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Last active September 20, 2015 12:17
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# Class.Canvas
class Class.Canvas
constructor: (options)->
# Variables
@items = []
@fps = 30
# Context initialize
until options? then return false
until options.canvasId? then return false
@el = document.getElementById options.canvasId
@width = @el.width = if options.width? then options.width else 800
@height = @el.height = if options.height? then options.height else 800
@ctx = @el.getContext("2d")
# Origin styles
@ctx.font = '18px sans-serif'
@ctx.strokeStyle = '#000'
@ctx.lineJoin = 'round'
# イベントリスナーの登録
# Animation start
events: =>
@el.addEventListener 'tick', @onTick, false
tick: =>
@el.dispatchEvent new Event('tick')
onTick: =>
startAnimation: =>
@interval = setInterval @tick, Math.floor(1000/@fps)
stopAnimation: =>
if @interval? then clearInterval @interval
addItem: (_id, _instance, _zIndex)=>
unless _id?
console.error 'undefind "id" => You must set the text that becomes the ID to the first argument.'
return false
unless _instance?
console.error 'undefind "instance" => You must set the instance of Path Class to the second argument.'
return false
unless _zIndex?
_maxZIndexItem = _.max @items, (item)->
_zIndex = _maxZIndexItem.zIndex + 1
id: _id
instance: _instance
zIndex: _zIndex
removeItem: (_id)=>
_item = _.findWhere(@items, {id: _id})
if _item
@items = _.without @items, _item
draw: =>
# Clear the canvas
@ctx.clearRect 0, 0, @width, @height
if @items.length > 0
# zIndex 順に整列
_sortItems = _.sortBy @items, 'zIndex'
for item in _sortItems
# Class.WavePath
class Class.WavePath
constructor: (@canvas, @originX, @originY)->
until @canvas? then return false
until @originX? then return false
until @originY? then return false
@ctx = @canvas.ctx
@frame = 0
# インスタンス毎の差分
@periodicityRange = Math.random() * 400
@amplitudeRange = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI
@style =
fillStyle: "rgba(#{Math.floor(Math.random() * 200)},#{Math.floor(Math.random() * 200)},255,0.3)"
# イベントリスナーの登録
events: =>
@canvas.el.addEventListener 'tick', @onTick, false
onTick: =>
draw: =>
# 描画前のスタイルを保存
# スタイルのセット
@ctx.fillStyle = @style.fillStyle
# パスの描画
# 描画前のスタイルを復元
drawPath: =>
t = @frame * 2 * ( Math.PI / 180 )
# 周期
_periodicity = 200 + @periodicityRange
# 振幅
_amplitude = 30 * Math.sin (t + @amplitudeRange)/3
_x = t
_y = Math.sin t
# 初期位置
@ctx.moveTo @originX, @originY + _y * _amplitude
_i = @originX
while _i <= @canvas.width
x = t + (_i - @originX) / _periodicity
y = Math.sin(x)
@ctx.lineTo(_i, @originY + y * _amplitude)
_i += 10
@ctx.lineTo(_i, @canvas.height)
@ctx.lineTo(@originX, @canvas.height)
# Run
$ ->
window.Canvas = new Class.Canvas
canvasId: 'canvas'
height: 300
Canvas.addItem 'sin0', new Class.WavePath(Canvas, 0, 150), 0
Canvas.addItem 'sin1', new Class.WavePath(Canvas, 0, 150), 1
Canvas.addItem 'sin2', new Class.WavePath(Canvas, 0, 150), 2
Canvas.addItem 'sin3', new Class.WavePath(Canvas, 0, 150), 3
Canvas.addItem 'sin4', new Class.WavePath(Canvas, 0, 150), 4
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