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Last active June 5, 2024 02:50
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  • Save guest271314/78372b8f3fabb1ecf95d492a028d10dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save guest271314/78372b8f3fabb1ecf95d492a028d10dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
How to create, recreate, and transfer directories to peers in the browser. Part 1: Creating directories in the local filesystem using HTML
// *Mostly* specfication conformant
// <input type="file" webkitdirectory> does not upload empty directories
// drop event with DataTransfer.item.getAsFileSystemDirectory() *does*
// list empty folders.
// W3C File API does not have a way to represent an empty directory.
// We use a File with type set to "inode/directory".
try {
// HTMLInputElement.webkitdirectory
var html = `<form
style="z-index:1000;display:block;position:absolute;top:95vh !important;left:50vw !important;background:dodgerblue;">
<input type="file" webkitdirectory directory name="">
<div id="download-gh">Download GH repo</div>
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", html);
var download = document.forms["dir"].querySelector("#download-gh");
var input = document.forms["dir"].querySelector("input[type=file]");
var { resolve, promise } = Promise.withResolvers();
var repo = "persistent-serviceworker";
var branch = "main";
input.addEventListener("change", async (e) => {
console.log([0].webkitRelativePath, []);
// Set name in <input type="file" webkitdirectory> to uploaded directory name =[0].webkitRelativePath.split("/").shift();
// POST FormData including <form>, handle Response.formData()
const request = await fetch("./", {
method: "post",
body: new FormData(input.form),
const fd = await request.formData();
const fd = new FormData(input.form);
input.value = null;
}, {
once: true,
input.addEventListener("dragover", async (e) => {
input.addEventListener("drop", async (e) => {
const files = e.dataTransfer.files; = files;
const [item] = await e.dataTransfer.items;
// Create FileSystemFileHandle from DataTransfer item
const entry = await item.getAsFileSystemHandle();
input.value = null;
}, {
once: true,
download.addEventListener("click", async (e) => {
const fd = new FormData();
const files = await Array.fromAsync(getGitHubRepositoryAsDirectory());
const foldername = files[0].name.split("/").shift();
for (const file of files) {
fd.append(foldername, file,;
}, {
once: true,
// Fetch GitHub repository
async function* getGitHubRepositoryAsDirectory(
r = `${repo}/contents?recursive=1`,
) {
const request = await fetch(r);
const json = await request.json();
const files = await Promise.all( (entry) => {
const {
} = entry;
if (download_url) {
const url = new URL(download_url);
const blob = await (await fetch(url)).blob();
const file = new File(
url.pathname.replace(new RegExp(`^\\/\\w+\\/|\\/${branch}`, "g"), ""),
type: blob.type,
return file;
} else {
const {
} = entry;
if (_links) {
return await Array.fromAsync(getGitHubRepositoryAsDirectory(_links.self));
yield* files.flat();
// Helper function for filesystem *development*
// Get directory in origin private file system from Chrome configuration folder.
// fetch() file: protocol with "file://*/*" or "<all_urls>" in "host_permissions"
// in browser extension manifest.json
async function parseChromeDefaultFileSystem(path) {
try {
const set = new Set([
32, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,
54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68,
69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78,
79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88,
89, 90, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102,
103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110,
111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118,
119, 120, 121, 122,
const request = await fetch(path);
const text = (await request.text()).replace(/./g, (s) => set.has(s.codePointAt()) ? s : "");
const files = [ Set(
].map((s) => {
const dir = [ Set(text.slice(0, text.indexOf(s)).match(/(?<=[@\s]|CHILD_OF:0:)([\w-_])+(?=Ux)/g).map((d) =>
