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Created February 4, 2016 13:24
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# -------------------------------------------------------
# READ IMAGES: Script that reads the images (png) of a folder and
# create a csv with number, size y bytes, x and y length
# -------------------------------------------------------
source("./utils/install.R") #source("")
install_and_detach("png",clean = F,load = T)
# my own script (install.R), but you can use
# install.packages("png"); library(png)
# --------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------
target_folder = "./estimulos/"
csv_name = "stim_info.csv"
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Main script.
# -------------------------------------------------------
# create a list of images on the folder that we need to inspect
list_image <- list.files(path = target_folder, pattern = "*.PNG")
# initialize variables
store <- data.frame(); size <- c(); stim <- c(); x <- c(); y <- c()
# loop that reads image and create vectors of each
for( image in 1:length(list_image)){
size <- c(size,, list_image[image]))$size)
stim <- c(stim, list_image[image])
x <- c(x, dim(readPNG(paste0(target_folder, list_image[image])))[1])
y <- c(y, dim(readPNG(paste0(target_folder, list_image[image])))[2])
store <- data.frame(stim, size, x, y)
write.csv(store, file = csv_name)
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