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Algorithm Problems
// Climbing Stairs (5/13)
// - can be modeled as a graph problem
// - starting from 0 we can take 1 step and get to 1 or take 2 steps and get to 2
// - then from 1 we can take 1 step and get to 2 or take 2 steps and get to 3, and so on
// - if we get to n from a branch, we've found one way
// - recursion can be used to count number of unique paths that can count to n
// - to avoid repeated work, we can cache
// - if we don't cache, it's 2^n time because we must branch out two ways, n times
// - if we cache, it's linear time/space
// - finally, we can reduce to constant space by computing total distinct ways
// on the fly from n stairs down to 0 stairs given the observation that
// there is 1 way to get to n, 2 ways to get to n-1 and 3 ways to get to n-2
// which I believe can be summarized in f(n - 1) + f(n - 2)
// time o(n) | space o(1)
function climbStairs(n) {
if (n === 2) return 2;
if (n === 1) return 1;
if (n < 1) return 0;
let nextPlusOne = 1;
let next = 2;
let distinctWays = 0;
for (let i = n - 3; i >= 0; i--) {
distinctWays = next + nextPlusOne;
nextPlusOne = next;
next = distinctWays;
return distinctWays;
// time o(n) | space o(n)
function climbStairs(n, cache = {1: 1, 2: 2}) {
if (n in cache) {
return cache[n];
cache[n] = climbStairs(n - 1, cache) + climbStairs(n - 2, cache);
return cache[n];
// Min Path Sum (5/9)
// DP makes it o(n)
// without it its more expensive, 2^n
function minPathSum(grid) {
const seen = {};
return dfs(grid, 0, 0, seen);
function dfs(grid, row, col, seen) {
if (seen[`${row}_${col}`]) return seen[`${row}_${col}`];
if (
row < 0 ||
col < 0 ||
row > grid.length - 1 ||
col > grid[row].length - 1
) {
if (row === grid.length - 1 && col === grid[row].length - 1) {
return grid[row][col];
seen[`${row}_${col}`] =
grid[row][col] +
Math.min(dfs(grid, row, col + 1, seen), dfs(grid, row + 1, col, seen));
return seen[`${row}_${col}`];
// Add and Search Words (5/5)
// time - o(M) for well defined words, worse case o(M.26^N)
// space - O(1) for well defined words, worst case o(M)
class WordDictionary {
constructor() {
this.trie = new Trie();
addWord(word) {
search(word) {
return this.trie.contains(word);
class Trie {
constructor(string) {
this.root = {};
populate(string) {
let node = this.root;
for (const char of string) {
if (!(char in node)) node[char] = {};
node = node[char];
node.isEnd = true;
contains(string, index = 0, node = this.root) {
if (index === string.length && node.isEnd) return true;
if (index === string.length) return false;
const char = string[index];
if (char === ".") {
for (const key in node) {
if (this.contains(string, index + 1, node[key])) return true;
} else {
if (node[char] !== undefined) {
return this.contains(string, index + 1, node[char]);
return false;
// Meeting Rooms 2 (5/3)
// Traverse through each event - a meeting - (sorted by their start time)
// and track all ongoing events and the "next" one that will end.
// A min heap gives us constant time access to this (next event that will end).
// For each event:
// - Compare and remove (in log n time) the next meeting in the min heap, if it's ended.
// - Add the end time of our current meeting to the heap (also a log n time operation)
// - Finally, given the total amount of ongoing events changes, re-compute max rooms needed
const minMeetingRooms = (intervals) => {
const compareFunc = (a, b) => a - b;
const minHeap = new MinHeap(compareFunc);
intervals.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
let maxRooms = 0;
intervals.forEach((interval) => {
if (minHeap.size > 0 && minHeap.peek() <= interval[0]) {
maxRooms = Math.max(maxRooms, minHeap.size);
return maxRooms;
// Course Schedule (5/1)
var canFinish = function (numCourses, prerequisites) {
const graph = makeGraph(prerequisites);
const globalSeen = new Set();
for (const [node, _] of Object.entries(graph)) {
const seen = new Set();
const isNotCyclic = checkForCycle(graph, globalSeen, seen, node);
if (!isNotCyclic) return false;
return true;
function checkForCycle(graph, globalSeen, seen, node) {
if (graph[node] === undefined) return true;
if (globalSeen.has(node)) return true;
for (const next of graph[node]) {
if (seen.has(next)) return false;
const isNotCyclic = checkForCycle(graph, globalSeen, seen, next);
if (!isNotCyclic) return false;
return true;
function makeGraph(prerequisites) {
const graph = {};
for (const [course, dependency] of prerequisites) {
if (!graph[dependency]) graph[dependency] = [];
return graph;
// Word Search (4/28)
// for each char of word, we have 4 choices of neighbors to explore
// so if total # of chars is S, one invocation of dfs is 4^S time
// therefore upper bound is o(m*n*4^S) time where m is grid row and n is grid col
// can be modeled as a graph problem and a dfs approach can be used to
// explore every possible path starting from each cell to a target cell
// so a possible start of a word to the end of a word
// at each new location, slice a character off of the word if they match (2 base cases here)
// we can optimize by initializing a visited set at the beginning of every exploration
// adding to the set before visiting new locations and removing it if unsuccessful
function wordExists(board, word) {
for (let row = 0; row < board.length; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < board[row].length; col++) {
if (board[row][col] !== word[0]) continue;
const seen = new Set();
if (dfs(board, word, row, col, seen)) return true;
return false;
function dfs(board, word, row, col, seen) {
if (word.length === 0) return true;
if (seen.has(`${row}_${col}`)) return false;
if (row < 0 || col < 0) return false;
if (row > board.length - 1 || col > board[row].length - 1) return false;
const char = board[row][col];
if (char !== word[0]) return false;
const newWord = word.slice(1, word.length);
if (
dfs(board, newWord, row + 1, col, seen) ||
dfs(board, newWord, row - 1, col, seen) ||
dfs(board, newWord, row, col + 1, seen) ||
dfs(board, newWord, row, col - 1, seen)
return true;
return false;
// IsPanlindrome (4/24)
// Basics of head/tail in recursion
function isPalindrome(str) {
if (str.length < 2) return true;
const head = str[0];
const mid = str.slice(1, str.length - 1);
const tail = str[str.length - 1];
return head === tail && isPalindrome(mid);
// Reverse (same as above)
function reverse(str) {
if (str.length === 0) return '';
const head = str[0];
const tail = reverse(str.slice(1, str.length));
return tail + head;
// Concat (same as above)
function concat(arr) {
if (arr.length === 0) return '';
const head = arr[0];
const tail = concat(arr.slice(1, arr.length));
return head + tail;
console.log(concat(['Hello', 'World', 'Gui', 'sa']))
// Shorten Path (3/14)
// this problem feels hard - it's important to separate out
// general structure from edge cases
// maybe you can get help from interviewer about edge cases
// so prep to set it up correctly by focusing on generalizing it
// ie. what is considered more important
// time o(n) | space o(n)
function shortenPath(path) {
const startWithSlash = path[0] === "/";
