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Created July 23, 2019 01:40
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Export Apple Notes to plain text
tell application "Notes"
repeat with eachNote in notes in folder "Log"
tell eachNote
set content to body as text
set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:h, minutes:n} to creation date
set m to m as number
set d to d as number
set n to n as number
set h to h as number
if (m < 10) then
set m to "0" & m
end if
if (d < 10) then
set d to "0" & d
end if
if (h < 10) then
set h to "0" & h
end if
if (n < 10) then
set n to "0" & n
end if
set fileName to (y as string) & "-" & m & "-" & d & "-" & h & "-" & n
if (fileName = "Friday writing") or (fileName = "Thursday writing") or (fileName = "Life review") or (fileName = "Monthly review") or (fileName = "Weekly review") or (fileName = "Thinking session") or (fileName = "Thinking") then
set content to "<h1>" & fileName & "</h1>" & content
end if
set quotedContent to quoted form of content
do shell script "echo " & quotedContent & " | /usr/local/bin/pandoc --from=html --to=plain --wrap=none > /Users/vlad/tmp/notes/'" & fileName & ".md'"
end tell
end repeat
end tell
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