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Last active January 13, 2021 08:01
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Script to calculate best scavenging splits - TribalWars
% script to calculate best scavenging splits - TribalWars
% author: PhilipsNostrum (@guipenedo)
% calculate best split using fmincon for 1 spear, up to *upper* spears
% scavenge time (C is the loot capacity, for instance, 1 spear = 25 loot capacity)
% ((C*LF*10)^(2*DE)+DIS)*DF
global c_tot LF DE DIS DF
% these factors may be found on TW's source code (search for "ScavengeScreen")
LF = [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75]; % loot factor
DE = 0.45; % duration exponent
DIS = 1800; % duration initial seconds
DF = 0.6830201284; % duration factor
x0 = ones(4,1); % initial point: 1 (close to 0)
options = optimoptions('fmincon','Display','iter','Algorithm','sqp','MaxFunctionEvaluations',100000,'MaxIterations',2000);
res = zeros(4,upper);
for sp=1:upper
c_tot = 25*sp;
x = floor(fmincon(@f, x0, [], [], [], [], zeros(4,1), [], @g, options)/25);
res(:,sp) = x;
function [cost] = f(c)
global LF
cost = 0;
for i=1:4
cost = cost + (c(i)*LF(i))/(t(c(i),LF(i)));
cost = 1/cost;
function [v] = t(ci,LFi)
global DE DIS DF
v = ((ci*ci*LFi*LFi*100).^DE+DIS)*DF;
function [c, ceq] = g(cs)
global c_tot
c = 0;
ceq = -c_tot;
for i=1:4
ceq = ceq + cs(i);
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How can I use this without any software installation? I did not understand the basic math of your script. Can you help me @guipenedo

Scripts are not allowed in our country.

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@kirgizmustafa17 this is not a tampermonkey script. It's only meant to calculate optimal distributions for later use on scripts

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pmwhyy commented Apr 13, 2020

hey! can you tell us how to use it? for example my world is 1.2 speed and the troop speed is 0.8. Now whats next? :D

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Just open up Matlab and run this script. But as I said this isn't meant to be used except for programmers looking to create scripts

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rsk2327 commented Nov 16, 2020

Could you explain the formula for time calculation of scavenging trips. I am trying to understand what are the variables involved.

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