const tokens = path.split("/").filter(isImportantToken);
const stack = [];
if (startWithSlash) {
for (const token of tokens) {
if (token === "..") {
if (stack.length === 0 || stack[stack.length - 1] === "..") {
} else if (stack[stack.length - 1] !== "") {
} else {
if (stack.length === 1 && stack[0] === "") return "/";
return stack.join("/");
function isImportantToken(token) {
return token.length > 0 && token !== ".";
// Multi String Search (3/14)
// recognize there are various ways of solving this problem
// either using small strings or with big strings
// and maybe there would be benefits of doing it one way or another
// or perhaps we really value are space complexity and we might want to go with
// naive solution without building an auxilary data structure
// build a modified suffix tree where we dont care for endSymbol at end of suffix
// bc we'll traverse until we find just that a small string is contained in it
// not necessarily that it denotes the end of an actual string (ends with *)
// it will take o(b^2) time/space to build
// then iterate through all small strings and for each, check if its contained in the suffix trie
// since largest string in smallest strings has len s
// there are n small strings so we'll be doing o(ns) time
// so we have a time complexity of o(b^2) for building plus o(ns) for finding
// so a total time of o(b^2+ns)
// similarly space will be o(b^2+n) bc storing is b^2 space, then building same output array of len n
// time o(b^2 + ns) | space o(b^2 + n)
function multiStringSearch(bigString, smallStrings) {
const trie = new SuffixTrie(bigString);
return => trie.contains(string));
class SuffixTrie {
constructor(string) {
this.root = {};
construct(string) {
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) this.insertAt(i, string);
insertAt(i, string) {
let node = this.root;
for (let j = i; j < string.length; j++) {
if (!(string[j] in node)) node[string[j]] = {};
node = node[string[j]];
contains(string) {
let node = this.root;
for (const letter of string) {
if (!(letter in node)) return false;
node = node[letter];
return true;
// Suffix Trie Construction (3/14)
// methods
// populate from string (string)
// insert at (string, i)
// contains (string)
// populate - calls insert at for each index of string
// insert at - initialize node as root
// for each letter in string
// if letter not in node, create new object
// update node to node[letter]
// afterwards insert end symbol in current node
// contains
// initialize node as root
// for each letter in string, if not in node, return false
// return this.endSymbol in node
// contains - where m is length of input string we're looking for
// creation - time o(n^2) | space o(n^2)
// contains - time o(m) | space o(1)
class SuffixTrie {
constructor(string) {
this.root = {};
this.endSymbol = "*";
populateSuffixTrieFrom(string) {
// for each index in string, insertAt(string, index)
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
this.insertAt(i, string);
insertAt(i, string) {
let node = this.root;
for (let j = i; j < string.length; j++) {
const letter = string[j];
if (!(letter in node)) node[letter] = {};
node = node[letter];
node[this.endSymbol] = true;
contains(string) {
let node = this.root;
for (const letter of string) {
if (!(letter in node)) return false;
node = node[letter];
return this.endSymbol in node;
// Is Valid Subsequence
// create a pointer to track sequence starting from 0
// move it everytime we find it in array
// if pointer has reached end of sequence, return true
// in case we reach end of sequence prior to end, break
// [5, 1, 22, 25, 6, -1, 8, 10]
// [1, 6, -1, 10]
// true
// time o(n) | space o(1)
function isValidSubsequence(array, sequence) {
let j = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] === sequence[j]) {
return j === sequence.length;
// Merge Overlapping Intervals (3/8)
// sort first! with (a, b) => a[0] - b[0]
// then merge item by item while updating last item from results array
// recognize to use math.max (must decide between largest of two)
// wasn't obvious at first - this is the caveat:
// if prev end is greater than or equal to curr start
// then set prev end to largest between prev end and curr end
// time o(nlogn) | space o(1)
function mergeOverlappingIntervals(array) {
array.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
const merged = [array[0]];
for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
const intervalOne = merged[merged.length - 1];
const intervalTwo = array[i];
if (intervalOne[1] >= intervalTwo[0]) {
merged[merged.length - 1][1] = Math.max(intervalOne[1], intervalTwo[1]);
return merged;
// First Duplicate Value (3/8)
// we use indicies to map values to each other
// since valus are 1..n and we can modify input array
// use indicies to represent values to generate index
// if at array[index] we dont have a negative, we set it to be one
// next time we get to that same value, we'll go to the same index
// and know that we've seen that value before
// time o(n) | space o(1)
function firstDuplicateValue(array) {
for (const value of array) {
const absValue = Math.abs(value);
if (array[absValue - 1] < 0) return absValue;
array[absValue - 1] *= -1;
return -1;
// Array of Products (3/8)
// array fill strategy
// continue re-fill by re-computing prev vals at each index
// gets us to o(n) runtime (good hint if you're stuck on a o(n^2) solution)
// time o(n) | space o(n)
function arrayOfProducts(array) {
const products = new Array(array.length).fill(1);
let currentProduct = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
products[i] = currentProduct;
currentProduct *= array[i];
currentProduct = 1;
for (let i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
products[i] *= currentProduct;
currentProduct *= array[i];
return products;
// Longest Peak (3/8)
// instead of having i = 0 and inside while, skip if i is 0 or i === len - 1
// just have i start at 1 and while should end at len - 1
// instead of left/right, use leftIdx/rightIdx
// longestPeakLength isn't initialized as -Infinity, just 0
// since it asks for longestPeakDistance, we don't need a `positions` array aux space
// time o(n) | space o(1)
function longestPeak(array) {
let i = 1;
let longestPeakLength = 0;
while (i < array.length - 1) {
const isPeak = array[i - 1] < array[i] && array[i] > array[i + 1];
if (!isPeak) {
let leftIdx = i - 2;
while (leftIdx >= 0 && array[leftIdx] < array[leftIdx + 1]) {
let rightIdx = i + 2;
while (rightIdx < array.length && array[rightIdx] < array[rightIdx - 1]) {
const currentPeakLength = rightIdx - leftIdx - 1;
longestPeakLength = Math.max(longestPeakLength, currentPeakLength);
i = rightIdx;
return longestPeakLength;
// Spiral Traverse (3/7)
// loop 3 and 4 need to break if there's a single row/row left
// second loop is row = startRow + 1, everything else is minus one
// last loop is row >, not row >=
// last loop is row > startRow, not row > endRow
// time o(n) | space o(n)
function spiralTraverse(array) {
let startRow = 0;
let endRow = array.length - 1;
let startCol = 0;
let endCol = array[0].length - 1;
const result = [];
