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perl and python module for progress print out in percent, rows, lines per second, etc
package Progress;
# AUTHOR: Clemens Schwaighofer
# DATE CREATED: 2009/6/16
# DESCRIPTION: progress percent class
# * init
# my $prg = Progress->new();
# will init a new progress class in the var $prg
# the following parameters can be set directly during a new call
# - verbose (1/0)
# - precision (-1~10)
# - wide_time (0/1)
# - microtime (0/1)
# setting is done via
# my $prg = Progress->new(verbose => 1, microtime = 1);
# * setting methods
# verbose($level int)
# $level has to be int, if not set there is no output show, at least 1 has to be given to see visible output
# precision($decimals int)
# $decimals has to be int, if set to -1 then the steps are done in 10 increase, else it sets how many decimals are visible, 0 for no decimals
# wide_time(0/1 int)
# sets the flag for wide time, if set to 1 the estimated time to end and time run is left prefixed with 15 chars
# microtime(0/1 int)
# sets the flag to always show microtime (1) or only if the previous time was the same (0)
# reset()
# resets all the internal vars for another new run
# SetStartTime(optional timestamp)
# sets the start times for this progress run, the overall start/end time is set, and the time used for the actual progress
# in case there is some processing done before the run starts, it is highly recommended to call SetETAStartTime before the actual processing starts
# if no timestamp is given, internal timestamp is used (this is recommended)
# SetETAStartTime(optional timestamp)
# only sets the start/end time for the actual "estimated time" calculation. It is recommended to call this right before the processing loop starts
# eg if there is a big query running that takes a lot of time, this method should be called before the reading loop
# as with SetStartTime a timestamp can be given, if not then the internal timestamp is used (this is recommended)
# SetEndTime(optional timestamp)
# sets the end time for the overall processing. This should be called at the very end of the script before any final stat data is printed
# linecount($lines int)
# sets the maximum lines that will be processed, used for percentage calculation. If non int is given, will set to 1. This will be only set once, to
# reset used reset() method.
# Either this or filesize NEED to be set
# filesize($bytes int)
# filesize in bytes, if non valid data is given, then it is set to 1.
# filesize() and linecount() can both be set, but at least one of them has to be set.
# if filesize is set a byte data output is added, if only linecount is given, only the linecount output will be given (no bytes per second, etc)
# ShowPosition(optional current byte position int)
# this is the main processing and has to be called at the end of the loop where the data is processed. If no bytes are given the internal counter (linecount)
# is used.
# for bytes it is recommended to use IO::File and $FH->tell to pass on the bytes
# * internal set
# change: flagged 1 if output is given or would be given. can be used for any post processing after the ShowPosition is called
# precision_ten_step: flagged 1 if the precision was set to -1
# start: overall start time
# end: overall end time
# count: count of processed lines
# [TODO: describe the others too, at the moment only below in %fields]
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use POSIX;
use Carp;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use File::Basename;
use Number::Format qw(format_number);
use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);
push(@INC, File::Basename::dirname($0).'/');
# important includes
use functions;
# variable declarationf or access
# * can be set
# = only for read
# unmarked are internal only, but can be read if they are needed in further processing in the script
my %fields = (
linecount => 0, # * max lines in input
filesize => 0, # * max file size
precision => 1, # * comma after percent
wide_time => 0, # * if flagged 1, then the wide 15 char left bound format is used
verbose => 0, # * verbose status from outside
microtime => 0, # * microtime output for last run time (1 for enable, 0 for auto, -1 for disable)
change => 0, # = flag if output was given
start => undef, # = global start for the full script running time
start_run => undef, # = for the eta time, can be set after a query or long read in, to not create a wrong ETA time
start_time => undef, # loop start
end => undef, # = global end
end_time => undef, # loop end
count_size => undef, # = filesize current
count => 0, # = position current
current_count => 0, # last count (position)
lines_processed => 0, # lines processed in the last run
last_group => 0, # time in seconds for the last group run (until percent change)
lines_in_last_group => 0, # float value, lines processed per second to the last group run
lines_in_global => 0, # float values, lines processed per second to complete run
bytes_in_last_group => 0, # flaot value, bytes processes per second in the last group run
bytes_in_global => 0, # float value, bytes processed per second to complete run
size_in_last_group => 0, # bytes processed in last run (in bytes)
current_size => 0, # current file position (size)
last_percent => 0, # last percent position
precision_ten_step => 0, # if we have normal % or in steps of 10
percent_print => 5, # the default size, this is precision + 4
percent_precision => 1, # this is 1 if it is 1 or 0 for precision, or precision size
eta => undef, # estimated time to finish
full_time_needed => undef, # run time since start
lg_microtime => 0 # last group microtime, this is auto set during process.
