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Last active August 18, 2023 18:48
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Mac OS - Shortcuts
-- General --
Close app: cmd + Q
Toggle fullscreen: ctrl + cmd + f
Switch between apps: cmd + tab
Switch between windows: cmd + `
App preferences: cmd + ,
Toggle auto/fixed Dock: cmd + option + d
Change focus between option on opened alert: tab
Select focused option on opened alert: space
Previous tab: cmd + shift + {
Next tab: cmd + shift + }
-- Utilities --
Screenshot: cmd + shift - 4
Screenshot(without generating file): ctrl + cmd + shit + 4
App details(menu bar): option + click on network icon
Peek desktop: cmd + f3
Show emoji menu: ctrl + cmd + space
Mission Control: f3
Zoom in: cmd + alt + =
Zoom out: cmd + alt + -
Toggle zoom: cmd + alt + 8
-- Finder --
Open "Go to folder": cmd + shift + g
New tab: cmd + T
Show hidden files: cmd + shift + .
Cut and paste: select file > cmd + option + drag
Cut and paste: cmd c > cmd + option + v
Delete file permanently: cmd + option + delete
Delete file: cmd + delete
— Spotlight —
Open: cmd + space
— Alfred —
Open: option + space
— Iterm2 —
Fullscreen: cmd + enter
New tab: cmd + t
Switch between panels: cmd + shift + [ or ]
Split panel to the right: cmd + d
Split panel to the bottom: cmd + shift + d
Switch between panels: cmd + option + arrow(up, right, bottom, left)
Notifify when command finishes: cmd + alt + a
-- VSCode --
New file: cmd + n
New window: cmd + shift + n
Select all occurrences: cmd + shift + l
Close all tabs: cmd + shift + w
Debug Console: cmd + shift + y
-- Slack --
Set status: cmd + shift + y
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