while (startRow <= endRow && startCol <= endCol) {
for (let col = startCol; col <= endCol; col++) {
for (let row = startRow + 1; row <= endRow; row++) {
for (let col = endCol - 1; col >= startCol; col--) {
if (startRow === endRow) break;
for (let row = endRow - 1; row > startRow; row--) {
if (startCol === endCol) break;
return result;
// Monotonic Array (3/7)
// time o(n) | space o(1)
function isMonotonic(array) {
let isNonDecreasing = true;
let isNonIncreasing = true;
for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] > array[i - 1]) isNonDecreasing = false;
if (array[i] < array[i - 1]) isNonIncreasing = false;
return isNonDecreasing || isNonIncreasing;
// Move to Element (3/7)
// we need some left and right idx, i and j
// iterate through array while incrementing i
// decrement j while its j is greater than i and array[j] === toMove
// if array[i] equals toMove, swap
// time o(n) - we only visit every index once
// space o(1)
function moveElementToEnd(array, toMove) {
let i = 0;
let j = array.length - 1;
while (i < j) {
while (j > i && array[j] === toMove) j--;
if (array[i] === toMove) swap(i, j, array);
return array;
function swap(i, j, array) {
const temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;
// Smallest Difference (3/7)
// technique takes advantage of properties of a sorting array
// either dec/inc to bring nums closer to each other
// javascript .sort needs .((a, b) => a - b)
// ask interviewer
// is it ok to sort in place, otherwise account for extra space complexity
// time - sorting (quicksort or mergesort)
// time o(nlog(n) + mlog(m))
// space - constant
function smallestDifference(arrayOne, arrayTwo) {
arrayOne.sort((a, b) => a - b);
arrayTwo.sort((a, b) => a - b);
let idxOne = 0;
let idxTwo = 0;
let smallest = Infinity;
let smallestPair = [];
while (idxOne < arrayOne.length && idxTwo < arrayTwo.length) {
const firstNum = arrayOne[idxOne];
const secondNum = arrayTwo[idxTwo];
let current = Math.abs(firstNum - secondNum);
if (firstNum === secondNum) {
return [firstNum, secondNum];
} else if (firstNum < secondNum) {
} else {
if (current < smallest) {
smallest = current;
smallestPair = [firstNum, secondNum];
return smallestPair;
// Three Number Sum (3/7)
// left/right inc/dec based on currentSum
// but inside a for i loop from 0 through array.length - 2
// while resetting left to i + 1 and right to array.length - 1
// time - iterate through main array once and left/right pointer need to iterate through main array once
// space - might store every number in array if they are used in some triplets
// time o(n^2) | space o(n)
function threeNumberSum(array, targetSum) {
const triplets = [];
array.sort((a, b) => a - b);
for (let i = 0; i < array.length - 2; i++) {
let left = i + 1;
let right = array.length - 1;
while (left < right) {
let currentSum = array[i] + array[left] + array[right];
if (currentSum === targetSum) {
triplets.push([array[i], array[left], array[right]]);
} else if (currentSum < targetSum) {
} else {
return triplets;
// Merge Linked List (2/16)
// n length of 1st, m length of 2nd
// time o(n+m) | space o(1)
// class LinkedList {...}
function mergeLinkedLists(headOne, headTwo) {
let p1 = headOne;
let p1Prev = null;
let p2 = headTwo;
while (p1 !== null && p2 !== null) {
if (p1.value < p2.value) {
p1Prev = p1;
p1 =;
} else {
if (p1Prev !== null) = p2;
p1Prev = p2;
p2 =; = p1;
// we've runned out of p1 but still have values in p2
if (p1 === null) = p2;
// what is the new correct head of merged linked list
return headOne.value < headTwo.value ? headOne : headTwo;
// Reverse Linked List (2/15)
// three pointers, move them together
// so long as p2 isnt null, do operations
// p2 is analogous to "current node" so initialize p1 to null and p2 to head
// p3 =, then = p1, then p1 = p2, then p2 = p3
// notice the order (reading in reverse helps)
// we loose p1 the second we do p1 = p2, so before we override p1, we do = p1, etc
// time o(n) | space o(1)
// class LinkedList {...}
function reverseLinkedList(head) {
let prevNode = null;
let currentNode = head;
while (currentNode !== null) {
const nextNode =; = prevNode;
prevNode = currentNode;
currentNode = nextNode;
return prevNode;
// Find Loop (2/14)
// set first/second node to head
// make second node travel 2x as fast until they meet
// reset first to head
// then make both travel together until they meet
// 1st pointer travels D + P distance
// try to visualize this where D is linear distance before loop
// and P is some arc
// 2nd pointer travels 2D + 2P distance
// so total distance is whatever 2nd pointer travelled minus P (so minus the arc)
// which turns out to be 2D + P
// and then R equals 2D + P - P - D (which is what F travelled)
// so R = D
// but we're almost done
// now we know we need to traverse distance D from where our pointers are
// that's why we reset first to head and move them together until they meet again
// 2nd pointer doesn't matter, it's travelling at a faster than normal pace
// time o(n) | space o(1)
// class LinkedList {...}
function findLoop(head) {
let first =;
let second =;
while (first !== second) {
first =;
second =;
first = head;
while (first !== second) {
first =;
second =;
return first;
// Sum of Linked Lists (2/14)
// it's ok to start from left to right from least significant digits
// get sum per column (sumOfValues % 10), get carry per column (sumOfValues // 10)
// create new linked list node per column
// add pointers from the last node we had to this next new node
// move current node to new node
// things to watch out for:
// (1)
// lots of variables
// carry, nodeOne/Two, valueOne/Two, sumOfValues, newValue, newNode
// (2)
// set current node's pointer to next linked list node we just created ( = newNode)
// update current node to be last node we created (currentNode = newNode)
// (3)
// while loop contains three OR conditions (keeps running if truthy values found)
// so instead of creating inner conditions, we conditionalize our values to 0 if null
// whatever the longest linked list dictates the length
// plus 1 is if we have a carry at end, there's another loop
// time o(max(n, m)) + 1 | space o(max(n, m) + 1)
// class LinkedList {...}
function sumOfLinkedLists(linkedListOne, linkedListTwo) {
const newLinkedListHeaderPointer = new LinkedList(0);
let currentNode = newLinkedListHeaderPointer;
let carry = 0;
let nodeOne = linkedListOne;
let nodeTwo = linkedListTwo;
while (nodeOne !== null || nodeTwo !== null || carry !== 0) {
const valueOne = nodeOne !== null ? nodeOne.value : 0;
const valueTwo = nodeTwo !== null ? nodeTwo.value : 0;
const sumOfValues = valueOne + valueTwo + carry;
const newValue = sumOfValues % 10;
const newNode = new LinkedList(newValue); = newNode;
currentNode = newNode;
carry = Math.floor(sumOfValues / 10);
nodeOne = nodeOne !== null ? : null;
nodeTwo = nodeTwo !== null ? : null;
// Remove Kth Node from From End (2/14)
// move first/second pointer, remember to stop on items prev to your "targets"
// start by moving second to k (counter from 1 to k inclusive)
// if second is null, remove first (update head.value and, return