const re = /00000[\d\s]+|\.crswap/g;
const [key] = s.match(re);
return ({
[key]: s.replace(re, ""),
return {
name: files[0].dir,
} catch (e) {
// let paths = await parseChromeDefaultFileSystem("file:///home/user/.config/chromium/Default/File\ System/021/t/Paths/000003.log");
// console.log(JSON.stringify(paths, null, 2));
// Write FormData to FileSystemDirectoryHandle
async function writeFormDataToDirectory(fd, dir) {
const [key] = [ Set(fd.keys())];
// Remove all directories in FileSystemDirectoryHandle
for await (const key of dir.keys()) {
await dir.removeEntry(key, {
recursive: true,
// Create root directory with uploaded directory name
const root = await dir.getDirectoryHandle(key, {
create: true,
for (const [dirname, file] of fd) {
// Path components are the File name, including directory names
// e.g., "web-directory/file.txt", "web-directory/empty-directory"
// ["web-directory", "file.txt"], ["web-directory", "empty-directory"]
// Check if file is a File object
// or a string that is name of an empty directory
const pathComponents =
("/") ? : file.webkitRelativePath).split(
// With two path components write file to root directory
if (pathComponents.length === 2) {
const handle = await root.getFileHandle(pathComponents[1], {
create: true,
await handle.createWritable());
} else {
// File or directory name
const path = pathComponents.pop();
if (file.type === "inode/directory") {
`Empty directory stored as File object: ${}, ${file.type}, ${file.size}`,
// Shift the path component, key variable is root directory name
// Create subdirectories
const subdir = await pathComponents.reduce(
async (handle, subfolder) => {
const cwd = await handle;
// Empty array or directory names in FileSystemDirectoryHandle
const stat = await Array.fromAsync(await cwd.keys());
const fileExists = !stat.includes(subfolder);
return await cwd.getDirectoryHandle(subfolder, {
create: fileExists,
// Create file in subdirectory, write File to path
if (file instanceof File && file.type !== "inode/directory") {
const fileHandle = await subdir.getFileHandle(path, {
create: true,
await fileHandle.createWritable());
} else {
// Create empty directory
await subdir.getDirectoryHandle(path, {
create: true,
return root;
// FileSystemDirectoryHandle to File's
async function* directoryToFiles(dir, subdir = "") {
const entries = await Array.fromAsync(dir.entries());
if (subdir) {
subdir += "/";
for (const [filename, cwd] of entries) {
if (cwd.kind === "directory") {
const keys = await Array.fromAsync(cwd.keys());
if (keys.length) {
yield* directoryToFiles(cwd, `${subdir}${}`);
} else {
yield new File([], `${subdir}${}/${}`, {
type: "inode/directory",
} else {
const file = await cwd.getFile();
yield new File([file], `${subdir}${}/${filename}`, {
type: file.type,
// Read and log current FileSystemDirectoryHandle and FileSystemFileHandle
async function readCurrentDirectory(dir) {
const sortedEntries = (await Array.fromAsync(dir.values())).sort((a, b) =>
a.kind === "file" ? -1 : 1
for (const handle of sortedEntries) {
if (handle.kind === "file") {
console.log(`Directory: ${}, file: ${}`);
} else {
console.log(`Directory: ${}, subdirectory: ${}`);
// Read subdirectories
await readCurrentDirectory(handle);
`\x1B[38;2;0;0;255;1mDone iterating subdirectory ${} of ${}`,
return `Done iterating ${dir.kind} ${}`;
// Read and log FileSystemDirectoryHandle's and FileSystemFileHandle's
async function readDirectories(dir) {
// Iterate root FileSystemDirectoryHandle
for await (const [, entry] of dir) {
if (entry.kind === "directory") {
// Read subdirectories
console.log(`\x1B[38;2;0;0;255;1m${await readCurrentDirectory(entry)}`);
if (entry.kind === "file") {
console.log(`Directory: ${}, file: ${}`);
return dir;
// Iterate and list all directories and files of FileSystemDirectoryHandle
async function* listDirectory(dir, subdir = "") {
const entries = await Array.fromAsync(dir.entries());
if (subdir) {
subdir += "/";
for (const [filename, cwd] of entries) {
if (cwd.kind === "directory") {
const keys = await Array.fromAsync(cwd.keys());
if (keys.length) {
