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Created February 9, 2012 13:55
Git post checkout hook that reminds you of South migration changes when changing branches. Can be useful when you are when you are testing out a branch from someone else that requires migrations. Put the file in .git/hooks/post-checkout
# Git post checkout hook.
# Reminds you of South migration changes when switching branches.
# Can be useful when you are when you are testing out a branch from
# someone else that requires migrations.
# Put the file in .git/hooks/post-checkout
if [ $BRANCH_SWITCH == "1" -a $PREVIOUS_HEAD != $NEW_HEAD ]; then
# Start from the repository root.
cd ./$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)
# Check if any migrations have changed.
CHANGED=`git diff $PREVIOUS_HEAD $NEW_HEAD --name-status | grep "^M.*migrations"`
if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then
echo "Beware. These migrations have changed:"
echo "$CHANGED"
# Check if any migrations have been deleted.
DELETED=`git diff $PREVIOUS_HEAD $NEW_HEAD --name-status | grep "^D.*migrations"`
if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then
echo "These migrations in the old branch were deleted, you should consider if you need to undo them."
echo "$DELETED"
if [ -n "$CHANGED" -o -n "$DELETED" ]; then
echo "Run these commands to roll back these migrations:"
echo " git checkout $PREVIOUS_HEAD"
echo "$CHANGED\n$DELETED" | sort -r | sed -e "s/_/ /g" -e "s/\// /g" | awk '/[a-z]+ migrations [0-9]+/ { printf "\tpython migrate %s %04d\n", $3, $5-1; }'
# Check if any migrations have been added.
ADDED=`git diff $PREVIOUS_HEAD $NEW_HEAD --name-status | grep "^A.*migrations"`
if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then
echo "You also have some new migrations. Run them by using:"
echo " python migrate"
# Check if submodules have been changed
MODULES=`git diff $PREVIOUS_HEAD $NEW_HEAD --name-status | grep "\.gitmodules$"`
if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then
echo "The submodules in this project has changed. Update submodules by running:"
echo " git submodule update --init"
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