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Created October 4, 2018 13:08
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A Firebase's firestore document object represented in Swift
// Firestore.swift
// Feebi
// Created by Guido Marucci Blas on 5/20/18.
import Foundation
public protocol JSONRepresentable: Encodable {
func asJsonData() throws -> Data
func asJson() throws -> [String : Any]?
extension JSONRepresentable {
public func asJsonData() throws -> Data {
return try JSONEncoder().encode(self)
public func asJson() throws -> [String : Any]? {
return (try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: asJsonData(), options: .allowFragments)) as? [String : Any]
public extension GoogleAPI {
public struct Firestore {
public struct Documents {
private let basePath: String
fileprivate init(basePath: String) {
self.basePath = "\(basePath)/documents"
public func createDocument(
parent: String? = .none,
collectionId: String,
document: FirestoreDocument,
options: FirestoreCreateDocumentOptions = FirestoreCreateDocumentOptions()) -> Resource<FirestoreDocument> {
return Resource(
path: basePath + (parent ?? "") + "/\(collectionId)",
queryParameters: options,
requestBody: try? JSONEncoder().encode(document),
method: .post
public func list(
parent: String? = .none,
collectionId: String,
options: FirestoreListDocumentsOptions = FirestoreListDocumentsOptions()) -> Resource<FirestoreDocumentList> {
return Resource(
path: basePath + (parent ?? "") + "/\(collectionId)",
queryParameters: options,
method: .get
public func patch(
document: FirestoreDocument,
options: FirestorePatchDocumentOptions) -> Resource<FirestoreDocument> {
guard let documentName = else {
fatalError("ERROR - Cannot patch a document without name")
return Resource(
path: "\(basePath)/\(documentName)",
queryParameters: options,
requestBody: try? JSONEncoder().encode(document),
method: .patch
public func patch(
document: FirestoreDocument,
updateMask: FirestoreDocumentMask) -> Resource<FirestoreDocument> {
return patch(document: document, options: FirestorePatchDocumentOptions(updateMask: updateMask))
public func get(
documentName: String,
mask: FirestoreDocumentMask? = .none) -> Resource<FirestoreDocument> {
return Resource(
path: "\(basePath)/\(documentName)",
queryParameters: mask?.asQueryString,
method: .get
public func delete(
documentName: String,
currentDocument: FirestoreDocumentPrecondition? = .none) -> Resource<Void> {
return Resource(
path: "\(basePath)/\(documentName)",
queryParameters: currentDocument?.asQueryString,
method: .delete
public func runQuery(parameters: RunQueryParameters) -> Resource<[RunQueryResponse]> {
return Resource(
path: "\(basePath):runQuery",
queryParameters: { .none },
requestBody: try? JSONEncoder().encode(parameters),
method: .post
public func runQuery(query: StructuredQuery) -> Resource<[RunQueryResponse]> {
return runQuery(parameters: .init(structuredQuery: query))
public var documents: Documents { return Documents(basePath: basePath) }
private let baseURL = ""
private let version: String
private var basePath: String
fileprivate init(version: String = "v1beta1", projectId: String, databaseId: String) {
self.version = version
self.basePath = "\(baseURL)/\(version)/projects/\(projectId)/databases/\(databaseId)"
public static func firestore(projectId: String, databaseId: String) -> Firestore {
return Firestore(projectId: projectId, databaseId: databaseId)
// MARK :- Data models
public struct FirestoreDocumentMask: Encodable {
public static func allFieldKeys(of document: FirestoreDocument) -> FirestoreDocumentMask {
return FirestoreDocumentMask(fieldPaths: document.flattenFieldKeys)
public let fieldPaths: [String]
extension FirestoreDocumentMask: QueryStringConvertible {
public var asQueryString: String {
return "mask=\(asJsonString())"
fileprivate extension FirestoreDocumentMask {
func asJsonString() -> String {
let jsonData = try? JSONEncoder().encode(self)
guard let jsonString = jsonData.flatMap({ String(data: $0, encoding: .ascii) }) else {
fatalError("ERROR - Cannot encode mask property into JSON string")
return jsonString
public struct FirestoreCreateDocumentOptions: QueryStringConvertible {
public var documentId: String?