yield* listDirectory(cwd, `${subdir}${}`);
} else {
yield `${subdir}${}/${filename}`;
} else {
yield `${subdir}${}/${filename}`;
// FormData or FileSystemDirectoryHandle from local or remote network or peer
let fd = await promise;
// FileSystemDirectoryHandle to write FormData or FileSystemDirectoryHandle
// WICG File System Access: Actual local filesystem
// WHATWG File System: Origin Private Storage filesystem
let dir;
// Root directory of created FileSystemDirectoryHandle
let root;
// Set Chromium, Chrome policy for file or directory picker without gesture
"FileOrDirectoryPickerWithoutGestureAllowedForOrigins": [
let permission;
if (Object.hasOwn(globalThis, "showDirectoryPicker")) {
permission = await navigator.permissions.query({
name: "notifications",
if (permission.state !== "granted") {
permission = await Notification.requestPermission();
if (permission.state === "granted" || permission === "granted") {
const showDirectoryPickerNotification = new Notification(
`Create ${fd?.name || [...fd][0][0]} directory in local filesystem?`,
async function handleShowDirectoryPickerNotification(e) {
dir = await showDirectoryPicker({
id: "fetch-folder",
mode: "readwrite",
startIn: "downloads",
`${showDirectoryPickerNotification.title} notification clicked within 15 seconds.`,
{ once: true },
const abortable = new AbortController();
const { signal } = abortable;
await new Promise((r) => {
showDirectoryPickerNotification.addEventListener("show", r, {
once: true,
}).then(() =>
scheduler.postTask(() => {
`${showDirectoryPickerNotification.title} notification not clicked within 15 seconds.`,
}, { priority: "background", delay: 20000, signal })
if (
dir == undefined
) {
const originPrivateStorageNotification = new Notification(
`Create ${
fd?.name || [...fd][0][0]
} directory in origin private storage filesystem?`,
async function handleOriginPrivateStorageNotification(e) {
dir = await;
`${originPrivateStorageNotification.title} notification clicked within 15 seconds.`,
{ once: true },
const abortable = new AbortController();
const { signal } = abortable;
await new Promise((r) => {
originPrivateStorageNotification.addEventListener("show", r, {
once: true,
}).then(() =>
scheduler.postTask(() => {
`${originPrivateStorageNotification.title} notification not clicked within 15 seconds.`,
}, { priority: "background", delay: 20000, signal })
// WHATWG File System
// dir = await;
// WICG File System Access API
dir = await showDirectoryPicker({
id: "fetch-folder",
mode: "readwrite",
startIn: "downloads",
if (dir) {
if (fd instanceof FormData) {
// Create FormData from FileSystemDirectoryHandle
const folder = await writeFormDataToDirectory(fd, dir);
root = await readDirectories(folder);
if (fd instanceof FileSystemDirectoryHandle) {
const formData = new FormData();
// Create Array of File objects from FileSystemDirectoryHandle
const files = await Array.fromAsync(directoryToFiles(fd));
const key = files[0].name.split("/").shift();
for (const file of files) {
if (file instanceof File) {
formData.append(key, file,;
} else {
// Use string to reference empty directory entry
// formData.append(key, file);
root = await readDirectories(fd);
// POST directory to ServiceWorker or server as FormData
// const request = await fetch("./", {
// method: "post",
// body: formData,
// });
// await request.formData().then((form) => {
// console.log(
// [...form].filter(([, { type }]) => type === "inode/directory"),
// );
// }).catch(console.error);
await new Response(fd).text()
.then((body) => {
const boundary = body.slice(2, body.indexOf("\r\n"));
return new Response(body, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": `multipart/form-data; boundary=${boundary}`,
.then((data) => {
return data;
}).catch((e) => {
throw e;
// File objects in FormData referencing empty directories
[...formData].filter(([, { type }]) => type === "inode/directory"),
// Recreate directory from FormData
await writeFormDataToDirectory(formData, dir);
console.log(`\x1B[38;2;0;0;255;1mDone iterating ${root.kind} ${}`);
JSON.stringify(await Array.fromAsync(listDirectory(root)), null, 2),
} catch (e) {

