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Created March 19, 2019 23:13
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pull teams from first
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import pickle
import gzip
import requests
import os
from pprint import pprint as p
# we need to know what CURRENT_YEAR is so we can make jokes
fname = lambda y: f"{y}.pickle"
teams = {}
""" schema:
number: int,
rookie_year: int,
events: [Event],
awards: [Award],
seasons: [Season],
Event: {
name: str,
season: int,
region: str,
Season: {
year: int,
name: str,
org: str,
motto: str,
website: str,
location: {lat, lon}
city: str,
country: str,
postal_code: str,
state_prov: str,
for y in range(CURRENT_YEAR, 2006, -1):
print(f"----- downloading {y} data")
r = requests.get("{%22query%22:{%22filtered%22:{%22query%22:{%22bool%22:{%22must%22:[{%22bool%22:{%22should%22:[[{%22match%22:{%22team_type%22:%22FTC%22}}]]}},{%22bool%22:{%22should%22:[[{%22match%22:{%22profile_year%22:" + str(y) + "}}]]}}]}}}},%22sort%22:%22team_number_yearly%22}", verify=False)
data = r.json()
print(f"----- reading {fname(y)}")
with open(fname(y), "rb") as f:
data = pickle.load(f)
# writing it out takes precious disk space
print(f"----- writing {fname(y)}")
with open(fname(y), "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(data, f, protocol=4)
print(f"----- parsing {fname(y)}")
for t in data['hits']['hits']:
s = t["_source"]
number = int(s["team_number_yearly"])
# these numbers don't list an event name or season from their awards
# in Far East championships; this occurs in the 2012-2013 record.
#if number in [6907, 6908, 6919, 6922, 6923]: continue
print(f"loading team {number}")
if number not in teams:
# populate the team static info and the events/awards tables
teams[number] = {
"number": number,
"rookie_year": int(s.get("team_rookieyear", y)),
"events": [
"name": i["event_name"],
"season": int(i["event_season"])
} for i in s["events"]
# 6907, 6908, 6919, 6922, and 6923 don't have event name or season listed
"awards": [
"award": i["award"],
"event": i.get("event_name", f'{s["team_country"]} FTC Championship'),
"region": i["eventcode_cache"],
"season": int(i.get("event_season", y))
} for i in s["awards"]
"seasons": [] # this table gets populated later
"year": int(s["profile_year"]),
"name": s.get("team_nickname", f"Team {number}"),
"org": s.get("team_name_calc", ""),
"motto": s.get("team_motto", ""),
"website": s.get("team_web_url", ""),
"location": [s["location"][0]["lat"], s["location"][0]["lon"]],
"city": s["team_city"],
"country": s["team_country"],
"postal_code": s["team_postalcode"],
"state_prov": s.get("team_stateprov", ""),
#with open("ftc_teams.json", "w") as f:
# json.dump(teams, f, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
with"~/teamdata/ftc_teams.pickle.gz", "wb") as f:
# protocol 4 doesn't work with py < 3.4
pickle.dump(teams, f, protocol=4)
with open("~/public_html/ftc_teams.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(teams, f)
# this is bad but idc
#os.system("cp ~/teamdata/ftc_teams.pickle.gz ~/public_html/ftc/teams.pickle.gz")
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