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Last active January 25, 2021 17:25
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Data Structures - Overview

Week 0 D4 - Data Structures


Data structures

  • A


  • Queues A queue works like a line for an amusement park ride -- people enter at the end of the queue and leave from the front (FIFO: first in, first out).
  • Stacks A stack works like a stack of plates -- plates are added and removed from the the top of the stack (LIFO: last in, first out).

Use for:

  • Arrays Use for constant time lookup, linerar insertion/removal
  • Singly LinkedLists Constant time insert, linear time lookup and removal
  • Doubly LinkedLists Constant time insert/removal, but each node takes up a little more space
  • Trees Constant time insert/removal, but each node takes up a little more space

Style & Syntax Considerations

Instantiation Style Pro's Con's
Functional You believe your solution to be fully complete and meeting the specified requirements.
Functional-shared Your solution is well on its way to being complete, but you ran out of time or can't remember exactly how to do one particular aspect. You believe anyone who understands the problem well would endorse your solution as the right one, and know pretty clearly how to finish up any last touches.
Prototypal You have the right idea and were heading in a good direction. Covers everything between Mostly Complete and Attempted.
Pseudoclassical You were very challenged by the prompt and had trouble making any significant progress on the problem, but wrote at least one meaningful line of code that appears to be a genuine attempt.

Considering Complexity

Def algorithm - The system or plan you use to arrive at a solution

  • As the size of the problem gets bigger, the cost might grow quickly/slowly/not at all.
  • Time complexity - Mathematical comparison between different plans, or algorithm.
  • Cheat sheet- - An approximation of time complexity, describes worst-case performance for large n.

Approaches to complexity

Name Big-O Notation Operations for n items Approach Example
Constant O(1) 1 Compare first & last numbers Array lookup, hash table insertion
Logarithmic O(log n) 1 Def Def
Linear O(n) 2n Find largest & smallest numbers Finding index of an element in an array
Quadratic O(n^2) n^2 Constant time operation inside two nested for-loops.
Exponential O(c^n) n^2 Def Guessing an n-character long password
var Queue = function() {
var someInstance = {};
var storage = {};
var enq = 0;
var deq = 0;
someInstance.enqueue = function(value) {
//Add a string to the back of the queue
storage[enq] = value;
enq ++;
someInstance.dequeue = function() {
//Remove and return the string at the front of the queue
if ( enq - deq) {
var result = storage[deq];
delete storage[deq];
return result;
someInstance.size = function() {
return enq - deq;
return someInstance;
var Queue = function() {
// Hey! Rewrite in the new style. Your code will wind up looking very similar,
// but try not not reference your old code in writing the new style.
var someInstance = {
//don't mess with the variables, show by _
_storage: {},
_back: 0,
_front: 0,
_.extend(someInstance, queueMethods);
return someInstance;
var queueMethods = {
//Use .this
enqueue : function(value) {
//Add a string to the back of the queue[this.back] = value;
this.back ++;
dequeue : function() {
// Remove and return the string at the front of the queue
if (this.front < this.back) {
var value =[this.front];
return value;
size : function() {
//Return the number of items in the queue
return this.back - this.front ;
var Stack = function() {
var someInstance = {
storage : [],
counter : 0
_.extend(someInstance, stackMethods);
return someInstance;
var stackMethods = {
push : function(value){[this.counter] = value;
this.counter ++;
pop : function () {
if (this.counter > 0) {
this.counter --;
var value =[this.counter];
return value;
size : function() {
return this.counter;
var Stack = function() {
var someInstance = {};
var storage = {};
var counter = 0;
someInstance.push = function(value) {
//Add new items to the stack
storage[counter] = value;
counter ++;
someInstance.pop = function() {
//Pop - Removes the last element of the stack
if (counter > 0) {
var value = storage[counter];
delete storage[counter];
return value;
someInstance.size = function() {
return counter;
return someInstance;
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