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Save gulrak/2eda01eacebdb308787b639fa30958b3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Collection of unicode helper functions for use with raylib
// Raylib complementing Unicode conversion helpers
// LICENSE: zlib/libpng
// Copyright (c) 2022 Steffen Schümann (@gulrak)
// This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in
// a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
// appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
// be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
// distribution.
// Note: This file needs to be included with RLUNICODE_IMPLEMENTATION set in exactly one c/cpp.
// Changelog:
// 2022-07-04 - Convert* functions got an additional inputLenght Parameter that
// could be set to zero to still have the function work untill a
// terminating 0 or limit the input to the given length
// - Added rudimentary test file to gist
// 2022-07-03 - Initial release
#include <raylib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(BUILD_LIBTYPE_SHARED)
# define RLUC_API __declspec(dllexport) extern inline
#elif defined(_WIN32) && defined(USE_LIBTYPE_SHARED)
# define RLUC_API __declspec(dllimport)
#ifndef RLUC_API
# define RLUC_API
RLUC_API int GetCodepointFromUTF8(const char *text, int *bytesProcessed); // Fetch one unicode codepoint from zero terminated utf8 string (forwards to GetCodepoint() from raylib)
RLUC_API int GetCodepointCountUTF8(const char *text); // Count codepoints in a zero terminated UTF8 c-string (just forwards to GetCodepointCount() from raylib)
RLUC_API int GetCodepointFromUTF16(const uint16_t *text, int *wordsProcessed); // Fetch one unicode codepoint from zero terminated UTF16 string
RLUC_API int GetCodepointCountUTF16(const uint16_t *text); // Count codepoints in a zero terminated UTF16 c-string
RLUC_API int GetCodepointFromUTF32(const uint32_t *text); // Fetch one unicode codepoint from zero terminated UTF16 string
RLUC_API int GetCodepointCountUTF32(const uint32_t *text); // Count codepoints in a zero terminated UTF32 c-string
RLUC_API int ConvertUTF8ToUTF16(const char* text, uint16_t* out, int inputLength); // Convert string from UTF8 to UTF16, or calculate buffer needed if out is NULL, looks for zero-termination if inputLength is 0
RLUC_API int ConvertUTF16ToUTF8(const uint16_t* text, char* out, int inputLength); // Convert string from UTF16 to UTF8, or calculate buffer needed if out is NULL, looks for zero-termination if inputLength is 0
RLUC_API int ConvertUTF8ToUTF32(const char* text, uint32_t* out, int inputLength); // Convert string from UTF8 to UTF32, or calculate buffer needed if out is NULL, looks for zero-termination if inputLength is 0
RLUC_API int ConvertUTF32ToUTF8(const uint32_t* text, char* out, int inputLength); // Convert string from UTF32 to UTF8, or calculate buffer needed if out is NULL, looks for zero-termination if inputLength is 0
RLUC_API int ConvertUTF16ToUTF32(const uint16_t* text, uint32_t* out, int inputLength); // Convert string from UTF16 to UTF32, or calculate buffer needed if out is NULL, looks for zero-termination if inputLength is 0
RLUC_API int ConvertUTF32ToUTF16(const uint32_t* text, uint16_t* out, int inputLength); // Convert string from UTF32 to UTF16, or calculate buffer needed if out is NULL, looks for zero-termination if inputLength is 0
#endif // RLUNICODE_H
bool RlucInRange(uint32_t c, uint32_t lo, uint32_t hi)
return ((uint32_t)(c - lo) < (hi - lo + 1));
bool RlucIsSurrogate(uint32_t c)
return RlucInRange(c, 0xd800, 0xdfff);
bool RlucIsHighSurrogate(uint32_t c)
return (c & 0xfffffc00) == 0xd800;
bool RlucIsLowSurrogate(uint32_t c)
return (c & 0xfffffc00) == 0xdc00;
// This exists just for symmetry reasons
int GetCodepointFromUTF8(const char *text, int *bytesProcessed)
return GetCodepoint(text, bytesProcessed);
// This exists just for symmetry reasons
int GetCodepointCountUTF8(const char *text)
return GetCodepointCount(text);
int GetCodepointFromUTF16(const uint16_t *text, int *wordsProcessed)