// otherwise, move first and second together
// lastly, remove first by updating it entirely ( =
// time o(length) | space o()
class LinkedList {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value; = null;
function removeKthNodeFromEnd(head, k) {
let counter = 1;
let first = head;
let second = head;
while (counter <= k) {
second =;
if (second === null) {
head.value =; =;
while ( !== null) {
first =;
second =;
} =;
// Number of Binary Tree Topologies (2/10)
// time o(n^2) | space o(n)
function numberOfBinaryTreeTopologies(n, cache = { 0: 1 }) {
if (n in cache) return cache[n];
let numOfTrees = 0;
for (let leftSize = 0; leftSize < n; leftSize++) {
const rightSize = n - 1 - leftSize;
const totalLeft = numberOfBinaryTreeTopologies(leftSize, cache);
const totalRight = numberOfBinaryTreeTopologies(rightSize, cache);
numOfTrees += totalLeft * totalRight;
cache[n] = numOfTrees;
return cache[n];
// Ambiguous Measurements (2/10)
// time o(low * high * n) | space o(low * high) - where n is
// the number of measuring cups
function ambiguousMeasurements(measuringCups, low, high) {
const cache = {};
return helper(measuringCups, low, high, cache);
function helper(cups, low, high, cache) {
const key = getHashableKey(low, high);
if (key in cache) return cache[key];
if (low < 0 && high < 0) return false;
let canMeasure = false;
for (const cup of cups) {
const [cupLow, cupHigh] = cup;
if (low <= cupLow && cupHigh <= high) {
canMeasure = true;
canMeasure = helper(cups, low - cupLow, high - cupHigh, cache);
if (canMeasure) break;
cache[key] = canMeasure;
return canMeasure;
function getHashableKey(low, high) {
return `${low}:${high}`;
// Generate Div Tags (2/10)
// question not really designed to test time complexity explanation
// incrementally build solutions, tack on open/close tags
// to start generating a valid string
// we need at least an opening tag
// what can we do
// add <div></div> to end of valid string
// or surround valid string with opening/closing tag
// add opening tag before we close it
// so we have an opening tag to be added on other tail of recursion
// catalan number - (2n)!/((n!((n+1)!)))
// string generation grows exponentially
// time ~o(catalanNum) | space ~o(catalanNum)
function generateDivTags(numberOfTags) {
const result = [];
helper(numberOfTags, numberOfTags, "", result);
return result;
function helper(opening, closing, prefix, result) {
if (opening > 0) helper(opening - 1, closing, prefix + "<div>", result);
if (opening < closing)
helper(opening, closing - 1, prefix + "</div>", result);
if (closing === 0) result.push(prefix);
// Sudoku Solver (2/10)
// computationally intentive task to brute force 81 squares * 9 possibilities
// see
// for recursive matrix traversal
// inner loop (col++) will finish first
// so base case means we col=0 and increment outer loop (row++)
// there's also an inner second base case
// if outer loop is *also* finished, then, we exit recursion (return true)
// for backtracking, mutate board state if it passes validation
// then return true, otherwise, reset board state and return false
// for validating row, call includes on board[row]
// for validating col, call includes on => r[col])
// for sub-dividing a 9x9 grid into three 3x3 grids
// set a sub grid col/row start variable to row - row % sqrt
// to validate subgrids, use outer/inner row/col loop but from 0-3 only
// things to remember:
// - pass your startings 0's
// - when calling tryIt helper (1) don't mutate state; (2) immediatly return itself;
// (3) mutate state from tryIt helper
// - use initialized currentRow/currentCol in recursive cases
// - for isRowValid, it's board[row].includes, not board.includes
// - subgrid for loops is up to subgrid len (ie. 3), not board len
// constant board size, so constant time
// time o(1) | space o(1)
function solveSudoku(board) {
solver(0, 0, board);
return board;
function solver(row, col, board) {
let currentRow = row;
let currentCol = col;
if (currentCol === board[row].length) {
currentCol = 0;
if (currentRow === board.length) return true;
if (board[currentRow][currentCol] === 0) {
return tryDigitsAtPosition(currentRow, currentCol, board);
return solver(currentRow, currentCol + 1, board);
function tryDigitsAtPosition(row, col, board) {
for (let digit = 1; digit < 10; digit++) {
if (isValidAtPosition(row, col, board, digit)) {
board[row][col] = digit;
if (solver(row, col + 1, board)) return true;
board[row][col] = 0;
return false;
function isValidAtPosition(row, col, board, value) {
const isColValid = !board[row].includes(value);
const isRowValid = ! => r[col]).includes(value);
if (!isColValid || !isRowValid) return false;
const sqrt = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(board.length));
const subgridRowStart = row - (row % sqrt);
const subgridColStart = col - (col % sqrt);
for (let rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < 3; rowIdx++) {
for (let colIdx = 0; colIdx < 3; colIdx++) {
const rowToCheck = subgridRowStart + rowIdx;
const colToCheck = subgridColStart + colIdx;
const existingValue = board[rowToCheck][colToCheck];
if (existingValue === value) return false;
return true;
// Lowest Common Manager (2/8)
// dfs post-order traversal
// retrieve sub-tree info by starting from leaf nodes and returning related info
// the return - an object (org info) - gets assigned to variable
// if org info contains answer (isn't null), return again so we exit (base case 2)
// base case 1 happens else where - at the bottom of post-order traversal
// most interesting here are the two counter instances
// the main one, initialized at root
// but we interpret it in reverse
// first at the bottom (base case 1), where we increment itself
// then in middle (if we can't process base case 2)
// where we increment it based on counter retrieved from recursion (a return of itself)
// where n is people in org chart and d is depth (height) of org chart
// time o(n) | space o(d)
function getLowestCommonManager(topManager, reportOne, reportTwo) {
return getOrgInfo(topManager, reportOne, reportTwo).lowestCommonManager;
function getOrgInfo(manager, reportOne, reportTwo) {
let numImportantReports = 0;
for (const directReport of manager.directReports) {
const orgInfo = getOrgInfo(directReport, reportOne, reportTwo);
if (!!orgInfo.lowestCommonManager) return orgInfo;
numImportantReports += orgInfo.numImportantReports;
if (manager === reportOne || manager === reportTwo) {
numImportantReports += 1;
const lowestCommonManager = numImportantReports === 2 ? manager : null;
return { lowestCommonManager, numImportantReports };
class OrgChart {
constructor(name) { = name;
this.directReports = [];
// Min Heap (1/28)
// order of implementation - peak, swap, insert, remove, siftUp, siftDown
// remove - swap root/last, pop off heap, siftDown
// siftUp - needs currIdx, heap
// siftDown - needs currIdx, *endIdx*, heap
// remember to exit method with return on if else statement of heap[idxToSwap] < heap[currIdx]
// less than or equal to - not just less than
// prevents calling on leaf nodes
// while loop expression is while currIdx <= endIdx, not heap[currIdx]...