# class init
sub new
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my %data = @_;
my $self = {
_permitted => \%fields,
# vars to init
bless ($self, $class);
$self->{verbose} = $data{'verbose'} if ($data{'verbose'} && $data{'verbose'} =~ /^\d{1}$/);
$self->precision($data{'precision'}) if (exists($data{'precision'}) && (($data{'precision'} || $data{'precision'} == 0) && $data{'precision'} =~ /^\-?\d{1,2}$/));
$self->microtime($data{'microtime'}) if ($data{'microtime'} && $data{'microtime'} =~ /^(0|1)$/);
$self->wide_time($data{'wide_time'}) if ($data{'wide_time'} && $data{'wide_time'} =~ /^(0|1)$/);
return $self;
# auto load for vars
my $self = shift;
my $type = ref($self) || croak "$self is not an object";
my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
$name =~ s/.*://;
unless (exists $self->{_permitted}->{$name})
croak "Can't access '$name' field in class $type";
if (@_)
return $self->{$name} = shift;
return $self->{$name};
# destructor
# do nothing, there is nothing to close or finish
# SUB: reset
# PARAMS: none
# DESC: resets all the current counters only and current start times
sub reset
my $self = shift;
# reset what always gets reset
$self->{count} = 0;
$self->{count_size} = undef;
$self->{current_count} = 0;
$self->{linecount} = 0;
$self->{lines_processed} = 0;
$self->{last_group} = 0;
$self->{lines_in_last_group} = 0;
$self->{lines_in_global} = 0;
$self->{bytes_in_last_group} = 0;
$self->{bytes_in_global} = 0;
$self->{size_in_last_group} = 0;
$self->{filesize} = 0;
$self->{current_size} = 0;
$self->{last_percent} = 0;
$self->{eta} = 0;
$self->{full_time_needed} = 0;
$self->{start_run} = undef;
$self->{start_time} = undef;
$self->{end_time} = undef;
# SUB: microtime
# PARAMS: 1/0
# DESC: flag to set microtime on or off in the time output
# if not 1 or 0, set to 0
sub microtime
my $self = shift;
my $microtime;
if (@_)
$microtime = shift;
if ($microtime == 1 || $microtime == 0)
$self->{microtime} = $microtime;
$self->{microtime} = 0;
return $self->{microtime};