uint32_t c = *text;
if(RlucIsSurrogate(c)) {
if(*text && RlucIsHighSurrogate(c) && RlucIsLowSurrogate(*text)) {
*wordsProcessed = 2;
return ((uint32_t)c << 10) + *text - 0x35fdc00;
else {
// not a valid codepoint, return replacement character
*wordsProcessed = 1;
return 0xfffd;
else {
*wordsProcessed = c ? 1 : 0;
return c;
int GetCodepointCountUTF16(const uint16_t *text)
int length = 0;
while(*text) {
int size = 0;
GetCodepointFromUTF16(text, &size);
text += size;
return length;
int GetCodepointFromUTF32(const uint32_t *text)
int c = *text;
if(c > 0x10ffff || (c > 0xd800 && c <= 0xdfff) || ((c & 0xfffe) == 0xfffe)) {
// not a valid codepoint, return replacement character
return 0xfffd;
return *text;
int GetCodepointCountUTF32(const uint32_t *text)
int length = 0;
if(text) {
while (*text++) {
return length;
int ConvertUTF8ToUTF16(const char* text, uint16_t* out, int inputLength)
const char* src = text;
int outputLength = 0;
while(*src && (!inputLength || src - text < inputLength))
int size = 0;
int codepoint = GetCodepointFromUTF8(src, &size);
if (codepoint <= 0xffff) {
if(out) *out++ = (uint16_t)codepoint;
else {
outputLength += 2;
if(out) {
codepoint -= 0x10000;
*out++ = (uint16_t)((codepoint >> 10) + 0xd800);
*out++ = (uint16_t)((codepoint & 0x3ff) + 0xdc00);
src += size;
if(out) {
*out = 0;
return outputLength+1; // including terminating 0 word
int ConvertUTF16ToUTF8(const uint16_t* text, char* out, int inputLength)
const uint16_t *src = text;
const char *utf8;
int outputLength = 0;
while(*src && (!inputLength || src - text < inputLength))
int size = 0;
int bytes = 0;
int codepoint = GetCodepointFromUTF16(src, &size);
utf8 = CodepointToUTF8(codepoint, &bytes);
if(out) memcpy(out + outputLength, utf8, bytes);
outputLength += bytes;
src += size;
if(out) {
*(out + outputLength) = 0;
return outputLength+1; // including terminating 0 byte
int ConvertUTF32ToUTF8(const uint32_t* text, char* out, int inputLength)
const uint32_t* src = text;
const char* utf8;
int outputLength = 0;
while(*src && (!inputLength || src - text < inputLength))
int bytes = 0;
int codepoint = GetCodepointFromUTF32(src);
utf8 = CodepointToUTF8(codepoint, &bytes);
if(out) memcpy(out + outputLength, utf8, bytes);
outputLength += bytes;
if(out) {
*(out + outputLength) = 0;
return outputLength+1; // including terminating 0 byte
int ConvertUTF8ToUTF32(const char* text, uint32_t* out, int inputLength)
const char* src = text;
int outputLength = 0;
while(*src && (!inputLength || src - text < inputLength))
int size = 0;
int codepoint = GetCodepointFromUTF8(src, &size);
if(out) *out++ = codepoint;
outputLength += 1;
src += size;
if(out) {
*out = 0;
return outputLength+1; // including terminating 0 byte
int ConvertUTF16ToUTF32(const uint16_t* text, uint32_t* out, int inputLength)
const uint16_t* src = text;
int outputLength = 0;
while(*src && (!inputLength || src - text < inputLength))
int size = 0;
int codepoint = GetCodepointFromUTF16(src, &size);
if(out) *out++ = codepoint;
outputLength += 1;
src += size;
if(out) {
*out = 0;
return outputLength+1; // including terminating 0 byte
int ConvertUTF32ToUTF16(const uint32_t* text, uint16_t* out, int inputLength)
const uint32_t* src = text;
int outputLength = 0;
while(*src && (!inputLength || src - text < inputLength))
int codepoint = GetCodepointFromUTF32(src);
if (codepoint <= 0xffff) {
if(out) *out++ = (uint16_t)codepoint;
else {
outputLength += 2;
if(out) {
codepoint -= 0x10000;
*out++ = (uint16_t)((codepoint >> 10) + 0xd800);
*out++ = (uint16_t)((codepoint & 0x3ff) + 0xdc00);
if(out) {
*out = 0;
return outputLength+1; // including terminating 0 word
// Raylib complementing Unicode conversion helpers - simple test cases
// LICENSE: zlib/libpng
// Copyright (c) 2022 Steffen Schümann (@gulrak)
// This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in
// a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
// appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
// be misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
// distribution.