public var mask: FirestoreDocumentMask?
public var asQueryString: String {
var queryString = ""
if let documentId = self.documentId {
queryString += "documentId=\(documentId)"
if let mask = self.mask {
let jsonString = mask.asJsonString()
queryString += (queryString.isEmpty ? jsonString : "&\(jsonString)")
return queryString
public init() {}
public struct FirestoreListDocumentsOptions: PaginableFetcherOptions, QueryStringConvertible {
public var pageSize: UInt?
public var pageToken: String?
public var orderBy: String?
public var mask: FirestoreDocumentMask?
public var showMissing: Bool = false
public var asQueryString: String {
var queryString = ""
if let pageSize = self.pageSize {
queryString += (queryString.isEmpty ? "" : "&") + "pageSize=\(pageSize)"
if let pageToken = self.pageToken {
queryString += (queryString.isEmpty ? "" : "&") + "pageToken=\(pageToken)"
if let orderBy = self.orderBy {
queryString += (queryString.isEmpty ? "" : "&") + "orderBy=\(orderBy)"
if let mask = self.mask {
let jsonString = mask.asJsonString()
queryString += (queryString.isEmpty ? jsonString : "&\(jsonString)")
queryString += (queryString.isEmpty ? "" : "&") + "showMissing=\(showMissing)"
return queryString
public init() {}
public enum FirestoreDocumentPrecondition: QueryStringConvertible {
case exists(Bool)
case updateTime(Date)
public var asQueryString: String {
switch self {
case .exists(let exists):
return "exists=\(exists)"
case .updateTime(let updateTime):
return "updateTime=\(FirestoreDocument.serialize(date: updateTime))"
public struct FirestorePatchDocumentOptions: QueryStringConvertible {
public var updateMask: FirestoreDocumentMask
public var mask: FirestoreDocumentMask?
public var currentDocument: FirestoreDocumentPrecondition?
public var asQueryString: String {
var queryString = ""
if let mask = self.mask {
queryString += mask.asJsonString()
if let currentDocument = self.currentDocument {
queryString += (queryString.isEmpty ? "" : "&") + currentDocument.asQueryString
queryString += (queryString.isEmpty ? "" : "&") + updateMask.asJsonString()
return queryString
public init(updateMask: FirestoreDocumentMask) {
self.updateMask = updateMask
public struct FirestoreDocumentList: Paginable, Decodable {
public let documents: [FirestoreDocument]?
public let nextPageToken: String?
public init(documents: [FirestoreDocument], nextPageToken: String? = .none) {
self.documents = documents
self.nextPageToken = nextPageToken
public struct FirestoreDocument: Codable, AutoEquatable {
public indirect enum Value: Codable, AutoEquatable {
enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case nullValue
case booleanValue
case integerValue
case doubleValue
case timestampValue
case stringValue
case bytesValue
case referenceValue
case geoPointValue
case arrayValue
case mapValue
case nullValue
case booleanValue(Bool)
case integerValue(String)
case doubleValue(Double)
case timestampValue(String)
case stringValue(String)
case bytesValue(String)
case referenceValue(String)
case geoPointValue(LatLng)
case arrayValue(ArrayValue)
case mapValue(MapValue)
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
if container.contains(.nullValue) {
self = .nullValue
} else if let value = try container.decodeIfPresent(Bool.self, forKey: .booleanValue) {
self = .booleanValue(value)
} else if let value = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .integerValue) {
self = .integerValue(value)
} else if let value = try container.decodeIfPresent(Double.self, forKey: .doubleValue) {
self = .doubleValue(value)
} else if let value = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .timestampValue) {
self = .timestampValue(value)
} else if let value = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .stringValue) {
self = .stringValue(value)
} else if let value = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .bytesValue) {
self = .bytesValue(value)
} else if let value = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .referenceValue) {
self = .referenceValue(value)
} else if let value = try container.decodeIfPresent(LatLng.self, forKey: .geoPointValue) {
self = .geoPointValue(value)
} else if let value = try container.decodeIfPresent(ArrayValue.self, forKey: .arrayValue) {
self = .arrayValue(value)
} else if let value = try container.decodeIfPresent(MapValue.self, forKey: .mapValue) {
self = .mapValue(value)
} else {
throw DecodeError.unsupportedValueType
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
switch self {
case .nullValue:
try container.encode(Optional<String>.none, forKey: .nullValue)
case .booleanValue(let value):
try container.encode(value, forKey: .booleanValue)
case .integerValue(let value):
try container.encode(value, forKey: .integerValue)
case .doubleValue(let value):
try container.encode(value, forKey: .doubleValue)
case .timestampValue(let value):
try container.encode(value, forKey: .timestampValue)
case .stringValue(let value):
try container.encode(value, forKey: .stringValue)
case .bytesValue(let value):
try container.encode(value, forKey: .bytesValue)
case .referenceValue(let value):
try container.encode(value, forKey: .referenceValue)
case .geoPointValue(let value):
try container.encode(value, forKey: .geoPointValue)
case .arrayValue(let value):
try container.encode(value, forKey: .arrayValue)
case .mapValue(let value):
try container.encode(value, forKey: .mapValue)
public struct LatLng: Codable, AutoEquatable {
public let latitude: Double
public let longitude: Double
public init(latitude: Double, longitude: Double) {
self.latitude = latitude
self.longitude = longitude
public struct ArrayValue: Codable, AutoEquatable {
public let values: [Value]?
