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Created August 3, 2013 01:47
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Example function and mapping for running slamhound on the current file
" Require fireplace.vim
function! s:ClojureSlamHound(file)
if &modified
echom "Buffer contains unsaved changes!"
return 1
call fireplace#session_eval(
\ '(clojure.core/require (quote slam.hound) (quote clojure.pprint))'
\ . '(let [file ( "' . a:file . '")]'
\ . ' (binding [clojure.pprint/*print-right-margin* ' . &textwidth . ']'
\ . ' (slam.hound/swap-in-reconstructed-ns-form file)))'
\ )
" In after/clojure.vim or in an autocommand:
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <LocalLeader>sh :call <SID>ClojureSlamHound(expand('%'))<CR>
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