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Created October 31, 2012 01:42
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How many language questions are in each difficulty category
DECLARE @tagname varchar(20) = ##language:string##
select DifficultyGroup, Count(1) Total,
avg(cast(ResponseTime as bigint)) as Average,
stdev(cast(ResponseTime as bigint)) as StandardDev
Answers.CreationDate as ResponseDate,
DateDiff(minute, Questions.CreationDate, Answers.CreationDate) as ResponseTime,
cast(DATEPART(hour, Questions.CreationDate) as int) as ResponseHour,
WHEN DateDiff(hour, Questions.CreationDate, Answers.CreationDate) < 5 THEN 'Easy'
WHEN DateDiff(hour, Questions.CreationDate, Answers.CreationDate) < 24 THEN 'Medium'
WHEN DateDiff(hour, Questions.CreationDate, Answers.CreationDate) < 144 THEN 'Hard'
ELSE 'Hell'
END as DifficultyGroup
FROM Posts Questions
join Posts Answers on = Questions.AcceptedAnswerId
join PostTags ON PostTags.PostId = Questions.Id
join Tags on Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId
WHERE Questions.CreationDate > convert(datetime, '01/01/2011', 101)
and TagName = @tagname
) as Responses
group by DifficultyGroup
order by DifficultyGroup
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