// siftDown/siftUp - time o(logn) - everytime we swap a node, we eliminate half of tree
// buildHeap - time o(n) - we call siftDown on n nodes
// it's not o(nlogn) bc that "distance" isn't equal for every node
// but implementing buildHeap siftUp would be nlogn
// space - 0(1) all happens in-space
// time o(logn) | space o(1)
class MinHeap {
constructor(array) {
this.heap = this.buildHeap(array);
buildHeap(array) {
let pIdx = Math.floor((array.length - 2) / 2);
for (let currIdx = pIdx; currIdx >= 0; currIdx--) {
this.siftDown(currIdx, array.length - 1, array);
return array;
siftDown(currIdx, endIdx, heap) {
let childOneIdx = currIdx * 2 + 1;
while (currIdx <= endIdx) {
const childTwoIdx = currIdx * 2 + 2 <= endIdx ? currIdx * 2 + 2 : -1;
let idxToSwap;
if (childTwoIdx !== -1 && heap[childTwoIdx] < heap[childOneIdx]) {
idxToSwap = childTwoIdx;
} else {
idxToSwap = childOneIdx;
if (heap[idxToSwap] < heap[currIdx]) {
this._swap(idxToSwap, currIdx, heap);
currIdx = idxToSwap;
childOneIdx = currIdx * 2 + 1;
} else {
siftUp(currIdx, heap) {
let pIdx = Math.floor((currIdx - 1) / 2);
while (currIdx > 0 && heap[currIdx] < heap[pIdx]) {
this._swap(currIdx, pIdx, heap);
currIdx = pIdx;
pIdx = Math.floor((currIdx - 1) / 2);
peek() {
return this.heap[0];
remove() {
this._swap(0, this.heap.length - 1, this.heap);
const removedItem = this.heap.pop();
this.siftDown(0, this.heap.length - 1, this.heap);
return removedItem;
insert(value) {
this.siftUp(this.heap.length - 1, this.heap);
_swap(i, j, heap) {
const temp = heap[i];
heap[i] = heap[j];
heap[j] = temp;
// Boggle Board (1/28)
// create/populate trie
// finalWords hash - for words that appear multiple times, also we return all keys from it as final answer
// visited - identical to board, but for bool of false
// traverse board - for row, col - "explore" method that modifies finalWords
// space - building a tree, contain all words list of words with at most "S" chars where "S" len of longest word
// for suffix trie, we have at least ws auxilary space
// we are also building am aux matrix of booleans
// so ws + nm where n is width, m is height
// time - ws - bc we iterate through words and they have s chars in them
// then we iterate through entire matrix, so a total of nm nodes to travese matrix
// for all nm node explored, we go through all their neighbors, and all their neighbor's neighbors, until we exhaust this list
// question is "how many neighbors does one node have?" - worst case, it's 8 neighbors
// worst case is going to be 8*8*8 a total of s times - so 8^s - therefore ws+nm*8^s
// time o(nm*8^s + ws) | space o(nm + ws)
function boggleBoard(board, words) {
const trie = new Trie();
for (const word of words) {
const visited = => => false));
const finalWords = {};
for (let row = 0; row < board.length; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < board[row].length; col++) {
explore(row, col, trie.root, board, visited, finalWords);
return Object.keys(finalWords);
function explore(row, col, node, board, visited, finalWords) {
if (visited[row][col]) return;
const letter = board[row][col];
if (!(letter in node)) return;
visited[row][col] = true;
node = node[letter];
if ("*" in node) finalWords[node["*"]] = true;
const neighbors = getNeighbors(board, row, col);
for (const neighbor of neighbors) {
explore(neighbor[0], neighbor[1], node, board, visited, finalWords);
visited[row][col] = false;
function getNeighbors(board, row, col) {
const positions = [];
if (row < board.length - 1) positions.push([row + 1, col]);
if (row > 0) positions.push([row - 1, col]);
if (col < board[0].length - 1) positions.push([row, col + 1]);
if (col > 0) positions.push([row, col - 1]);
if (row > 0 && col > 0) {
positions.push([row - 1, col - 1]); // north-west
if (row < board.length - 1 && col < board[0].length - 1) {
positions.push([row + 1, col + 1]); // south-east
if (row > 0 && col < board[0].length - 1) {
positions.push([row - 1, col + 1]); // north-east
if (row < board.length - 1 && col > 0) {
positions.push([row + 1, col - 1]); // south-west
return positions;
class Trie {
constructor() {
this.root = {};
this.endSymbol = "*";
add(string) {
let node = this.root;
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
const char = string[i];
if (!(char in node)) node[char] = {};
node = node[char];
node[this.endSymbol] = string;
// Class Photos (1/26)
// between 2 lists of student "heights", which are the tallest?
