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Last active December 10, 2015 17:59
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Documents the steps of building PostgreSQL on Windows Server 2012 64bit using MinGW (32bit builds as well as 64bit builds)
If you wish to compile Postgres with XML support, tough luck! The libxml2 package that comes with MinGW/MSYS, named msys-libxml2, is rejected by gcc like this:
c:/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.7.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: skipping incompatible C:/MinGW/msys/1.0/lib/libxml2.a when searching for -lxml2
This is a known limitation as of now. Andrew Dunstan, the community buildfarm maintainer, as acknowledged this.
Make the environment bearable:
Download and install Fierfox from
Download and install Sublime Text
Download and install 7zip.
Launch it once, and Go to Tools > Options > 'Select All' (or pick your choices) > Apply/OK
Download and install Process Explorer
Download and install msysGit
I used Git-1.8.0-preview20121022.exe from
(referred to by
Choose to add only the Git binary to the PATH variable and not rest of the tools that come with msysGit.
Read this doc if you want to figure out which package of MinGW-64w to download:
Download essentials:
Latest mingw-w64-bin_i686-mingw from
I used:
Latest mingw-get-inst-YYYMMDD.exe
I used: mingw-get-inst-20120426.exe
Latest ActivePerl from:
I used: ActivePerl-
Latest Postgres Buildfarm scripts from:
I used build-farm-4_9.tgz
Install mingw-get-inst-YYYYMMDD.exe
Choose 'Prepackaged repository catalogues' (Mine listed: 20120426)
Choose C:\MinGW as destination.
De-select complete 'MinGW compiler suite' tree-node, since we'll be using the MinGW-64 binaries.
Select only MSYS Basic system.
Inspected the resulting log file to see that there were no errors.
Extract mingw-w64-bin_i686-mingw
Exract to C:\mingw64
For ease of running MSYS terminal, create a shortcut on Desktop that runs
C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat --norxvt
For keeping long screen output history, run the MSYS terminal from
above created icon, and click on top-left corner of the window and go to
Properties > Layout > 'Screen Buffer Size' > Height
and set it to 9999 (max allowed).
Install bison, flex, patch, vim, perl, and m4.
In the MSYS terminal, execute the following commands
mingw-get install msys-bison
mingw-get install msys-flex
mingw-get install msys-patch
mingw-get install msys-vim
mingw-get install msys-perl
mingw-get install msys-m4
Remember, the msys-perl is needed for the build process, and the
ActiveState perl (below) is used only to execute script.
Install ActivePerl
Execute the installer downloaded from
Choose the setting for the installer to change the PATH variable.
Extract Postgres Buildfarm sripts.
In MSYS console, I extracted build-farm-4_9.tgz to ~/bf/
Create a mount point in MSYS, pointing to extracted C:\MinGW-w64\
Edit /etc/fstab (C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\etc\fstab) to add this line:
C:\mingw64\ /mingw-w64
This mount point will be later used by buildfarm to build postgres using 64-bit toolchain.
Get Postgres sources:
Use yor preferred method of getting a version of Postgres sources.
I used Git to get the latest version (actually whole repository) of source code, like so:
git clone git:// ~/POSTGRES
This created Postres source code directory at ~/POSTGRES
Prepare buildfarm and Postgres sources:
Read this wiki page to get a better hang of build-farm:
Review and modify build-farm.conf file as necessary.
I applied a patch to buildfarm scripts, available as a gist from
Most important point in that patch is the fact that we use /mingw-w64/bin/ as a prefix of PATH env. variable.
Build Postgres:
Make a directory named root under ~/bf/
mkdir ~/bf/root/
(this is needed because the 'build_root' parameter in build-farm.conf
has the value '/home/Administrator/bf/root')
From within the ~/bf/ directory, run the perl script to build Postgres:
perl --verbose --from-source=/home/Administrator/POSTGRES HEAD
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