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Created December 19, 2013 01:34
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sass で色々作るときの mixin ライブラリ
// デバッグ用
@mixin area
background: rgba(255,0,0,0.5)
// 座標指定
@mixin pos($top,$left)
top: #{$top}px
left: #{$left}px
@mixin pos_tl($top,$left)
top: #{$top}px
left: #{$left}px
@mixin pos_tr($top,$right)
top: #{$top}px
right: #{$right}px
@mixin pos_bl($bottom,$left)
bottom: #{$bottom}px
left: #{$left}px
@mixin pos_br($bottom,$right)
bottom: #{$bottom}px
right: #{$right}px
// サイズ
@mixin size($width,$height)
@if $width != auto
@if unitless($width)
$width: 1px * $width
@if $height != auto
@if unitless($height)
$height: 1px * $height
width: $width
height: $height
@mixin halfSize($width,$height)
$width: $width / 2
$height: $height / 2
@if $width != auto
@if unitless($width)
$width: 1px * $width
@if $height != auto
@if unitless($height)
$height: 1px * $height
width: $width
height: $height
// 左右中央寄せ
@mixin center
margin-left: auto
margin-right: auto
// 親要素に対して縦横100%のボックス
@mixin fit_block
display: block
width: 100%
height: 100%
// 背景画像
@mixin bg($url,$size)
background-image: url("#{$url}#{$version}")
background-size: $size
@mixin bgPos($x,$y)
@if unitless($x)
$x: 1px * $x
@if unitless($y)
$y: 1px * $y
background-position: $x $y
// open & close
@mixin openClose
visibility: hidden
pointer-events: none
visibility: inherit
pointer-events: all
visibility: hidden
pointer-events: none
// on & off
@mixin onOff
display: block
pointer-events: none
display: none
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