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Last active October 10, 2021 18:09
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Save guligon90/72bbeda3d35ad95dc1407c94e76fb008 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Script that calculates the maximum sum path between two lists of integers.
from typing import (
Number = TypeVar('Number', int, float)
class Vector(Protocol[Number]):
# Any object that implements these three methods with a compatible signature
# is considered to be compatible with "Vector".
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Number]:
def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Number:
def __setitem__(self, idx: int, val: Number) -> None:
def __len__(self) -> int:
def append(self, new_item: Number) -> None:
def _cummulative_sum(vector: Vector[Number]) -> Generator[Number, None, None]:
"""Helper function that yields the cummulative sum of a Vector[Number] variable."""
acc: Number = 0
for value in vector:
acc += value
yield acc
def _print_path_section(vector: Vector[Number], start: Number, end: Number) -> str:
"""Helper function that builds the string for a section of the maximum sum path."""
path_section: str = ''
for i in range(int(start), int(end + 1)):
path_section += f'({i},{vector[i]}) -> '
return path_section
def _get_intersection_indexes(
iter_1: Vector[Number],
iter_2: Vector[Number]
) -> Tuple[Vector[int], Vector[int]]:
"""Helper function that finds the intersection points in O(m+n)."""
print('Making intersection...')
i: int = 0
j: int = 0
indexes_1: Vector[int] = []
indexes_2: Vector[int] = []
while i < len(iter_1) and j < len(iter_2):
if iter_1[i] == iter_2[j]: # If there's a intersection between, store index of both arrays
i += 1
j += 1
elif iter_1[i] > iter_2[j]: # else increase the index of array containing small number
j += 1
elif iter_1[i] < iter_2[j]:
i += 1
return indexes_1, indexes_2
def build_max_sum_path(iter_1: Vector[Number], iter_2: Vector[Number]) -> Tuple[Number, str]:
"""Implements the maximum sum path problem between two lists of sizes n and m, respectively, in O(m+n).
1. Evaluates a cumulative sum array for both arrays.
2. Then finds the intersection point in O(m+n).
3. Checks which array has maximum sum between two intersection point.
cond_iterable: Callable = lambda _iterable: isinstance(_iterable, (list, tuple)) and len(_iterable) > 0
if not (cond_iterable(iter_1) and cond_iterable(iter_2)):
return 0, ''
n: int = len(iter_1)
m: int = len(iter_2)
sum_1: Vector[Number] = list(_cummulative_sum(iter_1))
sum_2: Vector[Number] = list(_cummulative_sum(iter_2))
indexes_1, indexes_2 = _get_intersection_indexes(iter_1, iter_2)
print('Evaluating max sum path...')
path: str = ''
max_sum: Number = 0
index_1: int = 0
index_2: int = 0
i: int = 0
while i < len(indexes_1):
index_1 = indexes_1[i]
index_2 = indexes_2[i]
if i == 0:
if sum_1[index_1] > sum_2[index_2]: # Check which array has greter sum at first intersection
max_sum += sum_1[index_1]
path += _print_path_section(iter_1, 0, index_1)
max_sum += sum_2[index_2]
path += _print_path_section(iter_2, 0, index_2)
i += 1
# Checks which array has greater sum betweem intersection
if sum_1[index_1] - sum_2[indexes_1[i - 1]] > sum_2[index_2] - sum_2[indexes_2[i - 1]]:
max_sum += sum_1[index_1] - sum_1[indexes_1[i - 1]]
path += _print_path_section(iter_1, indexes_1[i - 1] + 1, index_1)
max_sum += sum_2[index_2] - sum_2[indexes_2[i - 1]]
path += _print_path_section(iter_2, indexes_2[i - 1] + 1, index_2)
i += 1
# Checks which array has greater sum at last intersection
if sum_1[n - 1] - sum_2[index_1] > sum_2[m - 1] - sum_2[index_2]:
max_sum += sum_1[n - 1] - sum_1[index_1]
path += _print_path_section(iter_1, index_1 + 1, n - 1)
max_sum += sum_2[m - 1] - sum_2[index_2]
path += _print_path_section(iter_2, index_2 + 1, m - 1)
return max_sum, path[:-4]
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = [2, 3, 7, 10, 12]
y = [1, 5, 7, 8]
sum_value, max_sum_path = build_max_sum_path(x, y)
print(f'Maximum sum is {sum_value}')
print(f'Maximum sum path is {max_sum_path}')
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