init(_ values: [Value]) {
self.values = values
init<SequenceType: Sequence>(_ values: SequenceType) where SequenceType.Element == Value {
self.values = Array(values)
public struct MapValue: Codable, AutoEquatable {
public let fields: [String : Value]?
public init(fields: [String : Value]) {
self.fields = fields
func flattenFieldKeys(prefix: String = "") -> [String] {
return fields?.flatMap { pair -> [String] in
if case .mapValue(let map) = pair.value {
return map.flattenFieldKeys(prefix: pair.key)
} else {
return ["\(prefix).\(pair.key)"]
} ?? []
public let name: String?
public let fields: [String : Value]
public let createTime: Date
public let updateTime: Date
public init(name: String? = .none, fields: [String : Value]) { = name
self.fields = fields
self.createTime = Date()
self.updateTime = Date()
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .name)
self.fields = try container.decode([String : Value].self, forKey: .fields)
if container.contains(.createTime) {
self.createTime = try FirestoreDocument.decodeDate(forKey: .createTime, container: container)
} else {
self.createTime = Date()
if container.contains(.updateTime) {
self.updateTime = try FirestoreDocument.decodeDate(forKey: .updateTime, container: container)
} else {
self.updateTime = Date()
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
if let name = {
try container.encode(name, forKey: .name)
try container.encode(fields, forKey: .fields)
public enum Transaction: Codable {
case readOnly(readTime: Date)
case readWrite(retryTransaction: String)
enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case readOnly
case readWrite
case readTime
case retryTransaction
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
if container.contains(.readOnly) {
let nestedContainer = try container.nestedContainer(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self, forKey: .readOnly)
let timestamp = try nestedContainer.decode(String.self, forKey: .readTime)
guard let readTime = FirestoreDocument.deserialize(date: timestamp) else {
throw FirestoreDocument.DecodeError.cannotDeserializeTimestamp(timestamp)
self = .readOnly(readTime: readTime)
} else {
let nestedContainer = try container.nestedContainer(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self, forKey: .readWrite)
let retryTransaction = try nestedContainer.decode(String.self, forKey: .retryTransaction)
self = .readWrite(retryTransaction: retryTransaction)
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
switch self {
case .readOnly(let readTime):
var nestedContainer = container.nestedContainer(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self, forKey: .readOnly)
try nestedContainer.encode(FirestoreDocument.serialize(date: readTime), forKey: .readTime)
case .readWrite(let retryTransaction):
var nestedContainer = container.nestedContainer(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self, forKey: .readWrite)
try nestedContainer.encode(retryTransaction, forKey: .retryTransaction)
public struct RunQueryResponse: Codable {
public let transaction: String?
public let document: FirestoreDocument?
public let readTime: String?
public let skippedResults: Int?
