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Created October 28, 2022 17:14
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Generates a string to be passed to img sizes for performance
* Generates a string to be passed to img sizes, for performance.
* @see
export default function generateImageSizesProp(responsiveValues: {
base: string;
sm?: string;
md?: string;
lg?: string;
xl?: string;
'2xl'?: string;
}): string {
const sizesValue = [
responsiveValues['2xl'] && `(min-width: 1536px) ${responsiveValues['2xl']}`,
responsiveValues.xl && `(min-width: 1280px) ${responsiveValues.xl}`,
responsiveValues.lg && `(min-width: 992px) ${responsiveValues.lg}`, && `(min-width: 768px) ${}`, && `(min-width: 480px) ${}`,
.join(', ');
return sizesValue;
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