#include "../../src/rlunicode.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#define TEST_ASSERT(msg, test) do { if (!(test)) return msg; } while (0)
#define TEST_RUN(test) do { const char *msg = test(); tests_run++; if (msg) return msg; } while (0)
static int tests_run;
static const char* utf8string = "ぁあぃいぅうぇえぉおかがきぎくぐけげこごさざしじすずせぜそぞただちぢっつづてでとどなにぬねのは";
static const char* counting_test()
TEST_ASSERT("utf8 length not 47", GetCodepointCountUTF8(utf8string));
return 0;
static const char* conversion_test_zeroterm()
char utf8[1024];
uint16_t utf16[1024];
uint32_t utf32[1024];
size_t orgLen = TextLength(utf8string);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf8 to utf16 didn't yield 48 uint16_t as output", ConvertUTF8ToUTF16(utf8string, utf16, 0) == 48);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf8 to utf32 didn't yield 48 uint32_t as output", ConvertUTF8ToUTF32(utf8string, utf32, 0) == 48);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf16 to utf8 didn't yield 142 bytes as output", ConvertUTF16ToUTF8(utf16, utf8, 0) == 142);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf16 to utf8 didn't yield original input", !memcmp(utf8string, utf8, 142));
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf32 to utf8 didn't yield 142 bytes as output", ConvertUTF32ToUTF8(utf32, utf8, 0) == 142);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf32 to utf8 didn't yield original input", !memcmp(utf8string, utf8, 142));
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf16 to utf32 didn't yield 48 uint32_t as output", ConvertUTF16ToUTF32(utf16, utf32, 0) == 48);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf16 to utf32 to utf8 didn't yield 142 uint32_t as output", ConvertUTF32ToUTF8(utf32, utf8, 0) == 142);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf16 to utf32 to utf8 didn't yield original input", !memcmp(utf8string, utf8, 142));
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf8 to utf32 didn't yield 48 uint32_t as output", ConvertUTF8ToUTF32(utf8string, utf32, 0) == 48);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf32 to utf16 didn't yield 48 uint16_t as output", ConvertUTF32ToUTF16(utf32, utf16, 0) == 48);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf32 to utf16 to utf8 didn't yield 142 bytes as output", ConvertUTF16ToUTF8(utf16, utf8, 0) == 142);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf32 to utf16 to utf8 didn't yield original input", !memcmp(utf8string, utf8, 142));
return 0;
static const char* conversion_test_length()
char utf8[1024];
uint16_t utf16[1024];
uint32_t utf32[1024];
size_t orgLen = TextLength(utf8string);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf8 to utf16 didn't yield 48 uint16_t as output", ConvertUTF8ToUTF16(utf8string, utf16, 60) == 21);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf8 to utf32 didn't yield 48 uint32_t as output", ConvertUTF8ToUTF32(utf8string, utf32, 60) == 21);
ConvertUTF8ToUTF16(utf8string, utf16, 0);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf16 to utf8 didn't yield 142 bytes as output", ConvertUTF16ToUTF8(utf16, utf8, 20) == 61);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf16 to utf8 didn't yield original input", !memcmp(utf8string, utf8, 60));
ConvertUTF8ToUTF32(utf8string, utf32, 0);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf32 to utf8 didn't yield 142 bytes as output", ConvertUTF32ToUTF8(utf32, utf8, 20) == 61);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf32 to utf8 didn't yield original input", !memcmp(utf8string, utf8, 60));
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf16 to utf32 didn't yield 48 uint32_t as output", ConvertUTF16ToUTF32(utf16, utf32, 20) == 21);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf16 to utf32 to utf8 didn't yield 142 uint32_t as output", ConvertUTF32ToUTF8(utf32, utf8, 20) == 61);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf16 to utf32 to utf8 didn't yield original input", !memcmp(utf8string, utf8, 60));
ConvertUTF8ToUTF32(utf8string, utf32, 0);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf32 to utf16 didn't yield 48 uint16_t as output", ConvertUTF32ToUTF16(utf32, utf16, 20) == 21);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf32 to utf16 to utf8 didn't yield 142 bytes as output", ConvertUTF16ToUTF8(utf16, utf8, 20) == 61);
TEST_ASSERT("conversion from utf32 to utf16 to utf8 didn't yield original input", !memcmp(utf8string, utf8, 60));
return 0;
static const char* all_tests()
return 0;
int main()
const char *result = all_tests();
if (result != 0) {
printf("%s\n", result);
else {
printf("ALL TESTS PASSED\n");
printf("Tests run: %d\n", tests_run);
return result != 0;
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