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Last active July 25, 2021 07:51
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Thinkpad X13 + Manjaro + i3 Notes

Showing sensors:

  • lm-sensors does not work
  • enable tlp
    • $ sudo systemctl tlp enable --now
  • install acpi_call-dkms, linux<kernel_version>-tp_smapi
  • k10 is /sys/class/hwmon3
  • nvme is /sys/class/hwmon0

Remapping caps lock:

  • setxkbmap options will not work unless you specify the model
  • add to i3/config file
    • exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap -model thinkpad -option caps:super

backlight control:

  • works with the i3 xfce mappings

replace dunst with xfce4-notifyd

  • install notifyd
    • $ sudo pacman -s xfce4-notifyd
  • kill dunst
    • $ killall dunst
  • run
    • $ i3-msg exec xfce4-notifyd
  • add to i3 settings file
    • exec --no-startup-id /usr/lib/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd

volume control:

  • first switch to pulseaudio
    • $ sudo pacman -S pulseaudio
  • download xfce4 packages
    • $ sudo pacman -S xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin xfce4-volumed-pulse
  • run it
    • i3-msg exec xfce4-volumed-pulse

lid close suspend doesn't work out of the box

  • BIOS: Config > Power > Sleep State > Linux

utilizing the un-mapped function key layer mappings

  • install apcid
    • $ sudo pacman -S acpid
  • start/enable acpid
    • $ sudo systemctl enable --now acpid
  • use this /etc/acpi/ script
    • add whatever scripting you want in the case statements
    • probably will want to run as your user, not root. Use /bin/su -c "<stuff>" -- <username>
    • if you are executing a gui application you will need to specify the display. Since there's only one, DISPLAY=:0
    • For example to run rofi as matthew, /bin/su -c "DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/rofi" -- matthew
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