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guest271314 / _DataTransfer.js
Created November 12, 2017 17:43
Create DataTransfer instance
class _DataTransfer {
constructor() {
return new ClipboardEvent("").clipboardData || new DataTransfer();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Hello world!</h1>
guest271314 / YourDefintionOfRace.txt
Created September 3, 2018 16:24
What is your definition of race in 140 characters or less?
a means of organizing social relations ... to establish and maintain political and economic domination @_joannabrooks #YourDefinitionOfRace
guest271314 / generator-with-indexes.js
Created December 10, 2018 19:38
function* myGen(){
let i = 10;
while(i<20) {
yield i;
for(let [index, j] of [...myGen()].entries()) { //<-- I want .entries() but for a Generator
guest271314 / answer-to-what-does-farrakhan-mean-by-false-jews.txt
Created January 23, 2019 16:52
Answer to 'What does Farrakhan mean by “false Jews”?'
Must preface this answer with the fact that do not believe in or practice any religion, "Abrahamic-based" or otherwise. From perspective here, all religions, are merely political organizations, without exception.
To the extent that "Jew" is a considered a practitioner of the religion Judaism religion and not a specific distinct group based on another other factors, to self-identify as Jew is simply to self-identify with a political organization.
If the premise is that to be Jewish or a Jew is considered by that individual to be more than simply believing or practicing a religion, that is a separate question which would require, at the outset, what that individual considers to be "Jewish" other than simply a political organization.
Therefore this answer is based on the political self-identification and organization "Jew", not belief in the unseen or a mystery "god" nor writings or spirituality attributed or connected to Judaism (religion, for individuals who take religion as something other than purely a