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Created September 22, 2019 02:55
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A simple C# dotnet client to access a POP3 account and delete messages by some rules (from, subject, etc)
namespace MailCleaner
//PM> Install-Package Pop3
using Pop3;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
static class Program
private static Int32 _counter;
private static readonly HashSet<String> FromHashSet = new HashSet<String>();
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
private static async Task Start()
//The worker deletes up to 100 messages per time
//The worker is called 100 times
// 100 x 100 = up to 10.000 messages deleted per execution
for (var x = 0; x < 100; x++)
await DoWork();
_counter = 0;
if (!FromHashSet.Any())
//Stores in the log.txt file the "From"s that was not deleted
using (var file = File.OpenWrite("log.txt"))
foreach (var from in FromHashSet)
var buffer = new UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes($"{from}\r\n");
await file.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
catch (Exception e)
private static async Task DoWork()
//PM> Install-Package Pop3 -Version 2.2.8
var pop = new Pop3Client();
//change the following lines with your server data and credentials of your account
await pop.ConnectAsync(
var messages = await pop.ListAsync();
var pop3Messages = messages as Pop3Message[] ?? messages.ToArray();
Console.WriteLine($"Total messages: {pop3Messages.Length}");
foreach (var message in pop3Messages)
Console.WriteLine(new String('=', 100));
await pop.RetrieveHeaderAsync(message);
Console.WriteLine($"{Decode(message.Subject)} - {message.Date}");
await Validate(pop, message);
if (_counter >= 100)
await pop.DisconnectAsync();
private static async Task Validate(Pop3Client pop, Pop3Message message)
if (!message.From.Equals(""))
Console.WriteLine($"Message left from {message.From}");
Console.WriteLine($"Deleting message from {message.From}");
await pop.DeleteAsync(message);
private static String Decode(String mimeString)
var regex = new Regex(@"=\?(?<charset>.*?)\?(?<encoding>[qQbB])\?(?<value>.*?)\?=");
var encodedString = mimeString;
var decodedString = String.Empty;
while (encodedString.Length > 0)
var match = regex.Match(encodedString);
if (match.Success)
// If the match isn't at the start of the string, copy the initial few chars to the output
decodedString += encodedString.Substring(0, match.Index);
var charset = match.Groups["charset"].Value;
var encoding = match.Groups["encoding"].Value.ToUpper();
var value = match.Groups["value"].Value;
if (encoding.Equals("B"))
// Encoded value is Base-64
var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(value);
decodedString += Encoding.GetEncoding(charset).GetString(bytes);
else if (encoding.Equals("Q"))
// Encoded value is Quoted-Printable
// Parse looking for =XX where XX is hexadecimal
var regx = new Regex("(\\=([0-9A-F][0-9A-F]))", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
decodedString += regx.Replace(value, delegate (Match m)
var hex = m.Groups[2].Value;
var iHex = Convert.ToInt32(hex, 16);
// Return the string in the charset defined
var bytes = new Byte[1];
bytes[0] = Convert.ToByte(iHex);
return Encoding.GetEncoding(charset).GetString(bytes);
decodedString = decodedString.Replace('_', ' ');
// Encoded value not known, return original string
// (Match should not be successful in this case, so this code may never get hit)
decodedString += encodedString;
// Trim off up to and including the match, then we'll loop and try matching again.
encodedString = encodedString.Substring(match.Index + match.Length);
// No match, not encoded, return original string
decodedString += encodedString;
return decodedString;
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