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The current kernel/drivers of Fedora 24 do not support the Wifi chip used on my Mac Book Pro. Proprietary Broadcom drivers are packaged and available in the rpmfusion repo.

Verify that your card is a Broadcom using: lspci -vnn -d 14e4:

Sample output:

02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [14e4:43a0] (rev 03)


Install the rpmfusion repo:

Finally install broadcom-wl package from the rpmfusion repo, which will install kmod-wl, akmod-wl, and other dependencies.

sudo dnf install broadcom-wl

Restart to enable.

If after restarting, wifi does not show in your network manager, try typing: sudo akmods to rebuild the kernel extension in broadcom-wl, then restart again.

Note: I upgraded from Fedora 22 to 24 using the dnf system upgrade plugin, so these instructions may not work on a clean install, sorry. Please let me know if I'm missing anything.


  • lsmod to list all kernel modules
  • sudo modprobe wl will force the wireless kernel extension to load.
  • sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
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