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Created January 27, 2013 22:34
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Given a string containing just the characters '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']', determine if the input string is valid. The brackets must close in the correct order, "()" and "()[]{}" are all valid but "(]" and "([)]" are not.
public class Solution {
public boolean isValid(String s) {
int length=s.length();
char [] array=s.toCharArray();
if(length==0) return true;
Stack<Character> stack=new Stack<Character>();
for(int i=0; i<length; i++)
if(array[i]=='(' || array[i]=='{' || array[i]=='[' )
if(array[i]==')' ||array[i]=='}' ||array[i]==']')
if(stack.isEmpty()) return false;
char temp=stack.pop();
if((temp=='(' && array[i]==')' ) || (temp=='{' && array[i]=='}' ) ||(temp=='[' && array[i]==']' ) )
return false;
if(!stack.isEmpty()) return false;
return true;
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how about this?

const isValid = function (s: string) {
let isTrue = true;
if (s.length % 2 === 0) {
let currentPointer = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
let selectedPair = s.substring(currentPointer, currentPointer + 2);
if (
(selectedPair.length > 1 && selectedPair === '()') ||
selectedPair === '{}' || selectedPair === '[]'
) {
if (currentPointer + 4 <= s.length) {
currentPointer = currentPointer + 2;
} else {
isTrue = false;
} else {
isTrue = false;

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