# SUB: wide_time
# PARAMS: 1/0
# DESC: flag to set wide_time (15 char spacer).
# if not 1 or 0, set to 0
sub wide_time
my $self = shift;
my $wide;
if (@_)
$wide = shift;
if ($wide == 1 || $wide == 0)
$self->{wide_time} = $wide;
$self->{wide_time} = 0;
return $self->{wide_time};
# SUB: precision
# PARAMS: precision in int
# DESC: sets the output percent precision calculation and printf width
# if negative, to ten step, if bigger 10, set to one
sub precision
my $self = shift;
my $comma;
if (@_)
$comma = shift;
$comma = 0 if ($comma !~ /^\-?\d{1,}$/);
if ($comma < 0)
# -2 is 5 step
# -1 is 10 step
if ($comma < -1)
$self->{precision_ten_step} = 5;
$self->{precision_ten_step} = 10;
$self->{precision} = 0; # no comma
$self->{percent_precision} = 0; # no print precision
$self->{percent_print} = 3; # max 3 length
$self->{precision} = $comma < 0 || $comma > 10 ? 10 : $comma;
$self->{percent_precision} = $comma < 0 || $comma > 10 ? 10 : $comma;
$self->{percent_print} = ($comma == 0 ? 3 : 4) + $self->{percent_precision};
return $self->{precision};
# SUB: linecount
# PARAMS: max number of lines to be processed
# DESC: sets the max number for lines for the percent calculation, if negative or not number, set to 1
# can only be set ONCE
sub linecount
my $self = shift;
my $linecount;
if (!$self->{linecount})
if (@_)
$linecount = shift;
$self->{linecount} = $linecount;
$self->{linecount} = 1 if ($linecount < 0 || $linecount !~ /\d+/)
return $self->{linecount};
# SUB: filesize
# PARAMS: max filesize for the to processed data
# DESC: sets the max filesize for the to processed data, if negative or not number, set to 1
# input data has to be in bytes without any suffix (no b, kb, etc)
# can only be set ONCE
sub filesize
my $self = shift;
my $filesize;
if (!$self->{filesize})
if (@_)
$filesize = shift;
$self->{filesize} = $filesize;
$self->{filesize} = 1 if ($filesize < 0 || $filesize !~ /\d+/)
return $self->{filesize};
# SUB: SetStartTime
# PARAMS: time, or nothing
# DESC: sets all the start times
sub SetStartTime
my $self = shift;
if (@_)
$self->{start} = shift;
$self->{start} = time();
$self->{start_time} = $self->{start};
$self->{start_run} = $self->{start};
# SUB: SetETAStartTime
# PARAMS: time, or nothing
# DESC: sets the loop & run time, for correct ETA callculation
sub SetETAStartTime
my $self = shift;
if (@_)
$self->{start_time} = shift;
$self->{start_time} = time();
$self->{start_run} = $self->{start_time};
# SUB: SetEndTime
# PARAMS: time, or nothing
# DESC: sets the end time for running time calculation
sub SetEndTime
my $self = shift;
if (@_)
$self->{end} = shift;
$self->{end} = time();
# SUB: ShowPosition
# PARAMS: optiona; file position (via file pointer)
# RETURN: string for percent position output
# DESC: calculates the current percent position based on the passed parameter, if no parameter uses intneral counter
sub ShowPosition
my $self = shift;
# set local vars
my $percent; # current percent
my $full_time_needed; # complete process time
my $full_time_per_line; # time per line
my $eta; # estimated end time
my $string = ''; # percent string that gets output
my $show_filesize = 1;
# microtime flags
my $eta_microtime = 0;
my $ftn_microtime = 0;
my $lg_microtime = 0;
# percent precision calc
my $_p_spf = "%.".$self->{precision}."f";
# output format for percent
my $_pr_p_spf = "%".$self->{percent_print}.".".$self->{percent_precision}."f";
# set the linecount precision based on the final linecount, if not, leave it empty
my $_pr_lc = "%s";
$_pr_lc = "%".length(format_number($self->{linecount}))."s" if ($self->{linecount});
# time format, if flag is set, the wide format is used
my $_pr_tf = "%s";
$_pr_tf = "%-15s" if ($self->{'wide_time'});
# do the smae for file size
# my $_pr_fs = "%s";
# $_pr_fs = "%".length(function::convert_number($self->{filesize}))."s" if ($self->{filesize});
# increase position by one
$self->{count} ++;
# see if we get anything from IO tell
if (@_)
$self->{file_pos} = shift;
# we did not, so we set internal value
$self->{file_pos} = $self->{count};
# we also check if the filesize was set now
if (!$self->{filesize})
$self->{filesize} = $self->{linecount};
# set ignore filesize output (no data)
$show_filesize = 0;
# set the count size based on the file pos, is only used if we have filesize
$self->{count_size} = $self->{file_pos};
# do normal or down to 10 (0, 10, ...) %
if ($self->{precision_ten_step})
