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Last active October 7, 2020 12:40
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Jenkins Parallel Nodes execution
def nodeSpecs(List specs, Closure callback) {
def nodes = [:]
for (item in specs) {
def spec = item
nodes["Spec ${spec}"] = { }
return nodes
stage("Run Unit Tests") {
parallel nodeSpecs([
[phpVersion: '5.6', symfonyVersion: '2.3'],
[phpVersion: '7.1', symfonyVersion: '3.3'],
]) { spec ->
node('docker') {
stage("Cleaning Workspace") {
stage("Unit Tests for PHP ${spec.phpVersion}, Symfony ${spec.symfonyVersion}") {
docker.image("php:${spec.phpVersion}-alpine").inside {
sh "echo ${spec.phpVersion}"
sh "php -r 'print \"Hello ${spec.phpVersion}\" . PHP_EOL;'"
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