public struct RunQueryParameters: Codable {
public enum ConsistencySelector: Codable {
case transaction(String)
case newTransaction(Transaction)
case readTime(Date)
enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case transaction
case newTransaction
case readTime
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
if let transactionId = try container.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .transaction) {
self = .transaction(transactionId)
} else if let transaction = try container.decodeIfPresent(Transaction.self, forKey: .newTransaction) {
self = .newTransaction(transaction)
} else {
let timestamp = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .readTime)
guard let date = FirestoreDocument.deserialize(date: timestamp) else {
throw FirestoreDocument.DecodeError.cannotDeserializeTimestamp(timestamp)
self = .readTime(date)
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
switch self {
case .transaction(let transactionId):
try container.encode(transactionId, forKey: .transaction)
case .newTransaction(let transaction):
try container.encode(transaction, forKey: .newTransaction)
case .readTime(let timestamp):
try container.encode(FirestoreDocument.serialize(date: timestamp), forKey: .readTime)
public let structuredQuery: StructuredQuery
public let consistencySelector: ConsistencySelector?
init(structuredQuery: StructuredQuery, consistencySelector: ConsistencySelector? = .none) {
self.structuredQuery = structuredQuery
self.consistencySelector = consistencySelector
public struct StructuredQuery: Codable {
public struct Projection: Codable {
public let fields: [FieldReference]
init(fields: [FieldReference]) {
self.fields = fields
public struct FieldReference: Codable {
public let fieldPath: String
public init(fieldPath: String) {
self.fieldPath = fieldPath
public struct CollectionSelector: Codable {
public let collectionId: String
public let allDescendants: Bool
public init(collectionId: String, allDescendants: Bool) {
self.collectionId = collectionId
self.allDescendants = allDescendants
public enum Filter: Codable {
case composite(CompositeFilter)
case field(FieldFilter)
case unary(UnaryFilter)
enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case compositeFilter
case fieldFilter
case unaryFilter
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
if let filter = try container.decodeIfPresent(CompositeFilter.self, forKey: .compositeFilter) {
self = .composite(filter)
} else if let filter = try container.decodeIfPresent(FieldFilter.self, forKey: .fieldFilter) {
self = .field(filter)
} else {
self = .unary(try container.decode(UnaryFilter.self, forKey: .unaryFilter))
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
switch self {
case .composite(let filter):
try container.encode(filter, forKey: .compositeFilter)
case .field(let filter):
try container.encode(filter, forKey: .fieldFilter)
case .unary(let filter):
try container.encode(filter, forKey: .unaryFilter)
public struct FieldFilter: Codable {
public enum Operator: String, Codable {
case unspecified = "OPERATOR_UNSPECIFIED"
case lessThan = "LESS_THAN"
case lessThanOrEqual = "LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL"
case greaterThan = "GREATER_THAN"
case greaterThanOrEqual = "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL"
case equal = "EQUAL"
case arrayContains = "ARRAY_CONTAINS"
public let field: FieldReference
public let op: Operator
public let value: FirestoreDocument.Value
public init(field: FieldReference, op: Operator, value: FirestoreDocument.Value) {
self.field = field
self.op = op
self.value = value
public init(fieldPath: String, op: Operator, value: FirestoreDocument.Value) {
self.init(field: .init(fieldPath: fieldPath), op: op, value: value)
public struct CompositeFilter: Codable {
public enum Operator: String, Codable {
case and = "AND"
case unspecified = "OPERATOR_UNSPECIFIED"
public let op: Operator
public let filters: [Filter]
public init(op: Operator, filters: [Filter]) {
self.op = op
self.filters = filters
public struct UnaryFilter: Codable {
public enum Operator: String, Codable {
case unspecified = "OPERATOR_UNSPECIFIED"
case isNan = "IS_NAN"
case isNull = "IS_NULL"
public let op: Operator
public let field: FieldReference
public init(op: Operator, field: FieldReference) {
self.op = op
self.field = field
public struct Order: Codable {
public enum Direction: String, Codable {
case unspecified = "DIRECTION_UNSPECIFIED"
case ascending = "ASCENDING"
case descending = "DESCENDING"
public let field: FieldReference
public let direction: Direction
public init(field: FieldReference, direction: Direction) {
self.field = field
self.direction = direction
public struct Cursor: Codable {
public let values: [FirestoreDocument.Value]
public let before: Bool
public init(values: [FirestoreDocument.Value], before: Bool) {
self.values = values
self.before = before
public var select: Projection?
