revisions... "
inactive_task_definition_revisions=($(aws ecs list-task-definitions --no-cli-pager --region "${region}" --status "INACTIVE" --query "taskDefinitionArns[]" --output text))
echo "Found ${#inactive_task_definition_revisions[@]} Inactive Task Definition(s)"
for inactive_task_definition_revision in "${inactive_task_definition_revisions[@]}"; do
if [ "${DRY_RUN}" != "false" ]; then
printf "*** \e[1;32m[DRY_RUN: ON]\e[m Found \"%s\", skipped ***\n" "${inactive_task_definition_revision}"
printf "*** \e[1;31m[DRY_RUN: OFF]\e[m Found \"%s\", deleting ***\n" "${inactive_task_definition_revision}"
aws ecs delete-task-definitions --no-cli-pager --region "${region}" --task-definitions "${inactive_task_definition_revision}" --output json
sleep 0.3 # To avoid being blocked by throttle
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