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Created December 7, 2017 14:18
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Tumblr Geo-tagging - 1
<script type="text/javascript" src="{text:Google Maps Key}&sensor=false"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var map; // global Google Map object
google.maps.visualRefresh = true; // enable new gmap look for opt-inners
// start Google Map
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', function() {
var mapOptions = {
center: $(".post:first").data('coords') || new google.maps.LatLng(45.764, 4.835),
zoom: 15,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
scrollwheel: false,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.HORIZONTAL_BAR,
position: google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM
panControl: false,
scaleControl: true,
streetViewControl: false,
styles: [{
"featureType": "landscape.natural.terrain",
"elementType": "geometry.fill",
"stylers": [{
"visibility": "off"
}, {
"featureType": "poi.attraction",
"elementType": "geometry.fill",
"stylers": [{
"visibility": "off"
}, {}],
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), mapOptions);
// The coordinates are loaded when the tags are created and attached to the canvas.
// event handling to refresh the map if a post is being scrolled into view
$("#content").scroll(function() {
$(".post").map(function() {
if (! $(this).data('currentlyInView') && $(this).offset().top > 70 && $(this).offset().top < 180 ) {
// the post is visible, we need to refresh the map
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