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Last active September 30, 2018 02:35
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import freemarker.template.Configuration;
import freemarker.template.Template;
import freemarker.template.TemplateException;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.ui.freemarker.FreeMarkerTemplateUtils;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurer;
import java.util.Map;
* Created by guozi on 2018/5/16.
public class FreeMarkerUtil {
* 解析字符串模板
* @param template 字符串模板信息
* @param model 替换参数信息
* @return 替换后的模板
* @throws IOException
* @throws TemplateException
public static String process(String template, Map model) throws IOException, TemplateException {
Configuration configuration = null;
FreeMarkerConfigurer freemarkerconfigurer = SpringUtil.getBean("freeMarkerConfigurer", FreeMarkerConfigurer.class);
if (freemarkerconfigurer != null) {
configuration = freemarkerconfigurer.getConfiguration();
return process(template, model, configuration);
public static String process(String templateContent, Map model, Configuration configuration) throws IOException, TemplateException {
if (templateContent == null) {
return null;
if (configuration == null) {
configuration = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_26);
StringWriter stringwriter = new StringWriter();
try {
(new Template("templateContent", new StringReader(templateContent), configuration)).process(model, stringwriter);
} catch (TemplateException | IOException ex) {
log.error("FTL 解析出错,模板:{},参数:{}", templateContent, model, ex);
throw ex;
return stringwriter.toString();
public static String processTemplate(String templateName, Map model, Configuration configuration) throws IOException, TemplateException {
if (templateName == null) {
return null;
if (configuration == null) {
configuration = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_26);
try {
Template template = configuration.getTemplate(templateName);
return FreeMarkerTemplateUtils.processTemplateIntoString(template, model);
} catch (TemplateException | IOException ex) {
log.error("FTL 解析出错,模板:{},参数:{}", templateName, model, ex);
throw ex;
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