# calc 0 comma precision, so just do a floor
my $_percent = sprintf("%d", ($self->{file_pos} / $self->{filesize}) * 100);
# mod that to 10
my $mod = $_percent % $self->{precision_ten_step};
# either write this one, or write the previous, old one
$percent = $mod == 0 ? $_percent : $self->last_percent;
# print "P: $percent, Last: ".$self->last_percent.", Mod: ".$mod.", Calc: ".$_percent."\n";
$percent = sprintf($_p_spf, ($self->{file_pos} / $self->{filesize}) * 100);
# print "POS: ".$self->{file_pos}.", PERCENT: $percent / ".$self->last_percent."\n";
if ($percent != $self->last_percent)
$self->{end_time} = time();
# for from the beginning
$full_time_needed = $self->{end_time} - $self->{start_run}; # how long from the start;
$self->{last_group} = $self->{end_time} - $self->{start_time};
$self->{lines_processed} = $self->{count} - $self->{current_count};
# lines in last group
$self->{lines_in_last_group} = $self->{'last_group'} ? ($self->{lines_processed} / $self->{last_group}) : 0;
# lines in global
$self->{lines_in_global} = $full_time_needed ? ($self->{'count'} / $full_time_needed) : 0;
# if we have linecount
if (!$self->{linecount})
$full_time_per_line = (($full_time_needed) ? $full_time_needed : 1) / $self->{count_size}; # how long for all
$eta = $full_time_per_line * ($self->{filesize} - $self->{count_size}); # estimate for the rest
$full_time_per_line = (($full_time_needed) ? $full_time_needed : 1) / $self->{count}; # how long for all
$eta = $full_time_per_line * ($self->{linecount} - $self->{count}); # estimate for the rest
# just in case ...
$eta = '0' if ($eta < 0);
# check if to show microtime
# ON: if microtime is flagged as one
$eta_microtime = $ftn_microtime = $lg_microtime = 1 if ($self->{microtime} == 1);
# AUTO: foir microtime
if ($self->{microtime} == 0)
$eta_microtime = 1 if ($eta > 0 && $eta < 1);
$ftn_microtime = 1 if ($full_time_needed > 0 && $full_time_needed < 1);
# pre check last group: if pre comma part is same add microtime anyway
$lg_microtime = 1 if ($self->{last_group} > 0 && $self->{last_group} < 1);
# print out
if ($show_filesize)
# last group size
$self->{size_in_last_group} = $self->{count_size} - $self->{current_size};
# calc kb/s if there is any filesize data
# last group
$self->{bytes_in_last_group} = $self->{'last_group'} ? ($self->{size_in_last_group} / $self->{last_group}) : 0;
# global
$self->{bytes_in_global} = $full_time_needed ? ($self->{count_size} / $full_time_needed) : 0;
# only used if we run with file size for the next check
$self->{current_size} = $self->{count_size};
$string = sprintf ("Processed ".$_pr_p_spf."%% [%s / %s] | ".$_pr_lc." / ".$_pr_lc." Lines | ETA: ".$_pr_tf." / TR: ".$_pr_tf." / LR: %s lines (%s) in %s, %s (%s) lines/s, %s (%s) b/s\n", $percent, function::convert_number($self->{count_size}), function::convert_number($self->{filesize}), format_number($self->{count}), format_number($self->{linecount}), function::convert_time($eta, $eta_microtime), function::convert_time($full_time_needed, $ftn_microtime), format_number($self->{lines_processed}), function::convert_number($self->{size_in_last_group}), function::convert_time($self->{last_group}, $lg_microtime), format_number($self->{lines_in_global}, 2, 1), format_number($self->{lines_in_last_group}, 2, 1), function::convert_number($self->{bytes_in_global}), function::convert_number($self->{bytes_in_last_group})) if ($self->{verbose} >= 1);
$string = sprintf ("Processed ".$_pr_p_spf."%% | ".$_pr_lc." / ".$_pr_lc." Lines | ETA: ".$_pr_tf." / TR: ".$_pr_tf." / LR: %s lines in %s, %s (%s) lines/s\n", $percent, format_number($self->{count}), format_number($self->{linecount}), function::convert_time($eta, $eta_microtime), function::convert_time($full_time_needed, $ftn_microtime), format_number($self->{lines_processed}), function::convert_time($self->{last_group}, $lg_microtime), format_number($self->{lines_in_global}, 2, 1), format_number($self->{lines_in_last_group}, 2, 1)) if ($self->{verbose} >= 1);
# write back vars
$self->{last_percent} = $percent;
$self->{eta} = $eta;
$self->{full_time_needed} = $full_time_needed;
$self->{lg_microtime} = $lg_microtime;
# for the next run, check data
$self->{start_time} = time();
$self->{current_count} = $self->{count};
# trigger if this is a change
$self->{change} = 1;
# trigger if this is a change
$self->{change} = 0;
return $string;
} # end block