public let from: [CollectionSelector]
public var `where`: Filter?
public var orderBy: Order?
public var offset: UInt?
public var limit: UInt?
public init(from: CollectionSelector...) {
self.from = from
public init(from collectionId: String) {
self.init(from: CollectionSelector(collectionId: collectionId, allDescendants: false))
public extension FirestoreDocument {
static var printSerializationDebugLog = false
static func serialize(date: Date) -> String {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = FirestoreDocument.dateFormat
return formatter.string(from:date)
static func deserialize(date serializedDate: String) -> Date? {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = FirestoreDocument.dateFormat
if let date = serializedDate) {
return date
} else {
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"
return serializedDate)
static func serialize(object: Any, skipFields: [String] = []) -> FirestoreDocument? {
if printSerializationDebugLog {
print("DEBUG - FirestoreDocument.serialize() - skipFields: \(skipFields), object: \(object)")
return serializeFields(object: object, skipFields: Set(skipFields)).map { FirestoreDocument(fields: $0) }
static func serializeFields(object: Any, skipFields: Set<String> = Set()) -> [String : FirestoreDocument.Value]? {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: object)
guard mirror.displayStyle == .struct || mirror.displayStyle == .class || mirror.displayStyle == .dictionary else {
if let jsonRepresentable = object as? JSONRepresentable,
let maybeJson = try? jsonRepresentable.asJson(),
let json = maybeJson {
return serializeFields(object: json, skipFields: skipFields)
} else {
return .none
let children: [Mirror.Child]
if mirror.displayStyle == .dictionary {
children = { child in
// Mirror values for dictionary types have children
// for each key-value pair where Child.label is nil
// and Child.value is (key: String, value: Any)
let keyValuePair = (child.value as! (key: String, value: Any))
return (keyValuePair.key, keyValuePair.value)
} else {
children = Array(mirror.children)
var fields: [String : FirestoreDocument.Value] = [:]
for case let (label?, value) in children where !skipFields.contains(label) {
if printSerializationDebugLog {
print("DEBUG - FirestoreDocument.serializeFields() - \(label): \(type(of: value)) = \(value)")
let childMirror = Mirror(reflecting: value)
// First try to serialize as a simple value
// because there are some types that are classes but
// can be converted to simple values like NSTaggedPointerString
// that can be cast to String. In that previous example,
// a value of type NSTaggedPointerString would have
// .`class` as displayStyle.
if canBeCastToSimpleValue(value), let serializedValue = serializeSimpleValue(value) {
fields[label] = serializedValue
} else if let displayStyle = childMirror.displayStyle {
switch displayStyle {
case .collection, .set:
let values = childMirror.children.lazy
.map { (label, value) -> FirestoreDocument.Value? in
let innerSkipFields: Set<String>
if let label = label {
innerSkipFields = filterSkipFields(skipFields, property: label)
} else {
innerSkipFields = Set()
return serializeSimpleValue(value, skipFields: innerSkipFields)
.filter { $0 != nil }
.map { $0! }
fields[label] = .arrayValue(ArrayValue(values))
case .dictionary,.`struct`, .`class`:
let innerSkipFields = filterSkipFields(skipFields, property: label)
if let mapValue = serializeFields(object: value, skipFields: innerSkipFields) {
fields[label] = .mapValue(MapValue(fields: mapValue))
} else {
print("WARN - Unable to serialize property '\(label)' with value '\(value)' into FirestoreDocument.MapValue")
case .optional:
if case .some((.some("some"), let childValue)) = childMirror.children.first {
let innerSkipFields = filterSkipFields(skipFields, property: label)
if let mapValue = serializeFields(object: childValue, skipFields: innerSkipFields) {
fields[label] = .mapValue(MapValue(fields: mapValue))
} else if let simpleValue = serializeSimpleValue(childValue) {
fields[label] = simpleValue
} else {
print("WARN - Unable to serialize optional property '\(label)' with value '\(value)' into FirestoreDocument.Value")
} else {
fields[label] = .nullValue
let innerSkipFields = filterSkipFields(skipFields, property: label)
if let jsonRepresentable = value as? JSONRepresentable,