// to find out, sort it, then iterate until condition is invalid, otherwise it's valid
// valid means a class photo can be taken bc tallest students are in the back
// and in the front the student must be strictly smaller than their back counterpart
// sorting is needed
// time o(nlogn) | space o(1)
function classPhotos(redShirtHeights, blueShirtHeights) {
redShirtHeights.sort((a, b) => a - b);
blueShirtHeights.sort((a, b) => a - b);
let isRedLargest = redShirtHeights[0] > blueShirtHeights[0];
for (let i = 0; i < redShirtHeights.length; i++) {
if (isRedLargest !== redShirtHeights[i] >= blueShirtHeights[i])
return false;
return true;
// Minimum Waiting Time (1/26)
// find waiting time per query, given specific order
// say query in order 6,1,2, durations would be 0,6,6+1, respectively
// to minimize waiting time, find optimal "order"
// in this case, test two orders: 6,1 vs 1,6 give durations 0,6 vs 0,1
// so it doesn't make sense to process largest queries first
// every query needs to wait the remaining amount of queries left
// multiplied by the total waiting time so far
// first thing is ordering, best is nlogn
// time o(nlogn) | space o(1)
function minimumWaitingTime(queries) {
queries.sort((a, b) => a - b);
let totalWaitingTime = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) {
const remainingQueries = queries.length - (i + 1);
totalWaitingTime += remainingQueries * queries[i];
return totalWaitingTime;
// Minimum Passes of Matrix (1/26)
// return passes - 1 if no negative vals after convertMatrix, else -1
// maintain nextQueue/currentQueue in a nested while loop fashion (won't affect runtime complexity)
// get all positive positions, assign to nextQueue
// make currentQueue nextQueue and empty out nextQueue, clear out currentQueue before starting 2nd outer loop
// get adjacent positions, loop through them, if -1 is found, flip, push pos as [row][col] to *emptied* nextQueue
// increment passes before next outer loop cycle
// time - we do a wh operation in beginning to look for positive intergers
// but then we'll never have to look at the same item more than once
// time o(wh) | space o(wh)
function minimumPassesOfMatrix(matrix) {
const passes = convertMatrix(matrix);
return !containsNegatives(matrix) ? passes - 1 : -1;
function convertMatrix(matrix) {
let nextQueue = getAllPositivePositions(matrix);
let passes = 0;
while (nextQueue.length > 0) {
const currentQueue = nextQueue;
nextQueue = [];
while (currentQueue.length > 0) {
const [currentRow, currentCol] = currentQueue.shift();
const positions = getAdjacentPositions(currentRow, currentCol, matrix);
for (const [row, col] of positions) {
if (matrix[row][col] < 0) {
matrix[row][col] *= -1;
nextQueue.push([row, col]);
return passes;
function containsNegatives(matrix) {
for (const row of matrix) {
for (const value of row) {
if (value < 0) return true;
return false;
function getAllPositivePositions(matrix) {
const positivePositions = [];
for (let row = 0; row < matrix.length; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < matrix[row].length; col++) {
if (matrix[row][col] > 0) positivePositions.push([row, col]);
return positivePositions;
function getAdjacentPositions(row, col, matrix) {
const positions = [];
if (row > 0) positions.push([row - 1, col]);
if (row < matrix.length - 1) positions.push([row + 1, col]);
if (col > 0) positions.push([row, col - 1]);
if (col < matrix[row].length - 1) positions.push([row, col + 1]);
return positions;
// Cycle in Graph (1/25)
// create visited/inStack auxilary arrays, run dfs, mark node as visited and inStack
// recursive case sends in neighbor as node
// where neighbor element from iterable neighbors edges[node]
// recursion returns cycleExists bool so we can do early return if true
// as we finish processing, we unmark form inStack
// if we visit something still "inStack", its a cycle
// reminder: adjacency list - index itself represents vertex (node) while interior list represents outbound edges
// time - dfs considers all vertices + edges, space - auxilary DS
// there will never be more than v concurrent recursive calls on the call stack
// since there are v vertices in the graph and since our algorithm naturally stops at cycles
// thus, the recursive calls won't change the O(v) space complexity
// time o(v + e) | space o(v)
function cycleInGraph(edges) {
const visited = => 0);
const inStack = => 0);
for (let node = 0; node < edges.length; node++) {
const cycleExists = dfs(node, edges, visited, inStack);
if (cycleExists) return true;
return false;
function dfs(node, edges, visited, inStack) {
visited[node] = true;
inStack[node] = true;
const neighbors = edges[node];
for (const neighbor of neighbors) {
if (!visited[neighbor]) {
const cycleExists = dfs(neighbor, edges, visited, inStack);
if (cycleExists) return true;
} else if (inStack[neighbor]) {
return true;
inStack[node] = false;
return false;
// Remove Islands (1/25)
// problem asks to remove interior islands (1s to 0s) if they aren't connected to borders
// so run dfs starting at borders, replacing 1s with 2s
// then traverse matrix, setting 1's to 0's and 2's to 1's
// o(wh) space b/c we need a stack w/ potentially every single item on it
// it's better avg space complexity than v1 (not here) with auxilary array
// bc our stack might not always be as big as the matrix itself
// time o(wh) | space o(wh)
function removeIslands(matrix) {
for (let row = 0; row < matrix.length; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < matrix[row].length; col++) {
const rowIsBorder = row === 0 || row === matrix.length - 1;
const colIsBorder = col === 0 || col === matrix[row].length - 1;
const isBorder = rowIsBorder || colIsBorder;
if (!isBorder) continue;
dfs(matrix, row, col);
for (let row = 0; row < matrix.length; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < matrix[row].length; col++) {
const rowIsBorder = row === 0 || row === matrix.length - 1;
const colIsBorder = col === 0 || col === matrix[row].length - 1;
const isBorder = rowIsBorder || colIsBorder;
const color = matrix[row][col];
if (color === 1) {
matrix[row][col] = 0;
} else if (color === 2) {
matrix[row][col] = 1;
return matrix;
function dfs(matrix, row, col) {
const stack = [[row, col]];
while (stack.length > 0) {
const curr = stack.pop();
const [row, col] = curr;
if (matrix[row][col] === 1) {
matrix[row][col] = 2;
pushIfValid(matrix, row + 1, col, stack);
pushIfValid(matrix, row - 1, col, stack);
pushIfValid(matrix, row, col + 1, stack);
pushIfValid(matrix, row, col - 1, stack);
