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Created November 28, 2022 13:16
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"name": "Composer",
"ring": "adopt",
"quadrant": "tools",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": "Although the idea of dependency management ..."
"name": "Canary builds",
"ring": "trial",
"quadrant": "techniques",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "Many projects have external code dependencies ..."
"name": "Apache Kylin",
"ring": "assess",
"quadrant": "platforms",
"isNew": "TRUE",
"description": "Apache Kylin is an open source analytics solution ..."
"name": "JSF",
"ring": "hold",
"quadrant": "languages & frameworks",
"isNew": "FALSE",
"description": "We continue to see teams run into trouble using JSF ..."
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