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Created October 21, 2012 05:05
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Major encoder
{- Major.hs
- ========
- This program can be used to convert from strings of digits to lists of
- possible mnemonic consonant sounds, as defined by the major memory system,
- presented in correct order.
- Input must be served as a string, so that cases like `0001` are not misinterpreted
- as being `1`.
- Example
- -------
- *Main> encode "12341821"
- [["t","d"],["n"],["m"],["r"],["t","d"],["v"],["n"],["t","d"]]
type Object = [String]
type Source = Char
table :: [(Source, Object)]
table = [ ('0', ["s", "z"]), ('1', ["t", "d"]), ('2', ["n"]), ('3', ["m"]),
('4', ["r"]), ('5', ["l"]), ('6', ["j", "ch", "sh"]),
('7', ["k", "q"]), ('8', ["v"]), ('9', ["p", "b"]) ]
fetch :: Source -> Object
fetch s = snd . head $ filter ((s ==) . fst) table
encode :: [Source] -> [Object]
encode = map fetch
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