function pushIfValid(matrix, row, col, stack) {
if (row >= 0 && row < matrix.length && col >= 0 && col < matrix[row].length) {
stack.push([row, col]);
// Node Depths (1/24)
// at root node, depth is 0. have all parents inform child (my depth + 1)
// time o(n) | space o(n)
function nodeDepths(root) {
let sum = 0;
const stack = [{ node: root, depth: 0 }];
while (stack.length > 0) {
const curr = stack.pop();
if (!curr.node) continue;
sum += curr.depth;
stack.push({ node: curr.node.left, depth: curr.depth + 1 });
stack.push({ node: curr.node.right, depth: curr.depth + 1 });
return sum;
// to avoid having to store a global sum variable, we can pass sums as returns
// time o(n) | space o(h)
// time - we're traversing through every node in the tree, n nodes
// at every node, we're only doing constant time operations
// space - where h is height - max function calls in the call stack at one point
// is the height of the tree (or depth of deepest node in tree)
// fyi, for an unbalanced tree, o(h) starts looking like o(n)
function nodeDepthsRecursive(node, depth = 0) {
if (!node) return 0;
return (
depth + nodeDepths(node.left, depth + 1) + nodeDepths(node.right, depth + 1)
// Branch Sums (1/24)
// pre-order traversal, don't forget to return after array.push
// we'll have as many branches as we have branchSums
// in other words, !node.left && !node.right condition counts n branches (space complexity)
// time o(n) | space o(n)
function branchSums(root) {
const branchSums = [];
helper(root, 0, branchSums);
return branchSums;
function helper(node, currentSum, branchSums) {
if (!node) return;
currentSum += node.value;
if (!node.left && !node.right) {
helper(node.left, currentSum, branchSums);
helper(node.right, currentSum, branchSums);
// Shifted Binary Search (1/14)
// move to the sorted side, negate the premise that target should be there
// time o(log n) | space o(log n)
function shiftedBinarySearch(array, target) {
return helper(array, target, 0, array.length - 1);
function helper(array, target, left, right) {
while (left <= right) {
const mid = Math.floor((left + right) / 2);
const leftVal = array[left];
const rightVal = array[right];
const potentialMatch = array[mid];
if (target === potentialMatch) return mid;
if (leftVal < potentialMatch) {
if (target < potentialMatch && target >= leftVal) {
right = mid - 1;
} else {
left = mid + 1;
} else {
if (target > potentialMatch && target <= rightVal) {
left = mid + 1;
} else {
right = mid - 1;
return -1;
// Reverse Words In String (1/12)
// time o(n) | space o(n)
function reverseWordsInString(string) {
if (string.length === "") return "";
const result = [];
const sections = splitHelper(string);
for (let i = sections.length; i >= 0; i--) {
return result.join("");
function splitHelper(string) {
const result = [];
let left = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
const prev = string[i - 1];
const curr = string[i];
if ((prev !== " " && curr === " ") || (prev === " " && curr !== " ")) {
result.push(string.slice(left, i));
left = i;
return result;
// Valid IP Addresses (1/12)
// 3 nested loops using Max.min as limits gives behavior we want
// slice 1 -> 0, i / slice 2 -> i, j / slice 3 -> j, k / slice 4 -> k, end
// reminder about data types (parseInt, toString) during validation
// time o(1) | space o(1)
function validIPAddresses(string) {
const results = [];
for (let i = 0; i < Math.min(string.length, 4); i++) {
const ipAddressSections = [[], [], [], []];
ipAddressSections[0] = string.slice(0, i);
if (!isValid(ipAddressSections[0])) continue;
for (let j = i + 1; j < i + Math.min(string.length - i, 4); j++) {
ipAddressSections[1] = string.slice(i, j);
if (!isValid(ipAddressSections[1])) continue;
for (let k = j + 1; k < j + Math.min(string.length - j, 4); k++) {
ipAddressSections[2] = string.slice(j, k);
ipAddressSections[3] = string.slice(k);
if (!isValid(ipAddressSections[2])) continue;
if (!isValid(ipAddressSections[3])) continue;
return results;
function isValid(section) {
if (section === '') return false;
if (section.length > 1 && section[0] === '0') return false;
if (parseInt(section) < 0 || parseInt(section) > 255) return false;
return true;
// Longest Palindromic Substring (1/12)
// odd palindrome - left/right is i - i, i + 1
// even palindrome - left/right is i - 1, i
// expand left/right while chars are equal, return leftIdx, rightIdx
// compute longest based on length of even vs odd variables
// time o(n^2) | space(n)
function longestPalindromicSubstring(string) {
let currentLongest = [0, 1];
for (let i = 1; i < string.length; i++) {
const odd = getLongestPalindromeFrom(string, i - 1, i + 1);
const even = getLongestPalindromeFrom(string, i - 1, i);
const longest = even[1] - even[0] > odd[1] - odd[0] ? even : odd;
if (longest[1] - longest[0] > currentLongest[1] - currentLongest[0])
currentLongest = longest;
return string.slice(currentLongest[0], currentLongest[1]);
function getLongestPalindromeFrom(string, leftIdx, rightIdx) {
while (leftIdx >= 0 && rightIdx < string.length) {
if (string[leftIdx] !== string[rightIdx]) break;
return [leftIdx + 1, rightIdx];
// Longest Substring Without Duplicating (1/6)
// ensure we account for old duplicates using max of lastSeen + 1 vs charIdx
// use location = [left, right], no need for extra auxilary space
// time o(n) | space o(n)
function longestSubstringWithoutDuplication(string) {
let longest = [0, 1];
const lastSeen = {};
let left = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
const char = string[i];
if (char in lastSeen) {
left = Math.max(left, lastSeen[char] + 1);
if (longest[1] - longest[0] < i + 1 - left) {
longest = [left, i + 1];
lastSeen[char] = i;
return string.slice(longest[0], longest[1]);
// Apartment Hunting (1/5)
// precompute list of min distances per req
// for req in reqs
// initialize distances list with 0s per block
// initialize lastSeen as Infinity, this saves index i from 0 to blocks.length the the loops below
// move forward, then backwards - tracking the last seen location per req
// forward (left/right for i loop), save lastSeen as i if blocks[i][req]
// then continue to compute distances list with distance between i vs lastSeen location of the current req
// backwards (right/left for i loop), save lastSeen as i if blocks[i][req]
// then continue to compute distances list as distances[i] = distanceBetween(i, lastSeen)
// and distance between current vs lastSeen from right/left
// this ensures right to left distances are computed and compared with previous computations...
