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Created March 6, 2013 18:17
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Save gunyarakun/5101663 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
requires('Data::Dumper' => '== 2.139');
requires('Test::Differences' => '== 0.61');
➜ temp cpanm -n -L local --installdeps .
--> Working on .
Configuring /Users/suenaga.tasuku/temp ... OK
==> Found dependencies: Test::Differences, Data::Dumper
--> Working on Test::Differences
Fetching ... OK
==> Found dependencies: Module::Build
--> Working on Module::Build
Fetching ... OK
Configuring Module-Build-0.4003 ... OK
==> Found dependencies: Parse::CPAN::Meta, CPAN::Meta::YAML, Module::Metadata, CPAN::Meta, Perl::OSType, ExtUtils::CBuilder, version, ExtUtils::ParseXS
--> Working on Parse::CPAN::Meta
Fetching ... OK
Configuring Parse-CPAN-Meta-1.4404 ... OK
==> Found dependencies: JSON::PP, CPAN::Meta::YAML
--> Working on JSON::PP
Fetching ... OK
Configuring JSON-PP-2.27200 ... OK
Building JSON-PP-2.27200 ... OK
Successfully installed JSON-PP-2.27200
--> Working on CPAN::Meta::YAML
Fetching ... OK
Configuring CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.008 ... OK
Building CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.008 ... OK
Successfully installed CPAN-Meta-YAML-0.008
Building Parse-CPAN-Meta-1.4404 ... OK
Successfully installed Parse-CPAN-Meta-1.4404 (upgraded from 1.39)
--> Working on Module::Metadata
Fetching ... OK
Configuring Module-Metadata-1.000011 ... OK
==> Found dependencies: version
--> Working on version
Fetching ... OK
Configuring version-0.9902 ... OK
Building version-0.9902 ... OK
Successfully installed version-0.9902 (upgraded from 0.77)
Building Module-Metadata-1.000011 ... OK
Successfully installed Module-Metadata-1.000011
--> Working on CPAN::Meta
Fetching ... OK
Configuring CPAN-Meta-2.120921 ... OK
==> Found dependencies: CPAN::Meta::Requirements
--> Working on CPAN::Meta::Requirements
Fetching ... OK
Configuring CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.122 ... OK
Building CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.122 ... OK
Successfully installed CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.122
Building CPAN-Meta-2.120921 ... OK
Successfully installed CPAN-Meta-2.120921
--> Working on Perl::OSType
Fetching ... OK
Configuring Perl-OSType-1.002 ... OK
Building Perl-OSType-1.002 ... OK
Successfully installed Perl-OSType-1.002
--> Working on ExtUtils::CBuilder
Fetching ... OK
Configuring ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.280205 ... OK
Building ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.280205 ... OK
Successfully installed ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.280205 (upgraded from 0.2602)
--> Working on ExtUtils::ParseXS
Fetching ... OK
Configuring ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.18 ... OK
Building ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.18 ... OK
Successfully installed ExtUtils-ParseXS-3.18 (upgraded from 2.2002)
Building Module-Build-0.4003 ... OK
Successfully installed Module-Build-0.4003 (upgraded from 0.340201)
Configuring Test-Differences-0.61 ... OK
==> Found dependencies: Text::Diff, Data::Dumper
--> Working on Text::Diff
Fetching ... OK
Configuring Text-Diff-1.41 ... OK
==> Found dependencies: Algorithm::Diff
--> Working on Algorithm::Diff
Fetching ... OK
Configuring Algorithm-Diff-1.1902 ... OK
Building Algorithm-Diff-1.1902 ... OK
Successfully installed Algorithm-Diff-1.1902
Building Text-Diff-1.41 ... OK
Successfully installed Text-Diff-1.41
--> Working on Data::Dumper
Fetching ... OK
Configuring Data-Dumper-2.143 ... OK
Building Data-Dumper-2.143 ... OK
Successfully installed Data-Dumper-2.143 (upgraded from 2.124)
Building Test-Differences-0.61 ... OK
Successfully installed Test-Differences-0.61
<== Installed dependencies for .. Finishing.
15 distributions installed
➜ temp cpanm -n -L local --installdeps .
--> Working on .
Configuring /Users/suenaga.tasuku/temp ... OK
==> Found dependencies: Data::Dumper
--> Working on Data::Dumper
Fetching ... OK
Configuring Data-Dumper-2.139 ... OK
Building Data-Dumper-2.139 ... OK
Successfully installed Data-Dumper-2.139 (upgraded from 2.143)
<== Installed dependencies for .. Finishing.
1 distribution installed
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