We will start this series with creating a directory on the local filesystem using HTML.

Creating directories (folders) in the browser using HTML

Chrome and Firefox browsers use Gtk FileChooser for the file picker for upload and download of folders and files. The FileChooser interface has a FileChooser:create-folders property.

What this means for us is we can create a folder when a file is downloaded or uploaded within the file picker UI.

Prerequisite: Set Ask where to save each file before downloading to true on Chromium-based browsers (e.g., Chrome), and set Always ask you where to save files on Firefox in Settings.

Add webkitdirectory property to an HTMLInputElement with type set to file

Creating a local directory without creating a file therein

var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "file";
input.webkitdirectory = true;;

In the file picker select Downloads or any other folder where the directory is to be created in the initial UI. The UI will change to ask what directory to open in the Downloads folder. In the UI there will be an folder icon that upon click will create a directory.

Click the folder, which will create a popup in the UI Folder Name. Enter a folder name, then click Create. Then click Upload. The folder will be created, whether Upload in the UI isclicked or not.

Note, the input and change events, respectively, of the <input type="file"> element will not be dispated because no file (File object in the browser) is selected in the UI.

Creating a local directory with creating a file therein

We'll make use of the download attribute.

The same Gtk FileChooser is used by the browser, so we can repeat the steps above to create a folder where the file will be downloaded into.

var a = document.createElement("a"); = "file.txt";
a.href = "data:,";;

Creating a local directory with creating a file therein and triggering input and change events

We will be launching two (2) Gtk FileChooser UI instances. The first we'll handle manually is the Save UI. Repeat the steps above for creating a folder first, then downloading the file to the folder created in the file picker/file saver UI. Then select the created folder in the directory upload UI, click Upload. input and change events will be dispatched to the <input type="file" webkitdirectory> element.

  var html = \`<a download="file.txt" href="data:,"></a><form enctype="multipart/form-data" name="dir">
      <input type="file" webkitdirectory directory name="create-directory">

  document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", html);
  var [input] = document.forms["dir"].children;
  var a = document.querySelector("a[download='file.txt']");
  input.addEventListener("input", async(e) => {
  }, {once: true});
  input.addEventListener("change", async (e) => {
    console.log(e.type,[0].webkitRelativePath, []);
  }, {
    once: true,


Above we have created folders in the browser using HTML alone. In Part 2 of this series we will be making use of FormData object, raw multipart/form-data, and Response.formData() to recreate folders both directly on the local filesystem with WICG File System Access API and in the Origin Private File System with WHATWG File System, which are not the same Web API even though the two (2) discrete Web API's share some of the same interfaces, i.e., FileSystemDirectorHandle. We will also preface Part 3 of this series, serializing directories for the ability to download folders from GitHub, and transfer folders to peers as an ArrayBuffer with fetch(), WebRTC RTCDataChannel, WebTransport, or WebSocket, et al.

In Part 1 we created directories in the browser using the UI. In Part 2 we will be

  • Creating directories from FormData
  • Creating FormData from files in directories
  • Writing directories to the actual file system using WICG File System Access API
  • Writing directories to the origin private file system using WHATWG File System
  • Serializing directories to FormData
  • Fetching GitHub repositories and writing those repositories to the local file system
  • Getting files in the browser configuration folder written to origin private file system


WICG File System Access API: Writes directories and files to the actual files system.

WHATWG File System: Writes directories and files to the "origin private file system" which is stored in the browser configuration folder.

For history and errata see File system access prior art, current implementations and disambiguation: The difference between WICG File System Access and WHATWG File System.

An article explaining the "origin private file system" which should illustrate the difference between that API and WICG File System Access API, which shared some of the same interfaces: [](The origin private file system .

So ultimately when localStorage, webkitRequestFileSystem are used that data is still written to the local file system. We just have to know where to look for the data and how to parse the data.

The code

The code in createReadWriteDirectoriesInBrowser.js below conatins several functions to programmatically create, read, write, extract directories in the browser. There are comments explaining what is going on, with links to the relevant specifications.

The code is tested on Chromium 127 Developer Build. Desktop/laptop. The code was not tested on mobile devices. There are ways to create, read, and write directories exclusively on mobile devices, too. That's not the focus of this code though. The focus of this code is using modern browser capabilities to create and manipulate directories - both in the actual user filesystem and the origin private file system.

I would suggest testing the code on a Chromium-based browser, which supports WICG File System Access. Most modern browser support WHATWG File System. Mozilla's Firefox does not support WICG File System Accerss API. Although we already demonstrated in Part 1 that we can create directories in the user filesystem in the file picker upload or download UI with user complicity.

What you will notice is a directry is essentially a mapping of file or empty directory references to names. Technically that can be done using JSON, Import Maps, e.g.,

<script type="importmap">
    "imports": {
      "test/file": "./x.json",
      "test/sub/file": "./z.json"
<script type="module">
  import x from "test/file"
  with {
    type: "json"
  import z from "test/sub/file"
  with {
    type: "json"
    new TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array([x, z])), 

CachedStorage or other means. We'll explore various ways directories can be represented, parsed, compressed, transferred to peers, etc. in Part 3.

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