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guillegr123 / ChatSystem.scala
Created May 14, 2020 20:59 — forked from jroper/ChatSystem.scala
Akka streams multiple chat room example
import{BroadcastHub, Flow, Keep, MergeHub, Sink, Source}
import{GraphStageLogic, GraphStageWithMaterializedValue, InHandler, OutHandler}
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
sealed trait ChatEvent {
def room: String
case class ChatMessage(user: String, room: String, message: String) extends ChatEvent
guillegr123 / subdivisions_of_el_Salvador.json
Created February 28, 2019 21:33 — forked from ricardoerl/subdivisions_of_el_Salvador.json
Departments and municipalities of El Salvador.
"Ahuachapán": [
"Concepción de Ataco",
"El Refugio",
"San Francisco Menéndez",
guillegr123 / cities_el_salvador.json
Last active March 2, 2019 03:01 — forked from cesaramirez/cities_el_salvador.json
Cities of El Salvador 🇸🇻
{ "state": "Ahuachapán", "city": "Ahuachapán" },
{ "state": "Ahuachapán", "city": "Apaneca" },
{ "state": "Ahuachapán", "city": "Atiquizaya" },
{ "state": "Ahuachapán", "city": "Concepción de Ataco" },
{ "state": "Ahuachapán", "city": "El Refugio" },
{ "state": "Ahuachapán", "city": "Guaymango" },
{ "state": "Ahuachapán", "city": "Jujutla" },
{ "state": "Ahuachapán", "city": "San Francisco Menéndez" },
{ "state": "Ahuachapán", "city": "San Lorenzo" },
guillegr123 / XML Country List
Created January 29, 2019 05:27 — forked from nathanhornby/XML Country List
XML Country list, with country code, ISO number, continent, handle and alternative spelling attributes.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<country code='af' handle='afghanistan' continent='asia' iso='4'>Afghanistan</country>
<country code='al' handle='albania' continent='europe' iso='8'>Albania</country>
<country code='dz' handle='algeria' continent='africa' iso='12'>Algeria</country>
<country code='as' handle='american-samoa' continent='polynesia' iso='16'>American Samoa</country>
<country code='ad' handle='andorra' continent='europe' iso='20'>Andorra</country>
<country code='ao' handle='angola' continent='africa' iso='24'>Angola</country>
<country code='ai' handle='anguilla' continent='north america' iso='660'>Anguilla</country>
<country code='aq' handle='antarctica' continent='antarctica' iso='10'>Antarctica</country>
guillegr123 / paises.csv
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11 — forked from brenes/
nombre name nom iso2 iso3 phone_code
Afganistán Afghanistan Afghanistan AF AFG 93
Albania Albania Albanie AL ALB 355
Alemania Germany Allemagne DE DEU 49
Algeria Algeria Algérie DZ DZA 213
Andorra Andorra Andorra AD AND 376
Angola Angola Angola AO AGO 244
Anguila Anguilla Anguilla AI AIA 1 264
Antártida Antarctica L'Antarctique AQ ATA 672
Antigua y Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda Antigua et Barbuda AG ATG 1 268