// initialize/fill maxDistancePerBlock to -Infinity, same size as we have blocks
// for minDistances in minDistancesPerReq, compute maxDistancePerBlock
// for distance in maxDistancePerBlock, compute minDistance and track its idx
// return minDistance's idx
// time | space o(B + BR) = B(R+1) = o(BR)
function apartmentHunting(blocks, reqs) {
const minDistances = getMinDistancesPerReq(blocks, reqs); // o(B*R) space
const maxDistancePerBlock = => -Infinity); // o(B) space
blocks.forEach((block, idx) => {
minDistances.forEach((minDistance) => {
maxDistancePerBlock[idx] = Math.max(
return getMinDistanceIdx(maxDistancePerBlock);
function getMinDistancesPerReq(blocks, reqs) {
const results = [];
reqs.forEach((req) => {
const distances = => 0);
let lastSeen = Infinity;
for (let i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
if (blocks[i][req]) lastSeen = i;
distances[i] = distanceBetween(i, lastSeen);
for (let i = blocks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (blocks[i][req]) lastSeen = i;
distances[i] = Math.min(distances[i], distanceBetween(i, lastSeen));
return results;
function distanceBetween(a, b) {
return Math.abs(a - b);
function getMinDistanceIdx(maxDistancePerBlock) {
let min = Infinity;
let minIdx = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < maxDistancePerBlock.length; i++) {
if (maxDistancePerBlock[i] < min) {
min = maxDistancePerBlock[i];
minIdx = i;
return minIdx;
// Min Rewards (12/30)
// reset everything to 1 knowing all students get at least that
// in a left/right pass-throguh, compute rewards as curr is prev + 1 (if curr is bigger)
// in a right/left pass-through, re-compute as max of curr vs prev + 1
// time o(n) | space o(n)
function minRewards(scores) {
const rewards = => 1);
for (let i = 1; i < scores.length; i++) {
if (scores[i] > scores[i - 1]) rewards[i] = rewards[i - 1] + 1;
for (let i = scores.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
if (scores[i] > scores[i + 1])
rewards[i] = Math.max(rewards[i], rewards[i + 1] + 1);
return rewards.reduce((a, b) => a + b);
// Largest Range (12/28)
// store every num in visited table pointing to a bool true
// if marked as true, expand outwards to find range it contains
// as we expand, check if new nums are in visited and if so, mark as visited (set false)
// time o(n) | space o(n)
function largestRange(array) {
let longestLength = 0;
let bestRange = [];
const nums = {};
for (num of array) {
nums[num] = true;
for (num of array) {
if (!(num in nums)) continue;
nums[num] = false;
let currentLength = 1;
let left = num - 1;
let right = num + 1;
while (left in nums) {
nums[left] = false;
while (right in nums) {
nums[right] = false;
if (currentLength > longestLength) {
longestLength = currentLength;
bestRange = [left + 1, right - 1];
return bestRange;
// Sub Array Sort (12/28)
// first pass - find min/max values within out of order indicies
// sec/third pass - from left/right and right/left, find final positions
// time o(n) | space o(1)
function subarraySort(array) {
let min = Infinity;
let max = -Infinity;
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
const num = array[i];
if (isOutOfOrder(num, array, i)) {
min = Math.min(min, array[i]);
max = Math.max(max, array[i]);
if (min === Infinity) return [-1, -1];
let start = 0;
let end = array.length - 1;
while (min >= array[start]) start++;
while (max <= array[end]) end--;
return [start, end];
function isOutOfOrder(num, array, i) {
if (i === 0) return num > array[i + 1];
if (i === array.length - 1) return num < array[i - 1];
return num > array[i + 1] || num < array[i - 1];
// Four Number Sum (12/26)
// 1st inner for loop - check for results
// 2nd inner for loop - create quadruplets
// avg: o(n^2) time | o(n^2) space
// worst: o(n^3) time | o(n^2) space
function fourNumberSum(array, targetSum) {
const results = [];
const hash = {};
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
for (let k = i + 1; k < array.length; k++) {
const currentSum = array[i] + array[k];
const remainder = targetSum - currentSum;
if (hash[remainder]) {
const pairs = hash[remainder];
pairs.forEach((pair) => results.push([...pair, array[i], array[k]]));
for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) {
const currentSum = array[i] + array[j];
if (hash[currentSum]) {
hash[currentSum].push([array[i], array[j]]);
} else {
hash[currentSum] = [[array[i], array[j]]];
return results;
// Merge Overlapping Intervals (12/26)
// sort first!
// merge item by item while updating last item from results array
// time o(n log n)| space o(n)
function mergeOverlappingIntervals(array) {
array.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
const results = [];
for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
const intervalOne = results[results.length - 1];
const intervalTwo = array[i];
if (intervalTwo[0] <= intervalOne[1]) {
results[results.length - 1][1] = Math.max(intervalOne[1], intervalTwo[1]);
} else {
return results;
// Min Height BST (12/07)
// remember to pass null as that's when we arrive at null children nodes
// o(n) time | o(n) space
function minHeightBst(array) {
return constructMinHeightBst(array, 0, array.length - 1);
function constructMinHeightBst(array, startIdx, endIdx) {
if (endIdx < startIdx) return null;
const midIdx = Math.floor((startIdx + endIdx) / 2);
const bst = new BST(array[midIdx]);
bst.left = constructMinHeightBst(array, startIdx, midIdx - 1);
bst.right = constructMinHeightBst(array, midIdx + 1, endIdx);
return bst;
// Insertion Sort (12/07)
// divide into two subarrays (sorted, non-sorted), swap as needed until item 0
// best: o(n) time | o(1) space
// avg: o(n^2) time | o(1) space
// worst: o(n^2) time | o(1) space
function insertionSort(array) {
for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
let j = i;
while (j > 0 && array[j] < array[j - 1]) {
swap(j, j - 1, array);
return array;
function swap(j, i, array) {
const temp = array[j];
array[j] = array[i];
array[i] = temp;
// Run Length Encoding (12/07)
// use array, not string
// use for i loop, not while, no need to handle incrementing i separately
// good variable names perfect to avoid cryptic code
// push when 9 or when they don't match
// handle last run explicitly
// o(n) time | o(n) space - where n is length of input
function runLengthEncoding(string) {
const encodedStringCharacters = [];
let currentRunLength = 1;
for (let i = 1; i < string.length; i++) {
const currentCharacter = string[i];
const previousCharacter = string[i - 1];
if (currentCharacter !== previousCharacter || currentRunLength === 9) {
currentRunLength = 0;
encodedStringCharacters.push(string[string.length - 1]);
return encodedStringCharacters.join("");
// Binary tree diameter (12/06)
class BinaryTree {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
this.left = null;
this.right = null;
class TreeInfo {
constructor(diameter, height) {
this.diameter = diameter;
this.height = height;
function binaryTreeDiameter(tree) {
return helper(tree).diameter;
function helper(node) {
if (node === null) return new TreeInfo(0, 0);
const left = helper(node.left);
const right = helper(node.right);
const longestPathThroughRoot = left.height + right.height;
const maxDiameterSoFar = Math.max(left.diameter, right.diameter);
const currentDiameter = Math.max(longestPathThroughRoot, maxDiameterSoFar);
const currentHeight = 1 + Math.max(left.height, right.height);
return new TreeInfo(currentDiameter, currentHeight);
// Group Anagrams (12/06)
function groupAnagrams(words) {
const anagrams = {};
for (const word of words) {
const sortedWord = word.split("").sort().join("");
if (sortedWord in anagrams) {
} else {
anagrams[sortedWord] = [word];
return Object.values(anagrams);
// Breath-first search (12/06)
class Node {
constructor(name) { = name;
this.children = [];
addChild(name) {
this.children.push(new Node(name));
return this;
breadthFirstSearch(array) {
const queue = [this];
while (queue.length > 0) {
const curr = queue.shift();
curr.children.forEach((child) => {
return array;
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