# AUTHOR: Clemens Schwaighofer
# DATE CREATED: 2009/7/24
# DESCRIPTION: progress percent class (perl -> python)
from functions import FormatBytes, FormatNumber, ConvertTimestamp, CreateTime;
import time;
import re;
from math import floor;
class Progress():
def __init__(self, verbose = 0, microtime = 0, precision = 1, wide_time = 0):
# set default var stuff
self.linecount = 0; # max lines in input
self.filesize = 0; # max file size
self.precision = 0; # * comma after percent
self.wide_time = 0; # * if flagged 1, then wthe wide 15 char left bound format is used
self.verbose = 0; # * verbose status from outside
self.microtime = 0; # * microtime output for last run time (1 for enable 0 for auto -1 for disable)
self.change = 0; # = flag if output was given
self.start = None; # = global start for the full script running time
self.start_run = None; # = for the eta time, can be set after a query or long read in, to not create a wrong ETA time
self.start_time = None; # loop start
self.end = None; # global end
self.end_time = None; # loop end
self.run_time = None; # run time in seconds, set when end time method is called
self.count_size = None; # = filesize current
self.count = 0; # position current
self.current_count = 0; # last count (position)
self.lines_processed = 0; # lines processed in the last run
self.last_group = 0; # time in th seconds for the last group run (until percent change)
self.lines_in_last_group = 0; # float value, lines processed per second to the last group run
self.lines_in_global = 0; # float values, lines processed per second to complete run
self.bytes_in_last_group = 0; # flaot value, bytes processes per second in the last group run
self.bytes_in_global = 0; # float value, bytes processed per second to complete run
self.size_in_last_group = 0; # bytes processed in last run (in bytes)
self.current_size = 0; # current file position 8size)
self.last_percent = 0; # last percent position
self.precision_ten_step = 0; # if we have normal % or in steps of 10
self.percent_print = 5; # the default size this is precision + 4
self.percent_precision = 1; # this is 1 if it is 1 or 0 for precision or precision size
self.eta = None; # estimated time to finish
self.full_time_needed = None; # run time since start
self.string = ''; # the actual output
# initialize the class
# METHOD: Reset
# PARAMS: self (auto)
# RETURN: none
# DESC : resets the current progress to 0, but keeps the overall start variables set
def Reset(self):
# reset what always gets reset
self.count = 0;
self.count_size = None;
self.current_count = 0;
self.linecount = 0;
self.lines_processed = 0;
self.last_group = 0;
self.lines_in_last_group = 0;
self.lines_in_global = 0;
self.bytes_in_last_group = 0;
self.bytes_in_global = 0;
self.size_in_last_group = 0;
self.filesize = 0;
self.current_size = 0;
self.last_percent = 0;
self.eta = 0;
self.full_time_needed = 0;
self.start_run = None;
self.start_time = None;
self.end_time = None;
# METHOD: SetWideTime
# PARAMS: self (auto), wide_time: int(1/0)
# RETURN: set wide_time
# DESC : sets the show wide time flag if value is 1, else sets to 0
def SetWideTime(self, wide_time):
if wide_time == 1:
self.wide_time = 1;
self.wide_time = 0;
return self.wide_time;
# METHOD: SetMicrotime
# PARAMS: self (auto), microtime: int(1/0)
# RETURN: set microtime
# DESC : sets the show microtime flag if value is 1, else sets to 0
def SetMicrotime(self, microtime):
if microtime == 1:
self.microtime = 1;
self.microtime = 0;
return self.microtime;
# METHOD: SetVerbose
# PARAMS: self (auto), verbose: int(>=0)
# RETURN: set verbose
# DESC : set the internal verbose flag to 1 if any value higher than 1 is given, else sets it to 0
def SetVerbose(self, verbose):
if verbose > 0:
self.verbose = 1;
self.verbose = 0;
return self.verbose;
# METHOD: SetPrecision
# PARAMS: self (auto), precision int(-1, 0-10)
# RETURN: set precision
# DESC : sets the output precision size. If -1 is given, then ten step output is set
# else sets the precision, for 0, no precision is set, maximum precision is 10
def SetPrecision(self, precision):
# if not a valid number, we set it to 0
if not re.match("^\-?\d{1,}$", str(precision)):
precision = 0;
if precision < 0:
if precision < -1:
self.precision_ten_step = 5;
self.precision_ten_step = 10;
self.precision = 0; # no comma
self.percent_precision = 0; # no print precision
self.percent_print = 3; # max 3 length
