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Created August 22, 2015 09:52
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  • Save guizmo51/95fc5f62200f09fc2f72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save guizmo51/95fc5f62200f09fc2f72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NRF pong
setStates { RF_CH: 4 }
setStates { RF_PWR: 3 }
setStates { RF_DR_LOW: false, RF_DR_HIGH: false }
setStates { EN_CRC: true, CRCO: 1 }
setStates { ARC: 15, ARD: 15 }
Set CE low.
blocked for 130µs.
Set CE low.
blocked for 130µs.
execCommand FLUSH_TX 0
execCommand [ 'W_REGISTER', 5 ] [ 4 ]
execCommand FLUSH_RX 0
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 6 ] 1
setStates { PWR_UP: true,
PRIM_RX: false,
RX_DR: true,
TX_DS: true,
MAX_RT: true,
EN_DPL: true,
EN_ACK_PAY: true,
EN_DYN_ACK: true }
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 07>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 6 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 07>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 0 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 0f>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 4 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e ff>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 0 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 0f>
execCommand [ 'W_REGISTER', 0 ] [ 14 ]
blocked for 130µs.
execCommand [ 'W_REGISTER', 2 ] [ 0 ]
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 7 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 0e>
execCommand [ 'W_REGISTER', 7 ] [ 126 ]
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 29 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 07>
SPI device: /dev/spidev0.0
setStates { AW: 3,
PRIM_RX: true,
RX_ADDR_P1: <Buffer f0 f0 f0 f0 e1>,
ERX_P1: true,
ENAA_P1: true,
DPL_P1: true }
setStates { AW: 3,
RX_ADDR_P0: <Buffer f0 f0 f0 f0 d2>,
ERX_P0: true,
ENAA_P0: true,
DPL_P0: true }
PONG back
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 7 ] 1
_checkStatus, irq = false checking = false
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 0e>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 23 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 11>
gotStates { RX_DR: 0,
TX_DS: 0,
MAX_RT: 0,
RX_P_NO: 7,
STATUS: <Buffer 0e>,
TX_FULL: 0 } null
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 0 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 0e>
execCommand [ 'W_REGISTER', 0 ] [ 15 ]
blocked for 130µs.
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 1 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 3f>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 2 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 00>
execCommand [ 'W_REGISTER', 2 ] [ 2 ]
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 3 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 03>
execCommand [ 'W_REGISTER', 11 ] <Buffer f0 f0 f0 f0 e1>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 28 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 03>
Set CE true.
blocked for 130µs.
setStates {}
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 1 ] 1
_checkStatus, irq = false checking = true
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 3f>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 2 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 02>
execCommand [ 'W_REGISTER', 2 ] [ 3 ]
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 3 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 03>
execCommand [ 'W_REGISTER', 10 ] <Buffer f0 f0 f0 f0 d2>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 28 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 03>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 7 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 0e>
gotStates { RX_P_NO: 7, TX_DS: 0, MAX_RT: 0, RX_DR: 0 } null
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 10 ] 5
- exec read: <Buffer 0e d2 f0 f0 f0 f0>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 11 ] 5
- exec read: <Buffer 0e e1 f0 f0 f0 f0>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 12 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e c3>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 13 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e c4>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 14 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e c5>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 15 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e c6>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 16 ] 5
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 00 e7 e7 e7 e7>
gotStates { RX_ADDR_P0: <Buffer f0 f0 f0 f0 d2>,
RX_ADDR_P1: <Buffer f0 f0 f0 f0 e1>,
RX_ADDR_P2: <Buffer c3>,
RX_ADDR_P3: <Buffer c4>,
RX_ADDR_P4: <Buffer c5>,
RX_ADDR_P5: <Buffer c6>,
TX_ADDR: <Buffer e7 e7 e7 e7 00> } null
RX_ADDR_P0–1: 0xf0f0f0f0d2 0xf0f0f0f0e1
RX_ADDR_P2–5: 0xc3 0xc4 0xc5 0xc6
TX_ADDR: 0xe7e7e7e700
execCommand [ 'W_ACK_PAYLOAD', 1 ] <Buffer 61 62 63>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 17 ] 1
Set CE true.
blocked for 10µs.
Set CE false.
blocked for 4µs.
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 00>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 18 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 00>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 19 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 00>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 20 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 00>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 21 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 00>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 22 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 00>
gotStates { RX_PW_P0: 0,
RX_PW_P1: 0,
RX_PW_P2: 0,
RX_PW_P3: 0,
RX_PW_P4: 0,
RX_PW_P5: 0 } null
RX_PW_P0–5: 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 0 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 0f>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 1 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 3f>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 2 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 03>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 5 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 04>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 6 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 07>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 28 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 03>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 29 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 07>
gotStates { CONFIG: <Buffer 0f>,
EN_AA: <Buffer 3f>,
EN_RXADDR: <Buffer 03>,
RF_CH: 4,
RF_SETUP: <Buffer 07>,
DYNPD: <Buffer 03>,
FEATURE: <Buffer 07> } null
EN_AA: 0x3f
RF_CH: 0x4
RF_SETUP: 0x07
CONFIG: 0x0f
DYNPD/FEATURE: 0x03 0x07
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 0 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 0f>
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 6 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 07>
gotStates { EN_CRC: 1, CRCO: 1, RF_DR_LOW: 0, RF_DR_HIGH: 0, RF_PWR: 3 } null
setStates { RF_DR_LOW: true }
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 6 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 07>
execCommand [ 'W_REGISTER', 6 ] [ 39 ]
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 6 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 27>
gotStates { RF_DR_LOW: 1 } null
setStates { RF_DR_LOW: false }
execCommand [ 'R_REGISTER', 6 ] 1
- exec read: <Buffer 0e 27>
execCommand [ 'W_REGISTER', 6 ] [ 7 ]
Data Rate: 1Mbps
Model: nRF24L01+
CRC Length: 16 bits
PA Power: PA_MAX
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