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Last active May 25, 2021 13:11
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  1. To do
  2. Blocked
  3. In progress
  4. To deploy
  5. Ready to test
  6. QA validating
  7. Done

Story ready for Technical Refinement

  1. General description of the story should be completed and clear
  2. Acceptance Criteria of the story should be completed and clear
  3. High level estimation on SP should be set on the story
  4. No blocks for Technical Refinement can be opened
  5. Story should be moved to Ready for Technical Refinement

Story ready for Development

  1. Technical Details of the story should be completed and clear
  2. Sub-tasks (development activities) should be created with complete and clear acceptance criteria
  3. Following tickets should be created on each story for logging hours purpose:
  • Sub-test: Test Cases
  • Sub-test: Test Execution
  • Sub-task: Documentation
  1. Estimation on SP of the story should be re-validated
  2. No blocks for Development can be opened
  3. Story should be moved to Ready for Development
  4. Knowledge transfer and opened discussion should be done between Architect, Scrum Master, Developers and Tester.
  5. If there is any feedback from the team updates should be done
  6. Activities should be estimated on hours
  7. Story should be moved to Development

Bug ready for Development

  1. Details of the bug should be completed and clear
  2. Sub-task (development activity) should be created with complete and clear acceptance criteria
  3. Following tickets should be created on each bug for logging hours purpose:
  • Sub-test: Test Cases
  1. Bug should be moved to Ready for Development
  2. Knowledge transfer and opened discussion should be done between Architect, Scrum Master, Developers and Tester.
  3. If there is any feedback from the team updates should be done
  4. Activities should be estimated on hours
  5. Bug should be moved to Development

Story or Bug ready for UAT

  1. All development activities should be done
  2. All sub-bugs should be fixed
  3. Tests should be completed
  4. All Acceptance Criteria of the story must be accomplished or bug should be fixed
  5. Automation is ready and running properly with the new features and fixes
  6. Deploy to Staging and smock test must be done

Story or Bug ready for Release

  1. Sign off of PO should be done on Staging on the Story or Bug and the ticket should be moved to Ready for Release

Ready for Release

  1. Deploy to Production must be done and validated
  2. Before moving the activity to Code Review DoD must be accomplished:
  3. All Acceptance Criteria of Sub-task should be completed
  4. All commits must have the JIRA Story ID/sub-task ID
  5. Unit test should be written
  6. Manual tests should be done
  7. Test evidences of Manual tests should be attached on the activity
  8. Merge latest changes from develop on the feature branch for the task should be done
  9. Run Unit Tests Suite and make sure all of them passed
  10. Create pull request for the branch
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