# comma values visible
self.precision = 10 if precision < 0 or precision > 10 else precision;
# for calcualtion of precision
self.percent_precision = 10 if precision < 0 or precision > 10 else precision;
# for the format output base is 4, plsut he percent precision length
self.percent_print = (3 if precision == 0 else 4) + self.percent_precision
# return the set precision
return self.precision;
# METHOD: SetLinecount
# PARAMS: self (auto), linecount int(>0)
# RETURN: set linecount
# DESC : set the maximum lines in this file, if value is smaller than 0 or 0, then it is set to 1
def SetLinecount(self, linecount):
if linecount > 0:
self.linecount = linecount;
self.linecount = 1;
return self.linecount;
# METHOD: SetFilesize
# PARAMS: self (auto), filesize int(>0)
# RETURN: set filesize
# DESC : set the maximum filesize for this file, if value is smaller than 0 or 0, then it is set to 1
def SetFilesize(self, filesize):
if filesize > 0:
self.filesize = filesize;
self.filesize = 1;
return self.filesize;
# METHOD: SetStartTime
# PARAMS: self (auto), time (optional, auto is time)
# RETURN: none
# DESC : initial set of the start times, auto set
def SetStartTime(self, time = time.time()):
# avoid possible double set of the original start time
if not self.start:
self.start = time;
self.start_time = time;
self.start_run = time;
# METHOD: SetETAStartTime
# PARAMS: self (auto), time (optional, auto is time)
# RETURN: none
# DESC : sets the loop % run time, for correct ETA calculation
# calls set start time, as the main start time is only set once
def SetETAStartTime(self, time = time.time()):
# self.start_time = time;
# self.start_run = time;
# METHOD: SetEndTime
# PARAMS: self (auto), time (optional, auto is time)
# RETURN: none
# DESC : set the end time
def SetEndTime(self, time = time.time()):
self.end = time
self.end_time = time
# the overall run time in micro seconds
self.run_time = self.end - self.start;
# METHOD: ShowPosition
# PARAMS: self (auto), filepos [for file size progress] (optional, auto is 0)
# RETURN: none
# DESC : processes the current position. either based on read the file size pos, or the line count
def ShowPosition(self, filepos = 0):
# {
show_filesize = 1 # if we print from file size or line count
# microtime flags
eta_microtime = 0
ftn_microtime = 0
lg_microtime = 0
# percent precision calc
_p_spf = "%." + str(self.precision) + "f"
# output format for percent
_pr_p_spf = "%" + str(self.percent_print) + "." + str(self.percent_precision) + "f"
# set the linecount precision based on the final linecount, if not, leave it empty
_pr_lc = "%s";
if self.linecount:
_pr_lc = "%" + str(len(str(FormatNumber(self.linecount)))) + "s";
# time format, if flag is set, the wide format is used
_pr_tf = "%s";
if self.wide_time:
_pr_tf = "%-15s";
# count up
self.count += 1
# if we have file pos from parameter
if filepos != 0:
self.file_pos = filepos
# we did not, so we set internal value
self.file_pos = self.count
# we also check if the filesize was set now
if self.filesize == 0:
self.filesize = self.linecount
# set ignore filesize output (no data)
show_filesize = 0
# set the count size based on the file pos, is only used if we have filesize
self.count_size = self.file_pos;
# do normal or down to 10 (0, 10, ...) %
if self.precision_ten_step:
_percent = int((self.file_pos / float(self.filesize)) * 100);
mod = _percent % self.precision_ten_step;
percent = _percent if mod == 0 else self.last_percent;
# calc percent
percent = round(((self.file_pos / float(self.filesize)) * 100), self.precision)
# output
if percent != self.last_percent:
self.end_time = time.time() # current time (for loop time)
# for from the beginning
full_time_needed = self.end_time - self.start # how long from the start
self.last_group = self.end_time - self.start_time # how long for last loop
lines_processed = self.count - self.current_count # how many lines processed
# lines in last group
self.lines_in_last_group = (self.lines_processed / self.last_group) if self.last_group else 0;
# lines in global
self.lines_in_global = (self.count / full_time_needed) if full_time_needed else 0;
# if we have linecount or not
if self.linecount == 0:
full_time_per_line = (full_time_needed if full_time_needed else 1) / count_size # how long for all
eta = full_time_per_line * (self.filesize - count_size) # estimate for the rest
full_time_per_line = (full_time_needed if full_time_needed else 1) / self.count # how long for all