let maybeJson = try? jsonRepresentable.asJson(),
let json = maybeJson,
let mapValue = serializeFields(object: json, skipFields: innerSkipFields) {
fields[label] = .mapValue(MapValue(fields: mapValue))
} else {
print("WARN - Unable to serialize property '\(label)' with value '\(value)' into FirestoreDocument.Value")
} else {
print("WARN - Unable to serialize property '\(label)' with value '\(value)' into FirestoreDocument.Value")
return fields
static func canBeCastToSimpleValue(_ value: Any) -> Bool {
return value as? Bool != nil ||
value as? Int != nil ||
value as? Double != nil ||
value as? Date != nil ||
value as? String != nil
static func serializeSimpleValue(_ value: Any, skipFields: Set<String> = Set()) -> FirestoreDocument.Value? {
if let booleanValue = value as? Bool {
return .booleanValue(booleanValue)
} else if let integerValue = value as? Int {
return .integerValue(String(integerValue))
} else if let doubleValue = value as? Double {
return .doubleValue(doubleValue)
} else if let dateValue = value as? Date {
return .timestampValue(FirestoreDocument.serialize(date: dateValue))
} else if let dataValue = value as? Data {
return .bytesValue(dataValue.base64EncodedString())
} else if let stringValue = value as? String {
return .stringValue(stringValue)
} else if let mapValueFields = serializeFields(object: value, skipFields: skipFields) {
return .mapValue(.init(fields: mapValueFields))
} else {
return .none
var unwrapped: [String : Any] {
var unwrappedFields = fields.mapValues { $0.unwrapped }
unwrappedFields["createTime"] = FirestoreDocument.serialize(date: createTime)
unwrappedFields["updateTime"] = FirestoreDocument.serialize(date: updateTime)
return unwrappedFields
var flattenFieldKeys: [String] {
return fields.flatMap { pair -> [String] in
if case .mapValue(let map) = pair.value {
return map.flattenFieldKeys(prefix: pair.key)
} else {
return [pair.key]
public extension FirestoreDocument.Value {
var unwrapped: Any {
switch self {
case .nullValue:
return NSNull()
case .booleanValue(let value):
return value
case .integerValue(let value):
// Firebase returns integer values as String. Don't ask me why.
return Int(value) ?? value
case .doubleValue(let value):
return value
case .timestampValue(let value):
// Unwrapped should be used for JSON deserialization using JSONDecoder.
// Date time is serialized as Double by JSONCoder. That's why the
// attempt to convert to Date to later get the interval value.
// First we use the Firestore declared time format. If that fails
// it might be because firebase omits the miliseconds with dates
// that have the time set to 00:00:00.
guard let date = FirestoreDocument.deserialize(date: value)?.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate else {
if FirestoreDocument.printSerializationDebugLog {
print("WARN - FirestoreDocument.unwrapped - Unable to unwrap timestamp value '\(value)'")
return value
return date
case .stringValue(let value):
return value
case .bytesValue(let value):
return Data(base64Encoded: value) ?? Data()
case .referenceValue(let value):
return value
case .geoPointValue(let value):
return ["latitude" : value.latitude, "longitude": value.longitude]
case .arrayValue(let value):
return value.values?.map { $0.unwrapped } ?? []
case .mapValue(let value):
return value.fields?.mapValues { $0.unwrapped } ?? [:]
fileprivate extension FirestoreDocument {
static let dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"
static func decodeDate(forKey key: CodingKeys, container: KeyedDecodingContainer<CodingKeys>) throws -> Date {
let dateString = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: key)
guard let date = FirestoreDocument.deserialize(date: dateString) else {
throw DecodeError.invalidDate(date: dateString, format: dateFormat, key: key)
return date
static func filterSkipFields(_ skipFields: Set<String>, property: String) -> Set<String> {
return Set(skipFields.filter { !$0.starts(with: "\(property).") }
.map { String($0.dropFirst("\(property).".count)) })
enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case name
case fields
case createTime
case updateTime
enum DecodeError: Error {
case invalidDate(date: String, format: String, key: CodingKeys)
case unsupportedValueType
case cannotDeserializeTimestamp(String)
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