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Last active November 8, 2018 17:35
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# Example integration of a background-image uploader
# Author: Guillaume Piot
# Email:
# Company: Cotidia Ltd
# Licence: MIT
# The div holder is absolute positioned within the parent div
# <div class="[ article__image ] [ article-image ] [ editable ] [ parallax ]" data-name="article_image">
# <div
# data-ce-tag="bkgimg"
# class="article-image__container"
# style="background-image:url('/static/img/blog-header-placeholder.jpg')"></div>
# </div>
class ContentEdit.BackgroundImage extends ContentEdit.Element
# An editable background image element
# (e.g <div data-ce-type="bkgimg" data-url="..."></div>).
constructor: (attributes) ->
super('bkgimg', attributes)
# Read-only properties
cssTypeName: () ->
return 'background-image'
type: () ->
# Return the type of element (this should be the same as the class name)
return 'BackgroundImage'
typeName: () ->
# Return the name of the element type (e.g BackgroundImage, List item)
return 'BackgroundImage'
# Methods
html: (indent='') ->
# Return a HTML string for the node
bkgimg = "#{ indent }<div#{ @_attributesToString() }></div>"
return bkgimg
mount: () ->
# Mount the element on to the DOM
# Create the DOM element to mount
@_domElement = document.createElement('div')
# Set the classes for the backgound image element
classes = ''
if @_attributes['class']
classes += ' ' + @_attributes['class']
@_domElement.setAttribute('class', classes)
# Set the background image for the dom element
style = if @_attributes['style'] then @_attributes['style'] else ''
@_domElement.setAttribute('style', style)
# Add the button to edit the background image
@_domButtonElement = document.createElement("button")
buttonText = document.createTextNode("Upload background image");
@_domButtonElement.className = 'btn btn--upload-background-image' = 'absolute'
# Just below the toolbox level = '9998'
# Get the selected element position
rect = @_domElement.getBoundingClientRect() = "-16px" = "-16px"
_addDOMEventListeners: () ->
@_domButtonElement.addEventListener 'click', (ev) =>
editor = ContentTools.EditorApp.get()
modal = new ContentTools.ModalUI(transparent=false, allowScrolling=false)
dialog = new ContentTools.ImageDialog()
# Support cancelling the dialog
dialog.addEventListener 'cancel', () =>
# Insert the image url into the element once saved
dialog.addEventListener 'save', (ev) =>
detail = ev.detail()
imageURL = detail.imageURL
imageSize = detail.imageSize
imageAttrs = detail.imageAttrs
if not imageAttrs
imageAttrs = {}
imageAttrs.height = imageSize[1]
imageAttrs.src = imageURL
imageAttrs.width = imageSize[0]
# node = document.querySelector('[data-name="page_image"]')
# = "url('#{imageURL}')";
# imageNode = region.descendants()[0]
style = "background-image: url('#{imageURL}')"
@attr('style', style)
# Class properties
# Class methods
@fromDOMElement: (domElement) ->
# Convert an element (DOM) to an element of this type
attributes = @getDOMElementAttributes(domElement)
return new @(attributes)
# Register `ContentEdit.BackgroundImage` the class with associated tag names
ContentEdit.TagNames.get().register(ContentEdit.BackgroundImage, 'bkgimg')
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