eta = full_time_per_line * (self.linecount - self.count) # estimate for the rest
# just in case ...
if eta < 0:
eta = 0
# check if to show microtime
# ON
if self.microtime == 1:
eta_microtime = ftn_microtime = lg_microtime = 1
if self.microtime == 0:
if eta > 0 and eta < 1:
eta_microtime = 1
if full_time_needed > 0 and full_time_needed < 1:
ftn_microtime = 1
# pre check last group: if pre comma part is same add microtime anyway
if self.last_group > 0 and self.last_group < 1:
lg_microtime = 1
if self.last_group == floor(self.last_group):
lg_microtime = 1
self.last_group = floor(self.last_group)
# if with filesize or without
if show_filesize:
# last group size
self.size_in_last_group = self.count_size - self.current_size;
# calc kb/s if there is any filesize data
# last group
self.bytes_in_last_group = (self.size_in_last_group / self.last_group) if self.last_group else 0;
# global
self.bytes_in_global = (self.count_size / full_time_needed) if full_time_needed else 0;
# only used if we run with file size for the next check
self.current_size = self.count_size;
if self.verbose >= 1:
_string = "Processed " + _pr_p_spf + "%% [%s / %s] | " + _pr_lc + " / " + _pr_lc + " Lines | ETA: " + _pr_tf + " / TR: " + _pr_tf + " / LR: %s lines (%s) in %s, %s (%s) lines/s, %s (%s) b/s"
self.string = _string % (float(percent), FormatBytes(count_size), FormatBytes(self.filesize), FormatNumber(self.count), FormatNumber(self.linecount), ConvertTimestamp(eta, eta_microtime), ConvertTimestamp(full_time_needed, ftn_microtime), FormatNumber(lines_processed), FormatBytes(self.size_in_last_group), ConvertTimestamp(self.last_group, lg_microtime), FormatNumber(self.lines_in_global, 2, 1), FormatNumber(self.lines_in_last_group, 2, 1), FormatBytes(self.bytes_in_global), FormatBytes(self.bytes_in_last_group));
if self.verbose >= 1:
_string = "Processed " + _pr_p_spf + "%% | " + _pr_lc + " / " + _pr_lc + " Lines | ETA: " + _pr_tf + " / TR: " + _pr_tf + " / LR: %s lines in %s, %s (%s) lines/s";
self.string = _string % (float(percent), FormatNumber(self.count), FormatNumber(self.linecount), ConvertTimestamp(eta, eta_microtime), ConvertTimestamp(full_time_needed, ftn_microtime), FormatNumber(lines_processed), ConvertTimestamp(self.last_group, lg_microtime), FormatNumber(self.lines_in_global, 2, 1), FormatNumber(self.lines_in_last_group, 2, 1));
# print the string if verbose is turned on
if self.verbose >= 1:
print self.string;
# write back vars
self.last_percent = percent
self.eta = eta;
self.full_time_needed = full_time_needed;
self.lg_microtime = lg_microtime;
# for the next run, check data
self.start_time = time.time()
self.current_count = self.count
# trigger if this is a change
self.change = 1;
# trigger if this is a change
self.change = 0;
# return string
return self.string;
# } END OF ShowPosition
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