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Created May 7, 2011 18:45
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Perl: 13 line ROT-13
# Perl - ROT-13
# guidjos
use warnings;
use strict;
die "\n\n\t $0 [-e | -d] [text]\n" unless @ARGV > 1;
my $option = shift;
my $_ = join " ", @ARGV;
my $key;
die "\n\n\tOption is \"-e\" (encrypt) or \"-d\" (decrypt)\n\n" unless $option eq "-e" or $option eq "-d";
$\ = "\n\n";
print "\n\n\t";
$key = "nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm";
$option eq "-e" and eval "tr/a-z/$key/;";
$option eq "-d" and eval "tr/$key/a-z/;";
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