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Last active May 16, 2021 22:42
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Put together play-by-play data

Run this code, making sure all the packages are installed (install.packages("package") if you don't).

Make sure to replace the instances of FILENAME where you want to save your data.


first <- 2009 #first season to grab. min available=2009
last <- 2018 # most recent season

datalist = list()
for (yr in first:last) {
  pbp <- read_csv(url(paste0("", yr, ".csv")))
  games <- read_csv(url(paste0("", yr, ".csv")))
  pbp <- pbp %>% inner_join(games %>% distinct(game_id, week, season)) %>% select(-fumble_recovery_2_yards)
  datalist[[yr]] <- pbp # add it to your list

pbp_all <- dplyr::bind_rows(datalist)

pbp_all %>% group_by(home_team) %>%summarize(n=n(), seasons=n_distinct(season), minyr=min(season), maxyr=max(season)) %>% 

pbp_all <- pbp_all %>% 
  mutate_at(vars(home_team, away_team, posteam, defteam), funs(case_when(
    . %in% "JAX" ~ "JAC",
    . %in% "STL" ~ "LA",
    . %in% "SD" ~ "LAC",
    TRUE ~ .

#save the whole big thing in case you need it later
saveRDS(pbp_all, file="FILENAME_ALL.rds")
pbp_all <- readRDS("FILENAME_ALL.rds")

pbp_all_rp <- pbp_all %>%
  filter(!is_na(epa), !is_na(posteam), play_type=="no_play" | play_type=="pass" | play_type=="run") %>%
    pass = if_else(str_detect(desc, "( pass)|(sacked)|(scramble)"), 1, 0),
    rush = if_else(str_detect(desc, "(left end)|(left tackle)|(left guard)|(up the middle)|(right guard)|(right tackle)|(right end)") & pass == 0, 1, 0),
    success = ifelse(epa>0, 1 , 0),
    passer_player_name = ifelse(play_type == "no_play" & pass == 1, 
                                str_extract(desc, "(?<=\\s)[A-Z][a-z]*\\.\\s?[A-Z][A-z]+(\\s(I{2,3})|(IV))?(?=\\s((pass)|(sack)|(scramble)))"),
    receiver_player_name = ifelse(play_type == "no_play" & str_detect(desc, "pass"), 
    rusher_player_name = ifelse(play_type == "no_play" & rush == 1, 
                                str_extract(desc, "(?<=\\s)[A-Z][a-z]*\\.\\s?[A-Z][A-z]+(\\s(I{2,3})|(IV))?(?=\\s((left end)|(left tackle)|(left guard)|(up the middle)|(right guard)|(right tackle)|(right end)))"),
    name = ifelse(!is_na(passer_player_name), passer_player_name, rusher_player_name),
  ) %>%
  filter(pass==1 | rush==1)

saveRDS(pbp_all_rp, file="FILENAME_RP.rds") #save
pbp_all_rp<- readRDS("FILENAME_RP.rds") #how to load it later

#roster data
datalist = list()
for (yr in first:last) {
  if (yr<=2017) {
    roster <- read_csv(url(paste0("", yr, "_rosters.csv")))
    roster <- roster %>% mutate(
      season = Season,
      full_player_name = Player,
      abbr_player_name = name,
      position = Pos,
      team = Team,
      gsis_id = GSIS_ID
      ) %>%
  else {
    roster <- read_csv(url(paste0("", yr, ".csv")))
    roster <- roster %>% select(-season_type)

  datalist[[yr]] <- roster # add it to your list

rosters_all <- dplyr::bind_rows(datalist)

#fix the team name problems
rosters_all <- rosters_all %>% 
  mutate_at(vars(team), funs(case_when(
    . %in% "JAX" ~ "JAC",
    . %in% "STL" ~ "LA",
    . %in% "SD" ~ "LAC",
    TRUE ~ .

#save raw dataset
saveRDS(rosters_all, file="FILENAME.rds")
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guga31bb commented Aug 3, 2019

I'm guessing it's because it's filled in the targets for plays with penalties (which are not counted in the official NFL stats), which I don't do until later on in the tutorial. Hopefully this becomes clear once you go through the whole tutorial. If you filter by play_type=="pass", then it should match up with the official stats, but please let me know if it doesn't.

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Yup, that's what it was. It matches up with the official stats now, thank you!

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Having trouble with running pbp_all <- dplyr::bind_rows(datalist)

I get an Error: Column blocked_player_id can't be converted from character to logical

I saw somewhere how to correct it but can't remember. I tried pbp$blocked_player_id<-NULL but still get the error.
Am I missing something easy? Its easy isn't it?

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guga31bb commented Aug 7, 2019

Add that to the select line. Change:

pbp <- pbp %>% inner_join(games %>% distinct(game_id, week, season)) %>% select(-fumble_recovery_2_yards)


pbp <- pbp %>% inner_join(games %>% distinct(game_id, week, season)) %>% select(-fumble_recovery_2_yards, -blocked_player_id)

Plays that are all NA in some seasons but not others cause issues, so dropping it fixes it.

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I can't seem to get this work,
My datalist doesn't seem to be working, I have changed nothing in the code apart from adding the blocked_player_id as described above
My games dataset only has 256 Obs.

Does anybody have any ideas?

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